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Thread: My current diet...needs critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth

    My current diet...needs critique

    Since I work all day, I do what I terms of busting out things like chicken breasts, cans of tuna, etc, most of that stuff takes too much effort for work. Well, with the tuna, I honestly just can't take it anymore.

    Anyway, this is my current diet. I'm trying to add muscle, but stay relatively lean. My pics are in the members' pics area, and you can see from them that I'm relatively lean as is, and I just refuse to add a gut to slightly expedite muscle additions. However, I'm very open to any advice. Thanks in advance.

    7:30: Oatmeal with fruit in it, protein shake.
    9:00: Turkey Sandwich
    11:00: Lunch (something along the lines of chicken and veggies)
    3:00: Peanut butter sandwich
    5:00: work out
    6:00: protein shake
    7:00: Dinner (similar to lunch)
    10:00: protein shake

    All the bread in the sandwiches is the hardcore whole-wheat kind, to get fiber in since I probably don't eat enough fruits/veggies. The diet has about 130-150 grams of protein, depending on what I have for lunch/dinner.

    I am 23, 6'0", 163 lbs. My workout split is
    Mon: chest/tris
    W: back/bis
    F: delts/traps
    S: legs
    All other days are off/tennis.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ok so you want to bulk but with minimal fat gains. Let me try and put some ideas together on your diet and I'll get back to ya when I can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Ok so you want to bulk but with minimal fat gains. Let me try and put some ideas together on your diet and I'll get back to ya when I can.
    Thanks man!

  4. #4
    I would suggest doubling the protein, but you might have to play with the carbs to find that point where you are making gains without putting on too much fat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Strut99GT
    Since I work all day, I do what I terms of busting out things like chicken breasts, cans of tuna, etc, most of that stuff takes too much effort for work. Well, with the tuna, I honestly just can't take it anymore.

    Anyway, this is my current diet. I'm trying to add muscle, but stay relatively lean. My pics are in the members' pics area, and you can see from them that I'm relatively lean as is, and I just refuse to add a gut to slightly expedite muscle additions. However, I'm very open to any advice. Thanks in advance.

    7:30: Oatmeal with fruit in it, protein shake.
    9:00: Turkey Sandwich
    11:00: Lunch (something along the lines of chicken and veggies)
    3:00: Peanut butter sandwich
    5:00: work out
    6:00: protein shake
    7:00: Dinner (similar to lunch)
    10:00: protein shake

    All the bread in the sandwiches is the hardcore whole-wheat kind, to get fiber in since I probably don't eat enough fruits/veggies. The diet has about 130-150 grams of protein, depending on what I have for lunch/dinner.

    I am 23, 6'0", 163 lbs. My workout split is
    Mon: chest/tris
    W: back/bis
    F: delts/traps
    S: legs
    All other days are off/tennis.

    u dont eat very much do u.. most people would eat all that in like 2 meals..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by slick1921
    u dont eat very much do u.. most people would eat all that in like 2 meals..
    People that are juicing eat that much. And they need it because they are juicing, and their body is building muscle at a much higher rate than someone who isn't.

    sigrabbit - I'm not convinced I need any more than 150 grams of protein per day, seeing as how the body can only process something like 0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight on a maximal level. Hence, I would really only need somewhere around 90 grams of protein. Convince me that I need more and that it won't be wasted!
    Last edited by Strut99GT; 07-30-2003 at 01:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Obviously this topic is highly debated, but here is a quote I took from another thread.
    "Researchers from Denmark examined the old bugaboo about the alleged health dangers associated with a long-term high-portein diet. Such diets are a mainstay of traditional bodybuiiding. The high-protein diet in this study contained 1.5g of protein per kg of bodyweight. That much protein intake resulted in a positive nitrogen balance, conducive to an anabolic state in muslce. While blood urinary nitrogen also increased, the loss of nitrogen did not have any detrimental effect on kidney function or clacium inbone. That's significant because effects on kidneys and bones are often cited as problems with higher protein intake."
    (o. 58, Ironman, April, 2003)

    My own research confirms this finding with a number of other studies.

    The danger to healthy kidneys is overrated and outdated.


    If I remember right, .6g of protein utilization is for an average person, not one that consistently lifts weights. Besides, you need an excess amount of protein to promote the most efficient utilization for muscle growth.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Interesting. Now *that's* what I'm looking for
    Seriously, though. Even if I were to consume the optimal amount of protein per your research, it would still be around 200 g, since I weigh about 163 lbs. The question is, though, how do I get more? Should I have more protein shakes? When should I take them? How about carbs? Do I need more/less, and at what times of the day?

    All this is made more difficult by work. It's just hard to be regimented with meetings, etc., and losing track of time.

  9. #9
    Honestly, it makes the most sense to me that a person should base the protein amount on lean body mass, rather than total weight, because fat is essentially inactive. Personally, I have about 175 pounds of lbm and I consume 300g of protein each day. I each 50g each meal and six times each day. Here is a sample 300g protein diet for a day:
    1) 4oz steak and 3 eggs
    2)protein shake
    3) 6.5oz chicken
    4)protein shake
    5)pwo shake
    6) 6.5oz steak

    Meat, for the most part, has roughly 8g of protein per ounce.

    As for carbs, I think you will need to play with them until you find an amount that allows you to build or cut depending on your goals. I would guess between 160-500g depending on your goals.

    As far as work goes, you simply need to plan ahead. I keep a box of mrp bars and a bucket of protein in my office.
    Last edited by sigrabbit; 07-30-2003 at 04:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Do you toss in fruits/veggies with your other stuff? How do you get fiber, vitamins, etc.?

    I might have to take one of my protein jugs to work.

  11. #11
    I have green veggies with various whole food meals, but I don't eat fruit because I am cutting, so carbs come from complex sources, except for pwo shake. For vitamins, I take a supplement twice each day.

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