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Thread: Sodium, Thyroid, and Metabolism

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle

    Sodium, Thyroid, and Metabolism

    I've been listening to a lot of Stan Efferdings seminars and read a lot of research studies that he referenced. Prior to this, I was a Salt-Nazi, I was one of those people that had been brainwashed into thinking Sodium was the devil. For those unaware, the vertical diet was popularized by Stand and he is also a trainer for professional athletes, one of which is Brian Shaw (4 times World Strongest Man)

    One of his big messsges is iodized salt is a critical part to an athletes diet - because during intense training, the body sweats out a lot of salt not just water. On top of that, he talks about the important of Iodine and it's role in stimulating the thyroid, which plays a big role in metabolism.

    Over the last 4ish months I incorporated salt into more of my meals, especially post workouts. I did bloodwork last week and had thyroid tested, came back at 1.32 my last thyroid test was 1.01 from the start of the year, so a big improvement of 31%. Obviously there are a lot of other factors and 2 blood work tests isn't a very big sample size. However, Subjective speaking, I do "feel" like I've had an increase in metabolism and energy.

    Just some food for thought (pun intended) Next round of blood work is in 3 months.

  2. #2
    Just to let you know, the higher the TSH value, the poorer the thyroid function. So in your case, your thyroid function has decreased, not increased.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Sodium, Thyroid, and Metabolism

    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I've been listening to a lot of Stan Efferdings seminars and read a lot of research studies that he referenced. Prior to this, I was a Salt-Nazi, I was one of those people that had been brainwashed into thinking Sodium was the devil. For those unaware, the vertical diet was popularized by Stand and he is also a trainer for professional athletes, one of which is Brian Shaw (4 times World Strongest Man)

    One of his big messsges is iodized salt is a critical part to an athletes diet - because during intense training, the body sweats out a lot of salt not just water. On top of that, he talks about the important of Iodine and it's role in stimulating the thyroid, which plays a big role in metabolism.

    Over the last 4ish months I incorporated salt into more of my meals, especially post workouts. I did bloodwork last week and had thyroid tested, came back at 1.32 my last thyroid test was 1.01 from the start of the year, so a big improvement of 31%. Obviously there are a lot of other factors and 2 blood work tests isn't a very big sample size. However, Subjective speaking, I do "feel" like I've had an increase in metabolism and energy.

    Just some food for thought (pun intended) Next round of blood work is in 3 months.
    Iodine is definitely important!...on the thyroid test you are talking about, what exact levels are you actually talking about? TSH, T3, T4....?
    Last edited by KittyO1; 08-11-2018 at 07:38 PM.

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    TSH levels

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by mexecutioner View Post
    Just to let you know, the higher the TSH value, the poorer the thyroid function. So in your case, your thyroid function has decreased, not increased.
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    TSH levels
    The slight increase in TSH is normal and temporary from what I’ve read. Here’s a great of breakdown explaining it.

    @windex from your numbers it doesn’t seem you have thyroid problems. Were you having symptoms?

    ~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~‬ *NLT‬‬

  6. #6
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by KittyO1 View Post
    The slight increase in TSH is normal and temporary from what I’ve read. Here’s a great of breakdown explaining it.
    Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: January 2012

    @windex from your numbers it doesn’t seem you have thyroid problems. Were you having symptoms?
    No symptoms or anything negative, just a personal experiment - I get full panel blood work every 2-3 months. Where I live every time a doctor orders a requisition for bloodwork they get paid by the government - so my doctor gets bonus cash and I get to stay on top of my health.

    Im really weird - the first 5 minute of every doctor visit is her pulling up my bloodwork in a giant excel spreadsheet

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    If TSH is above a normal range a thyroid is slow and is pressed to work harder, othervise if TSH is in a normal range a thyroid works properly. That's it. By the way a free t3 blood test should also be added to a tsh test even if a person has no thyroid problems to monitor all thyroid hormone functions. At the same time a free t4 test may not always be necessary to know how a thyroid works.

    Another thing is, those with hypothyroid problems that are on thyroid meds should avoid iodine not to harm even more a thyroid gland.
    Last edited by Testlolblast; 10-14-2018 at 09:09 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Yeah the Rhino is awesome I like his vertical diet and approach to training and he's very articulate which is nice as so many people in this industry are not well spoken which makes it hard to take them seriously lol.

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