Just recently there have been a lot of posts about protein which type is best and how much we should consume and various other questions.Here are a few things that maybe be woth noting.
What separates a Protein powder from a Meal Replacement?
A protein powder should contain very little other ingredients other than protein.it will contain very small amounts of carbs and fats.Anyhting above 20% in the carb dept will normally be considered a MRP.
What type of Protein should I use?
This varies greatly on the individuals needs and you’re tolerance to the particular protein you are using.Again taste , how easy it mixes and availability as well as price will determine what you will use.
The different types of Protein
This is cheap and a good quality protein it is also abundant with a full range of essential amino acids.
Downside it can be absorbed by the body very quickly and may not all be used for growth and repair.Consume this with other foods and the process will be slowed down
This protein moves through the body very slowly and provides a better release window for repairing and growth , but is a bitch to mix!
Many reports put it as a “good as animal protein” and the quality is usually questioned.Tests have confirmed that it can reduce Cholesterol levels
Milk Protein
Can’t go wrong with this one very low cost and good amino acid spec but it does contain Lactose and does make you suffer from gas in large amounts
“Natures perfect protein” but to consume the amount the avg. BB needs would be expensive.
Whey protein concentrate Vs whey protein isolate
The Whey protein concentrate will have a varied protein content.This means if you bought a 35% concentrate it would contain 35% protein and 65% carb,fat,and moisture.If it was a 70% concentrate it would have a larger volume of protein.
Whey protein isolate will only have a protein content of 90% and above.
Can you consume too much protein?
The body does not store protein and the amount required varies from person to person.The avg person will consume between 0.5 and 0.75g per lb of B/W although the US government recommends that it should be 0.8g per kg of B/W.
Most BB consume between 1.0g and 2.0g per lb of B/W. The body can also only consume between 60 and 80 g every 2 hours.Any more than that and it is literally waste
Natural BB should aim for 1-1.5g of protein per lb of B/W
If you are on a cycle 2g of protein per lb of B/W
Another point worth noting is that if your carbs are not higher enough in the first place all the excess protein you are eating will be wasted by your basic metabolic processes and normal daily activities!
Why use a protein at all?
For your muscles to grow you must achieve a positive nitrogen balance which means you will be creating an anabolic environment within your body and nitrogen is only found in …….Protein! (95% of all nitrogen in the body is found in muscle tissue)
But the flip side to the coin is you can eat all the protein in the world but if you don’t get enough calories from carbs and fat you still won’t grow!
Is it better to get Protein from food or shakes ?
Ideally it has to be food.Protein shakes should only be thought of as a “top up” to you’re daily protein intake.
Diet in general
It takes many years of trial and error to attain a diet that works .What works for me as a 187lb male at 5 10” will not work for a guy who is 250 lb and 6 4” unless he is trying to lose weight!!
Diet will figure in at least 80% of you’re gains.Get the diet right and the training get several years experience under you’re belt and only then are you ready to even consider doing AS.
Be Healthy
P.S I know I posted this on the old board but there have been a few questions asked!!