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  1. #1
    GGTop is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2018

    At -16 Cal deficit (So maintenance) can we still lose fat ? ..

    Hello all ;-) .. At minus only 16 Cal so essentially in maintenance, can we still get dryer if alongside a perfect diet ? I mean by that, it is 16 calories away from being into the gaining phase - that is anywhere between a surplus of +1 Cal up to 400 Cal - so question is: are we building up muscles therefore burning more fats since we all know the more muscles you earn and the more fats they burns ..

    Any advices ? .....

  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGTop View Post
    Hello all ;-) .. At minus only 16 Cal so essentially in maintenance, can we still get dryer if alongside a perfect diet ? I mean by that, it is 16 calories away from being into the gaining phase - that is anywhere between a surplus of +1 Cal up to 400 Cal - so question is: are we building up muscles therefore burning more fats since we all know the more muscles you earn and the more fats they burns ..

    Any advices ? .....
    No one is that precise. 16 that's sixteen as in ten plus six is not trackable.

  3. #3
    GGTop is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2018
    @ Cylon Ah okies .. @marton I am in excellent physical condition and not using any Peds ...

  4. #4
    Camaron is offline Junior Member
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    Jesus...With the amount of times we mistakenly take more or less calories than we are supposed to even by tracking everything.

    To me counting calories should often be an estimation. You just have to make sure you get it as closer as possible. Less than 20-30ish calories a day won't probably make that much difference anyways (if you ask me). But who knows.

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