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different sugars and their effects
It's really amazing to me how different I feel if I eat x amount of one sugar vs another. My opinion is natural sugar is probably the most optimal calorie source you can use but stuff like fructose is shit.
I can put like, 1000 calories of sucrose into a liter of PURIFIED water and feel totally great. 0 bloating discomfort etc. Gives me energy and all that stuff, very thermogenic too. Without the sugar if I drink plain water I get bloated, cold and feel like shit. Seems like the body doesn't want to spend energy to process it because it has none.
If I drink 1 can of soda which is only 12 oz and 150 cals I feel awful and get more bloated than the 1l of sugar water.
The one thing for certain is the random shit chemicals in sugary drinks definitely cause problems and discomfort. It's honestly hilarious that it's legal to make these drinks that make you feel like death.
03-25-2019, 04:32 AM #2
I should have said sucrose in my experience is the easiest digested/ best calorie, not sugar in general and most definitely not shit with a bunch of artificial chemicals so yeah that wasn't very clear.
It's very funny to consider this trolling, my definition of trolling is eating way too much protein and not being able to digest it due to insufficient calorie intake. I don't speak out of my ass, I collaborate with alot of very experienced people and I analyze things very well.
Far as the carbonation goes most of the drinks I see nowadays are not carbonated.Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-25-2019 at 05:07 AM.
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