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Thread: check this diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    check this diet

    want to bulk think this will do it??????????????
    MEAL 1
    5:00 A.M.
    BREAKFAST 1 cup DRY OATMEAL 150 6 26 2
    1 8oz. GLASS OF O.J. 85 2 38 0
    1 XXL PROTEIN SHAKE 1070 50 215 0.5
    4 EGG WHITES 66 14 2 2
    1 WHOLE EGG 75 6.5 0.5 5
    2 FLOUR TORTILLAS 240 4 34 10
    TOTAL 1686 82.5 315.5 19.5
    MEAL 2
    8:00 A.M.
    SNACK 1 XXL PROTEIN SHAKE 1070 50 215 0.5
    4 FIG NEWTONS 180 2 44 0

    TOTAL 1250 52 259 0.5
    MEAL 3
    11:00 A.M.
    LUNCH 2 3.5 oz. CHICKEN BREAST 280 60 0 4
    1 MEDIUM BAKED POTATO 220 5 51 0
    2 cups GREEN SALAD 16 0 4 0

    TOTAL 516 65 55 4
    MEAL 4
    2:00 P.M.
    SNACK 1 XXL PROTEIN SHAKE 1070 50 215 0.5
    1 PINEAPPLE OR 1 BANANA 75/105 0/1 20/27 0/1

    TOTAL 1145 51 235 1.5
    MEAL 5 1175 242
    5:00 P.M.
    DINNER 2 3.5 oz. CHICKEN BREAST 280 60 0 4
    1 MEDIUM BAKED POTATO 220 5 51 0
    2 cups GREEN SALAD w/ 2 tbsp. DRES. 16 0 4 0

    TOTAL 516 65 55 4
    MEAL 6
    8:00 P.M.
    SNACK 1 XXL PROTEIN SHAKE 1070 50 215 0.5
    1 WHOLE BANANA 105 1 27 1
    1 3.5 oz. CHICKEN BREAST 140 30 0 2

    TOTAL 1315 81 242 3.5
    MEAL 7
    11:00 P.M.
    BEDTIME 1 XXL PROTEIN SHAKE 1070 50 215 0.5

    TOTAL 1070 50 215 0.5

    TOTAL 7498 446.5 1376.5 33.5
    7528 1383.5

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Bro, you have like 5 XXL weight gainer protein shakes in there. You don't need 7500cal. Just changes 4 of them to a whey protein and the other on into real food. Stick around with like 5000 cal and 400-450g of protein.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    off to the diet this thread goes.......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I don't even understand that. It's all messed up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I kinda have to agree with PaPaPump on this one. There are sveral items in your post that I do not understand. What are you meaning with the numbers at the end of each item on your diet? What I can tell is that you are eating a WHOLE lot of carbs. Now this present diet will diffently bulk you up but I would be careful and watch my carb intake if aI were you. I'm assuming that you are not concerned with carbs and that may be where our diets differ. Anyway, if bulking is the only goal that you are trying to obtain at this point your diet looks ok although I am still intersted in what you mean by the mnumbers at the end of each item. Is this the caloric, protien, fat, ect that you have listed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Read top of his post CAL, PROT, CARB, FAT

    Just what up with those weight gainers???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You want to try and get 90% of your cals from proper food not weight gainer..Just stick to 1 gainer a day it will be cheeper anyway.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    Damnnn, thats alot of shakes, cut that thing down to 1 a day. I don't know if I could ever eat, or drink that much in a day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    From what I can see ... eat less shakes and sleep more.. you only get 6 hours now.. up that to 8 ...

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