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The anabolic diet of mauro di pasquale
A Dieta Anabólica foi uma dieta revolucionária lançada na década de 90 pelo médico canadense e ex-levantador de peso Mauro Di Pasquale. A dieta consistiu em consumir pouco carboidrato, HIGH gorduras e uma ingestão moderada de proteínas durante a semana, durante um total de 12 dias úteis, de segunda a sexta-feira. Com 1-2 dias de carga de carboidratos no sábado e domingo. Deixe-me dizer uma coisa, esta dieta propôs várias etapas para o trabalho. Nos anos 90, ouvi muitos debates entre os fisiculturistas da época, porque a maioria seguia uma dieta rica em carboidratos.
Com o tempo, a dieta anabólica foi ganhando adeptos. Di Pasquale prometeu que sua dieta era a melhor para tonificar o corpo, enquanto toda a gordura corporal seria minimizada.
Sou um grande fã deste médico canadense Mauro Di Pasquale. Eu decidi compartilhar fase por fase da sua dieta
Fase (fase de adaptação)
Esta é a fase da dieta para fazer com que seu corpo use gordura como substrato energético em vez de glicose de carboidratos.
Di Pasquale aconselhou que 50-60% de suas calorias devem vir de gordura, carne, aves, porco, nozes, azeite, manteiga etc. Ele também aconselhou a deixar a proteína entre 30 e 40%.
e consuma 30 gramas de vegetais fibrosos por um total de 12 dias.
É o período em que você deve encontrar o nível adequado de carboidratos no qual seu corpo funciona bem - o limiar de carboidratos.
Se você não se sentir bem com 30 gramas de carboidratos, Di Pasquele recomenda aumentar 30 gramas por dia até que você esteja bem. Antes que você esqueça, nesta fase, Mauro Di Pasquele recomendou que você ingerisse calorias de manutenção do TDEE. multiplique o peso corporal em libras por 18 para estimar as calorias de manutenção.
Após concluir com êxito a fase de adaptação de 12 dias ... Mauro Di Pasquale controlou uma carga de carboidratos de um a dois dias no fim de semana (sábado e domingo).
Com as seguintes diretrizes: A
gordura deve estar entre 20-40%. 10 a 30% de proteína. E carboidratos 50 a 60%. E nesse dia de carregamento de carboidratos, você pode comer tudo o que privou durante a semana, arroz, frutas, batatas, sorvete.
After this he mentioned that / of 12 working days with low carb .. Change to 5 / doing 1-2 days of carbohydrate loading on the weekend
Vou continuar as outras fases em breveLast edited by JaneDoe; 11-17-2019 at 09:14 AM.
The “Mass Phase”
This phase is similar to the “bulking up” phase most bodybuilders are familiar with. As usual,
you’ll be increasing your calorie intake. On the Anabolic Diet, your goal should be to ALLOW YOUR
When we use the term “ideal weight” we’re talking about what you consider to be your
optimum contest weight, and you’ve got to be practical about it. If you’ve been competing at
200 pounds for 4–5 years and then say your ideal weight is 315, that’s not practical. More
reasonable would be to take that ideal weight up to 215 or so and increase your weight to 15
percent above this, or 250 pounds, in this phase.
Realize that if you go hog wild, eat like crazy, and end up going 30 percent above your “ideal
weight,” your body will end up being 15 percent bodyfat or more. That’s not what we’re looking
for here. The Anabolic Diet is designed to get you more muscle and limit bodyfat. Even though
you’ll experience an increase in lean mass and put on less fat than you would on another diet,
you’ve still got to exercise some discipline.
As far as the specifics of the diet itself, they’re the same on this phase as on the others. You’ll
be sticking to the weekday high fat, weekend carb load plan. The only change will be in the
amount of calories you eat. If you want to get to a level 15 percent above your ideal weight,
you’re obviously going to have to eat more.
To achieve this, the bodybuilder should consume between 20 to 25 CALORIES PER
POUND OF BODYWEIGHT DESIRED EVERY DAY. In the example above, the body-
builder wants to get to 250 pounds, so he’ll be eating 5,000 to 6,250 calories a day. When you
consider that he’s probably been on a 3,600 calorie diet before that, you can see the tremendous
increase in calories he’s going to experience.
This can present a big problem for athletes who have trouble gaining weight. They’re not
used to eating and don’t really have big appetites. They may think they’re eating huge amounts,
but they’re not. They’ll find themselves at 6,000 calories one day and down at 1,500 a few days
later. You ask them what happened and all they’ll say is, “I wasn’t hungry.”
You can’t do that on this diet. You’ve got to be consistent .CONTROLLING BODYFAT
Of course, bodyfat is also of critical importance here. Some athletes will gain more bodyfat
than others at similar calorie levels. We’ve found that most bodybuilders can maintain a 10
percent bodyfat level relatively easily if properly utilizing the Anabolic Diet. This is also a good
level to stay at to keep fat in check in any preparation for competitive bodybuilding. That’s
why we advise those on the Anabolic Diet to keep close track of their bodyfat level, and don’t let it go
above this 10% percent level.
With this in mind, the goal in the “Mass Phase” is to continue eating and gaining weight
until you either reach a level 15 percent above your “ideal weight” or hit 10 percent bodyfat,
whichever comes first. Chances are, no matter what comes first, you’ll get the mass you want
on this anabolically supercharged diet. It’s not like the old days with the high carb diet where
you’ve got to gain so much weight and fat to get mass.You have to use your head here, though. If you find yourself still gaining weight but haven’t
reached your “ideal,” and your contest is 12–16 weeks away, it’s time to stop the “Mass Phase.”
It’s time to begin cutting to properly prepare yourself for the contest, regardless of weight. In
this way, time before a contest joins bodyfat and weight as a determinant in how long you’ll
stay in this phase.
On the other hand, I know many bodybuilders who have come to believe they should gain
mass quickly, but I don’t agree with this. 2 pounds a week is good enough. If you can gain 2,
you won’t gain a lot of fat during the week on the Anabolic Diet. It’ll be mostly muscle. Though I’d vary this one pound plus or minus given individual differences, I think 2 pounds a week is the best benchmark for bulking up.MASS PHASE DURATION CAN VARY
Not that the mass phase can’t be hurried, but you always want to maintain right about 10
percent bodyfat. That way you can get in contest shape fast. I’ve seen people go through a 20-
week cycle in which they’ve bulked up for 8 weeks (3 pounds a week) and then use 12 weeks for
cutting (1–2 pounds a week). Though they bulked for only 8 weeks and cut for 12, their weight
was still above what it was for the contest before. And they were as cut, if not more so.
The whole goal here is to come into a contest a little better than before you were on the diet.
This may mean only 3–4 pounds. Or, in more long-term training, it could be 25. The big thing
is, EVERYBODY MAKES PROGRESS WITH THIS DIET. To those people who’ve been
the same for 15 years, I say here’s a way to break out.
Some bodybuilders prefer to point for a big contest, like a Mr. Olympia, and take the whole
year to do it. That can easily be done on this diet, too. You may want to mass for 30 weeks and
cut for 20, gaining 60 pounds and losing 40 over the course of a year. You’ll come in 20 pounds
ahead of where you were last year and be looking great.Keep in mind that you may also want to utilize the “start up” or “maintenance” phase described
above as you go from mass to cutting phases. Let’s say you’ve got a contest in 30 weeks. You’ve
gained all the body mass you want in 10 weeks, but you don’t want to go to the cutting phase.
You can maintain your gains by staying on the “maintenance” phase for 6–8 weeks. Then, when
you’re ready, you can go into the cutting phase in preparation for the contest.WEEKLY WEIGHT GAINS
You may see big fluctuations in weight, especially at the beginning of the diet, as a result of
your weekly carb loads. All that extra sugar and water can make for a gain of from 5–10 pounds
between Friday and Monday.
If this happens, don’t stress out. It’s natural. When you go back on the high fat diet on Monday,
you’ll immediately begin shedding those pounds, which are mostly water. Monday–Wednesday
you’ll be cleaning out much of what you put into your body on the weekend. By Wednesday, the
water should be pretty well flushed out. Depending on what phase of the diet you’re on, you can
manipulate calories so you get either the weekly weight gain or loss you’re looking for by Friday.
The “Cutting Phase”
Again, we don’t change the mechanics of the Anabolic Diet in any phase. It’s always 5 days
high fat, followed by 36–48 hours of carb loading. The only thing we change is the amount of
calories we eat.
In the “Cutting Phase” we’ll be cutting calories as a way of trimming fat off the body. As a rule
of thumb, you should cut 1,000 calories a day from your diet the first week. If you were at 6,000
during the “Mass Phase,” cut it to 5,000 per day during the first week of your cutting. The next week you should drop another 500 from the daily diet. During this time you must measure bodyfat
weekly. What you want to do is LOSE 1.5–2 POUNDS OF BODYFAT EACH WEEK. Losing
1.5–2 pounds a week will insure that you don’t lose appreciable lean mass as you cut.
If you find at the end of the second week that you’ve lost less than 1.5 pounds during the
week, you’ll know you should cut another 500 calories the next week, and continue cutting
calories in subsequent weeks until you’re at the 1.5 level. Likewise, if you’re losing more than 2
pounds of bodyfat during the week, you’ll know you’ve cut too many calories and will need to
adjust them upward.
The important thing to remember here is that it’s not calories we’re really after. It’s bodyfat.
Because of this, you’ve got to allow for individual variations in calorie count to get that optimum
1.5 to 2 pounds of fat loss. You’ll be doing plenty of experimentation in this phase to find the
right caloric intake for you. Though the 1,000 and 500 calorie drops we outlined above seem
to be a good general starting point, you’re going to have to find what works best for you.
For example, I’ve dropped some bodybuilders on the diet from a 5,000 calorie a day level to
3,000 in the cutting phase. In a few others, I’ve taken them as low as 1,500 to see what happens.
If they’re losing a fair amount of bodyfat (remember the 1.5–2 pound guideline), getting leaner
and not losing lean body mass, I’ll leave them at that level until they “lean out.” At that point,
I’ll increase calories to the point that they’ll maintain or possibly even lose bodyfat while increasing
Basically, the Anabolic Diet’s “5-day, 2-day” week is almost like getting a person in shape for a
contest every week. In the weekend carb loading part of the diet, you’ll find out exactly how many
hours you can load up on carbs before you begin to smooth out and lose your contest look.
When you get to your “pre-contest” phase, you really won’t have to make many changes.
You’ll be doing the same thing you’ve been doing for the last several weeks in the “cutting”
phase. You’ll go off the high fat, high protein diet and carb up to dramatically increase the
glycogen and water inside the muscle cell. You want them swollen and big, but you’ll cut off
the carbs before you begin to reservoir extra-cellular water or fat and smooth out.
During the cutting phase, you’ll also want to be refining contest preparation. Play with the kinds of foods you eat on the weekends to see what gives you maximum muscle size. You’ll know
on Tuesday or Wednesday morning if what you’ve been eating is right for you. If it is, you’ll be
looking good. Muscles will be huge and you’ll be cut up with a nice, pronounced vascularity.
If you don’t look good, you’ll know you did something wrong. Go back and rework your
diet the next weekend and see if you can get some improvement. That’s the beauty of this diet.
By the time a contest approaches, you’ve already perfected your contest diet by practicing it
during the “cutting” phase.
On the old carb diet, you did this only once. On this diet, you do it every week during the
“cutting” phase, and you become an expert in how to manipulate your body for a contest.
Experiment with high and low-sugar foods and percentages of fat intake on these weekends.
See what they do for you. Treat each weekend as if your contest were imminent. That way you’ll
know what it takes to come into a contest looking your best. You’ll also experience an increase in
confidence because you’ll know what to expect from your body and how to get it contest ready.
The “Pre-Contest” Phase
One of the many advantages of this diet is that, if you want to enter a lot of contests, you can
manipulate your diet so you never get much above the 8 percent bodyfat level. You don’t have
those huge gains in bodyfat here. At 8 percent, you can drop to contest level in 2–3 weeks. It
won’t take a great deal of time.
Still, for most purposes, you’ll want to go into the “pre-contest” phase of diet and training about
16 weeks before a major contest to get ready. Again, because you already know what you need to
do from previous weekends on the diet, you will only be doing some fine tuning here by lowering
and increasing calories a bit as needed. You shouldn’t be doing anything much out of the ordinary.
By the final 6–8 weeks before the contest, you should look fairly close to how you want to be on
stage. With this diet, you can control things so you know exactly where you’re at each week. Following
the weekend carb loading portion of your diet, you should be looking great on Tuesday or Wednesday,
as the fine balance between glycogen loading to water depletion hits its optimal level.PANIC ATTACKS
One of the things bodybuilders do to sabotage themselves before contests is to panic. They’ll
find themselves too fat and begin doing aerobics, thinking this will get the extra bodyfat off for
them. At a maximum, doing about a half hour of aerobics consistently is not going to harm
you. You’ll burn up more free fatty acids than you would not doing enough work, and this will
take off some bodyfat and get you closer to your goals.
But bodybuilders begin to panic and overdo it. They’ll start doing 3–4 hours a day of aerobics
to get that fat off, and all they do is exhaust energy stores so that the body starts using its own
muscle tissue for energy. Obviously, this is not what you want to do so close to a contest.
Likewise, if you’re really in trouble, you can start pigging out to build mass while thinking
that aerobics will make up for the fat buildup. It’s not going to work. Increasing calories and
aerobics will most probably just increase catabolic activity in your body.Aerobics, while burning fat, can also destroy muscle. Even if it doesn’t do appreciable damage,
it will still limit the amount of muscle you can put on to some degree. As a rule, the less calories
you take in and the more time you allow yourself to lose the bodyfat, the less aerobics you’ll
need to do and the more lean body mass you’ll retain. You need to allow yourself time to lose
the bodyfat and gauge yourself effectively as you move toward a contest.
That’s one of the things this diet does so well. With the weekend portion of the diet, you’ll
learn what foods to eat and how much to make yourself successful. You’ll be better able to track
your progress and know what you’ll need to do for the contest beforehand. There’ll be no need
for those rash decisions that throw a curve ball at your metabolism.MESSING UP A GOOD THING
Above all, you want to make a smooth landing into a contest. You shouldn’t be doing anything
out of the ordinary. You certainly don’t want to experiment.
But some bodybuilders, in full control of their senses, will decide to try something new just
before a contest. They’re looking to get that final edge. They mess up. Their water table increases.
They start with the sodium depletion or sodium loading trick. They’ll let loose with all sorts of
things they’ve never tried before, and all of a sudden they end up wondering how it was that
they were looking so great and now look so bad.
Again, don’t shock your system before a contest. Make a smooth landing into it. Don’t throw
everything away by trying to get the extra edge through some crazy stunt.FLUID RETENTION
If you do tend to retain fluid, begin to restrict yourself to distilled water and low levels of
sodium 24 hours before the competition. Also increase your potassium and calcium intake.
Actually, most people tend to retain some fluid, so these suggestions should be considered by
all bodybuilders. You want as little extracellular fluid (i.e., water under the skin) as possible to
avoid smoothing out. On the other hand, intracellular fluid (i.e., fluid inside the muscle) will
increase cell size so you’ll be bigger. It also aids vascularity.
Distilled water and low sodium will serve to lower the extercellular fluid. Potassium will
increase the amount of fluid inside the cell. Higher potassium levels are also better for muscle
contractions, though you want to be sure not to create potassium levels that are too high. Calcium
is, of course, important in avoiding cramping.DON’T OVERDO IT
As we discussed above, you can go through the “pre-contest” phase in preparation for a contest
several times a year, as long as you keep your fat levels lower. In this way, it really doesn’t take
much time to get into contest shape.
That being said, I’d suggest that you only go through the “pre-contest” phase 4 times a year.
That means a maximum of 4 contests a year. More than this is self-defeating, because I don’t
believe you’ll have the time to go back into the mass phase and use it properly.You’ve got to go back and build up lean body mass to some extent between contests. This
also means you’ll gain a bit of fat. You’ll still be bulking up and cutting down, but it won’t be
like on the other diet where you bulk up so much that you gain so much bodyfat that by the
time you lose it, you’re no better off than when you started.
Again, the goal here is to make you bigger, stronger, and more cut from contest to contest
and year to year. That’s what the Anabolic Diet is all about.1–2 WEEKS OUT
You should stop training 1–2 weeks out from the contest (you should always discontinue leg
training two weeks out). That’s pretty standard wherever you go. This will give your muscles
maximum time to recuperate and achieve maximum growth. Don’t worry about maintaining
muscle mass and tone. The posing you’ll be doing will take care of that, and also give you some
aerobic activity. Posing should, of course, be continued throughout this entire period.
But though you’ll shut down training right before a contest, this is the only time you should
back off. Some people think that just because they’re on the Anabolic Diet, they don’t have to
work as hard. That’s simply not true. All you’re going to do by cutting back in training is limit
the effectiveness of the diet and your ultimate growth.
The two, diet and training, work hand in hand. Exercise actually complements the high fat
diet. Hormonal changes caused by exercise result in an increase in the activity of the enzyme
liprotein lipase (LPL) in the muscle.13 This in turn causes increased use of free fatty acids and
decreases fat buildup.
We’ll talk some more about what kind of exercise is best in concert with the Anabolic Diet
later. For now, suffice it to say that both training and lifestyle work hand in hand with the
Anabolic Diet in maximizing its benefits.COUNTDOWN TO CONTEST
Above we talked about the importance of experimenting with carb loading duration and foods
to learn when and how your body looks its best. That’s basically the trick in perfecting that
critical contest diet.
During the weekend carb loading part of the diet, you note how many hours into it that you
look your very best. You refine that time by experimenting with the types of food you eat to
precisely dial in that time when you’re at your best, so you can use this information when the
contest arrives.
What you’ll eventually find is that there’s a day in the week when you’ll look your very best.
All the water you’ve gained during your carb load will be drained out, and you’ll have just the
right balance between glycogen in the muscle and water to look your best. You’ll feel great, too.
Some people will look their best on Monday. Some on Tuesday. Some on Wednesday.
Everybody’s system works differently, and you’ll find wide differences here. The goal is to find
the right day FOR YOU, that day when you are at your best consistently, each week.Most contests come on Saturday. Suppose you’ve found that you look your best on Wednesday
of each week. Your goal then is to basically make the Saturday of your contest like a Wednesday.
Because you look your best 3 days after your carb load, you want to complete a carb loading 3
days before the contest to make sure you look your best. Therefore, the Tuesday and Wednesday
before the contest you carb up so that 3 days later, on Saturday, you’ll look your best.
An important point here is that, the weekend before the contest, you won’t carb up as usual.
To carb up on the weekend and then carb up again two or three days later may well spill you
back over to a carb-burning metabolism and smooth you out for that Saturday contest. Because
of this, you skip your carb load the weekend before a contest. That way you’ll be on the high fat
diet for 8 straight days, from the Monday 2 weeks before the contest to the Tuesday before the
contest. At that point you’ll begin your pre-contest carb load so you’ll hit the contest just right.
This is one area where the Anabolic diet has a big advantage over the competition. When you’re
on the high carb diet, your body is already saturated with carbohydrates so it’s difficult to manipulate
the diet so the body will respond well to your carb loading attempt before the contest.
What often happens is that you’ll get off your high carb diet for 3 days at the beginning of
the week before a competition and go low carb for 72 hours. Then you’ll carb up to try and hit
the contest right. The problem is, you really don’t know how your body’s going to react.
Everything could work out well. Then again, you could experience a complete disaster. (This is
the most common disaster.)It’s Russian Roulette. You’ve got maybe a 30 percent chance of hitting the mark. Here you’ve
maybe had a year to prepare for the contest. You’ve been disciplined and dedicated. Yet you
miss the mark when you hit the stage because of the uncertainty of the high carb diet.
With the Anabolic Diet, you’ll know the exact hour when you look your best. Your body’s
going through the cycle every week. It’s become predictable and consistent. You’ll be dialed in and know what to expect. You won’t be doing anything different than you’ve done in the
preceding months.
You’ll want that exact hour when you look your best to coincide with prejudging. This is
where most decisions are made, and this is where you’ll want to look your absolute best.
But the body is not a perfectly predictable instrument. That’s why, to make sure you don’t
smooth out, you’ll want to give yourself 4 hours of extra time as a kind of “fail-safe” mechanism
for prejudging.
So, if you find you’re at your best 48 hours after carb loading, and prejudging will take place
at 2:00 on Saturday, count back 48 hours. This will put you at 2:00 Thursday. Give yourself
the extra four hours mentioned above, and you’ll find yourself completing carb loading at 6:00
P.M. on Thursday.
You’ll also want to look good at the evening show, especially if judging is close and will be
ultimately decided in the evening. Fortunately, you’ve usually got a window, of several hours,
where you look good, and that will carry over to the evening session.
Still, you’ve got to be careful. Some competitors will look great for prejudging and then go out
and eat thinking it’s all over. They’ll come in bloated and retaining water for the evening show
and, in a close competition, lose out because of it. You’ve got to stay tight all day. Keep diet minimal
and in the high fat mode. Even having food in your stomach will create a slight bulge. You want
to keep everything nice and flat, so keep your regimen going through the evening contest.
The above is, of course, just an example. You’ll have to work with the diet to find the best
approach for you. We’ll also give you some other pre-contest modifications you can perform in
our “Special Modifications” chapter. But the big difference between this diet and whatever you’ve
been on before is the precision with which you can plan your contest regimen. Not only does
the Anabolic Diet build muscle and burn fat, it also gives you a weekly opportunity to practice
and prepare for a contest so you can manipulate your diet to the very best effect.
No more uncertainty or panic.Last edited by JaneDoe; 11-17-2019 at 11:50 AM.
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