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Thread: Protein Intake...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Protein Intake...

    What other good things are there, that are convenient to eat, without involving cooking/preparing??? Not that I'm lazy (well a little) but I just don't get the time sometimes to cook up some chicken or sometimes mom makes food without much meat in it

    Two cans of Tuna per day(25g each) = 50g
    Half a container of Cottage Cheese(15g per 125g) = 30g
    Two PRO RX GNC Brand protein shakes(25g each) = 50g

    So that alone is 130grams plus the protein from other things I eat during the day, like two sandwiches at school (turkey breast with mustard) and whatever my mom has cooked (usually contains either chicken or ground beef). I'm guessing from that last meal in the day I get about 20-30 grams of protein.

    I'd say in a good day, I would be getting about 150-170grams of protein. But was wondering what other things (convenient) there are with lots of GOOD protien.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    4,470 much do you weigh? Let's just say you weigh 175 lbs. That means you should be injesting 350g of protein a day, or double what you currently are eating. Stock up on the Tuna. Buy some protein bars. More shakes. Whatever you can do to get that protein intake up. Your muscles will thank you. GL.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Whats funny is that you nailed my weight right on the dot!!!

    I weigh about 175p.

    The thing is though, I'm not on a cycle, so why is it important to get soo much? I was told before that around 200grams is plenty for me. Second of all, I don't have too much cash to guy and buy too many supplements, so in terms of just normal foods, that are fast and convenient, what is good???


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I am a pyschic....or is that.... I am a psycho???


    Well, I used to be 140 lbs eating 1G of protein per lb . I gradually upped that month by month, and 40 lbs later, there i was. (naturally). Maybe try to get 225 for a couple weeks (That's just another piece of chicken, or can tuna, schoop of protein...whatever!). Then for the next week or two try to get 250. Seriously bro, it works, I know first hand. I'm not saying you are going to gain 40 lbs over night, but over time, a substantial amount of muscle can be gained with the adequate amount of protein.

    ***Only follow my advice if you want to gain muscle, if not, disregard my last post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Alrighty bro, sounds good. I will give it a shot. However, my original post was mainly asking for other "convenient" foods that I can eat which don't take much preparing time and has lots of protein??? Any ideas?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    ostrich meat

    Ostrich meat has more protein in it than anything I've come across yet. Usually they sell them in the grocery store in packs of three hamburgers, or filets. The burgers are easy to cook and microwave later, they have 40 grams of protein/0 carbs/0.5 grams of fat in each burger, and they taste just like beef. If your grocery store doesn't have them, go to Fuddruckers a couple times a week. You can get a good half pounder 7 bucks.

    1 egg=6 to 8 grams depending on what size you get.
    Tuna usually has about 35 grams per can (6oz.)
    Milk is good to have with meals for a little extra protein.
    Seafood is fantastic if you can afford it. Jumbo shrimp has about 8 grams per peice.

    Make sure you don't neglect your complex carbohydrates though. They're equally important.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO

    Doesn't anybody eat egg whites anymore?

    Terinox, It only takes a couple of minutes to hard boil a dozen eggs. Eat 4 with breakfast 4 with lunch and 4 before bed with
    a glass of milk.presto! 72g of protein not including the milk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    72 g of protein W/ the yolks. So yes, that is a great overall calorie booooster.

    Maybe buy a chicken and keep it in your car, force it to lay eggs...and install a stove into your dashboard and fry them up. Maybe ask "The olive oil Association of America" to install a drip system from your sunroof so you won't be bothered oiling the pan during rush hour. That could cause an accident!

    Bro, you got some good suggestions, pick a few and go with em. My recommendations are tuna, protein bars, hard boiled eggs, buddfuc.....i mean fuddruckers a few times a week (incase your chicken is tired). Besides that, maybe some shakes and whatever you can find that has protein in it. GL.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I see papa's in a bad mood!

    Tooooooo much to drink tonight? Or are the inlaws coming over for Christmas?

  10. #10
    Bro, another great option for snacking is beef jerky. If you get the big bag ($5) and eat the whole thing, you get like 50g protein and <20g carbs and <10g fat.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Mallet
    I see papa's in a bad mood!

    Tooooooo much to drink tonight? Or are the inlaws coming over for Christmas?
    I was just being silly!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Hey bro,
    Out side of shakes and what already has been mentioned besides boiled eggs( I like that one but be careful as they can cause gas problems) Try straight glutamine. I carry a tub of the stuff around with me all day. If I'm at a water fountian I just pour a scoop of the stuff down my throat and swallow some water. It taste like crap but you get a great supply of protien with out all of the excess carbs,ect that may come along with protien shakes.

    About how much protien you should take in. This really bothers me as I hear response about 1.5 grams, 2.0 grams ect per body weight. True you really need to increae your protien intake. That is a given but how much really depends on several factors. Your age for one, your cardio routine and the training intenisties that you acheieve while doing it is another. Your body fat is a MAJOR factor and so forth. Remember what may work for one may not work for you at all. If you take in enough protien to fuel your body's needs BUT you are not elevating your heart rate up high enough to burn off the excess protien your body will convert a large portion of the excess protien in to fat. Your diet is not simply a vague area inwhich you can just follow any timplate and hope for the best. This is a science and when followed properly you will achieve the results that you want.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Peace! PAPA!

    I'm in a bad mood because my inlaws are coming over for christmas!

    Any ideas on how to get rid of those side effects?

  14. #14
    Whenever I'm stressed out and need relief..... I go grab that little bottle of T200 sitting in my bathroom closet and I stick myself with a 23g right in the quad...... ah...... what relief!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Peanut butter! I used to love the small packs that came in M.R.E.'s (Meals Ready To Eat for you civillian pukes) but now I just carry with me a nice size jar, 2 tablespoons has about 10 grams, not bad! Other than that what else is easy is Tyson has fully cooked chicken breasts and wings that you can just pop in the microwave, about $8-10 for 20 serving bag, 16gr prot. per serv.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Dont get me wrong I do my share of protein but you have no need for 350g! If you are not using you are pushing it with even 200g. YOUR BODY CAN ONLY USE SO MUCH. The rest, like anything your body cant use is excreted, the bad part is it goes through your kidneys. That protein waste is toxic to them, it can cause some serious health issues. Then you turn into one of those people that make me crazy always having some sorry ass story of why they dont look as good as they would like to.
    Protein is absolutely a neccessity but you guys get way carried away!
    A huge issue when it comes to any of this stuff is genetics. The majority just doesnt have the genetics to put on quality weight or any weight in some cases.
    Terinox, Ive seen your picture and my 2 cents is just try to eat clean. Eat whole, natural foods, eggs, chicken, fish, beef, raw veggies, fruits, yams, brown rice, milk, nuts, stone wheat breads, and so on. Stay away from processed shit(lunch meat a lot of the time), you know the easy stuff. I dont know exactly what your goals are but you have some work to do if I have any idea of what you are going for. Dont make the mistake of getting ahead of yourself, start at square one, you dont even have your diet info down yet. Forget all the supplement crap, especially if you are on a buget. But as for easy and convenient forget it. Stop being LAZY, forget what moms making you and learn how to cook.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Good post.
    Listen to her, I can first hand relate to her post. Way to much protien in one's body is only cast off as waste. ANd if you ever have to have a urinaysis, you may get some results that you do not want to hear. And remember what your body does not cast off as waste either gets turned into to muscle with the excess turning into fat. Just a thought.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I start the day with 10 egg whites.....That usually gives me a head start on the Protein intake for the day!

  19. #19
    There is a little bit of good info and a LOT bad in this thread.

    The first thing you need to do bud is figure out how much protein your body is actually utilizing. If you are crapping 5 times per day, you are eating way too much. Two dumps a day is about right.

    Next, do a little research on what you are eating. Find out what the foods that you are eating contain nutrient-wise. Protein, carbs, fats, sodium, etc. Then figure out (or look up rather) how much is actually utilized in the body. Eggs, for instance are about 94-96% utilized due to the amount of amino acids. Which brings us to supplementation. If you are eating proteins that are low in a certain amino acid, you should be supplementing that particular amino acid. Either with another food or pills.

    YOU are not an average person so don't listen to average advice. Figure out for yourself what works.

    And I have to agree with bufchic on the lazy ass behavior. Wake up 30 minutes earlier and cook your own food. Go to bed a little later and cook food for the next day. Or at LEAST tell your mother to cook something decent other than a sandwich.

    One last thing. Stay the hell away from beef jerky. If you want a lot of sodium, just salt your chicken or eggs!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well said boys and girls...well said.

    However, for example it's not always that easy. Making my food...yes that is an option, but somedays i'm at the University for 6 to 8 hours of my day. It gets hard to eat wholesome foods then. I usually just make the sandwiches for lunch and a between lunch/dinner meal at school.

    In terms of too much protein, I don't think I get too much. I get about 150-200grams a day, and I think that works good for me. I don't go to the crapper more then 2 times a day.

    For my goal, I just wanna get bigger and stronger. Obviously more cut, as you can see in the photo's I've got quite a bit of excess fat. I will be working on cutting down the fat over the next 6 months going at it hard, with good cardio/aerobic exercises, etc...


  21. #21
    I would <I>hope</I> that everyone here knows what it's like to be in school for several hours at a time.

    My next suggestion would be to take a cooler with you to school. Throw some chicken breasts and some rice or a potato in there. Whatever is on your diet. You don't have to heat it up, just keep it cool so that it doesn't spoil. And carry a bottle of water with you.

    You can eat at least one meal while you are at school.

    I carry a small cooler with me pretty much every where I go. And a large one in the back of my truck. This way, I have no excuse for not eating.

    I hate to break it to you, but for every rebuddle you have, I am going to have a solution.

    You WILL NOT GROW without the proper food. You can pump all the chemicals into your body and lift all the weights you want, but you are NOT going to see results without the proper nutrition to go with it.

    If you need some more ideas on what you can eat or take with you to school, PM me.

    Good luck!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Greetings, O hairy one . . .

    Terinox, I think you're already on the right track, but here are a couple of additional suggestions . . .

    First, stay away from the whole eggs. Granted, they have lots of protein, but if you do 12 eggs a day, you're also going to get 60 grams of fat (5 gm. per egg). With your current height/weight ratio, you could also end up spiking your cholesterol levels - yes, even at 19 y.o.

    Second, stay low on the carbs. Again, because of the weight issue at this point, if you overdo them you could kick in diabetes earlier than might be expected, especially if you have any family history of it.

    My recommendation: If UT (if that's where you are) has a decent cafeteria, head straight for the salad bar. You have to balance out your protein with fiber and healthy veggies, and can get additional protein from lean, low-fat cold cuts like turkey and ham (stay away from the pepperoni, bologna, salami, etc.). And go light on the dressings, even if they're low in fat.

    As for additional protein, if you feel you need it, go for protein shakes already in a can - something like ABB's Pure Pro or Worldwide. They're a great meal substitute, high in protein, low in carbs and sugar, and light on sodium. They may be more expensive than mixing your own, but at an average of $2-3 USD they're still cheaper than a full meal at any restaurant.

    Another source of protein that you may not have thought of: Shrimp. You can buy two-pound bags that are already cooked, peeled, and deveined - not as cheap as the raw kind, but a lot less hassle. They're high in protein, have almost no fat and no carbs at all, and they'll be defrosted by the time you're ready for them if you zonk 'em out of the freezer before you head to school. (Incidental note: Shellfish such as shrimp are high in cholesterol, but most research over the past few years has indicated that cholesterol does not raise you cholesterol, saturated fat - as in eggs - raises your cholesterol. When it comes to shrimp, munch away.)

    Oh, and FWIW, don't shave the hair. I never figured out why some dudes like taking a razor to their bods, but women happen to like hairy guys. When it comes to anything below the neck, shaving is for women, not guys. Hell, look at what it did for Sean Connery in the 007 flicks. (Yeah, I know I'm opening a can of worms for some BB's, but it's just IMO.)

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thnx for the advice.

    I'll see what I can do about the foods. I already eat shrimp every now and then. I have the GNC Pro RX protein shakes. I have to admit I only really watch how much protein I am getting and not how much carbs/fats/calories I'm getting each day, which of course is bad, and I'll pay more attention to that.

    I don't eat as much greens as I should either, very bad, but I will...hopefully. I would probably prefer making my own salad and taking it with me, or just a veggie bag with some carrots, green peppers, lettuce in it, and just eat it like that.

    I don't know what FWIW means or stands for, but in terms of the hair, actually just the other day I used a trimmer and trimmed all my hair on my back and front. I'm not sure about how well the front looks now, but the back is 100% better then it was before. I don't know about all women, but I don't think a hairy back is a turn on!!! LOL Next time I will probably let the chest/stomach hair grow, but keep trimming the back. And since I'm not shaving it, it's not harmful or irritating.


  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Originally posted by Terinox
    I don't know what FWIW means or stands for . . .
    Standard "cyber" abbreviation. FWIW = "For what it's worth . . ."

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Greetings, O hairy one . . .

    Originally posted by TNT
    Oh, and FWIW, don't shave the hair. I never figured out why some dudes like taking a razor to their bods, but women happen to like hairy guys. When it comes to anything below the neck, shaving is for women, not guys. Hell, look at what it did for Sean Connery in the 007 flicks. (Yeah, I know I'm opening a can of worms for some BB's, but it's just IMO.)
    I trim the hair on my chest... IMO, it looks way more defined that way. I also trim below the belt... I think it is common curtosy and it makes my unit look bigger. After all, who wants to go down on a chick with a forest... chicks probably feel the same way about us.

  26. #26

    Re: Re: Greetings, O hairy one . . .

    Originally posted by arthurb999

    I also trim below the belt... I think it is common curtosy and it makes my unit look bigger. After all, who wants to go down on a chick with a forest... chicks probably feel the same way about us.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Second, stay low on the carbs. Again, because of the weight issue at this point, if you overdo them you could kick in diabetes earlier than might be expected, especially if you have any family history of it.
    You cant be serious! And I cant believe I just read that.
    Yeah, if he's just eating a ton of pure shit sugars on a regular, consistant basis over a period of time.
    Just educate yourself on knowing what carbs to eat and when. I think too many people are just too lazy to get the facts on carbs so they chose to cut them because of hearsay.
    A diet rich in complex low glycemic carbs is excellent for weight loss, oh yeah and its just HEALTHY. New concept for some of you. (I realize many of you rather cut out tons of carbs to look YOUR ideal but its not practical).

    Im a chic.... get a clippers!

  28. #28
    I heard once that you can only absorb 30 grams of protein in a sitting, I don't belive this to be true, but you never know. Anyone know if the body has problems digesting and distributing large amounts of protein. I understand the toxicity to the kidneys if overloaded but I am far from a small guy and to get the protein I need I am consuming up to 50 grams at one time. Thanks.

  29. #29
    Mr. Castle,

    You seem to already have a decent understanding of the protein issue. EXACTLY! You are NOT the average person. Don't take average advice. The <I>average</I> person could probably only utilize 30 grams of protein, BUT it depends on what kind of protein too. And everybody is different. You have to test your own body to see what it uses and what it discards.

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