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Thread: 15 yr old {me} need of help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Unhappy 15 yr old {me} need of help

    Hey, wsup? My doctor put me on birth control pills for more estrogen and ive been taking them for about a year. I understand that since I'm 15 my body is still growing and weight gain is natural, but at this time last year I was only 105 lbs, and now I'm 135! Here is a pic of me in the beginning of the summer. I still look like that, but my goal is to lose 5-8 lbs of fat, and tone up. Is there any tips? I mean, i eat healthy and i work out daily (cardio for about 50 minutes) and I'm still not seeing any results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    I'll try to help...but i'm starting off w/ a some questions...

    1)Are you doing any resistance training (lifting weights)??
    2)You say you eat healthy...what do you mean? A lot of people have different views of what's healthy, so give us an idea of what you eat throughout the day, how often etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Okie, sorry

    yeah i lift weights, i love it.. i run one day and the next day i lift weights (but im not that "Great" at it yet"

    What's healthy to me? Salad & homecooking .. for breakfast ill eat oatmeal or cereal..then for lunch i'll eat a salad or wheat bread with chicken,tomato &lettuce, and swiss cheese. Then for dinner (around 5) ill eat what my mom makes, its healthy food considering she cooks mediterranean style. I drink about 4 water bottles a day. I don't know what i'm doing wrong, i mean before i was taking these pills i'd work out, but i wasnt that serious about it... and i looked better. Now that i'm serious and taking bc, i cant control my body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Seems like you're still centered around carbs.

    That can't happen. Lowered carbs, increased healthy fat intake, and lean protein would be the best diet for the look you want. You don't merely want to drop "bodyweight" meaning fat AND muscle to be a smaller, just as fat want to lose FAT. There's a difference and a result behind each dietary approach.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birth Control is known to put weight on could be the medication. But keep the carbs low and you should be fine with your workout schedule. I am Arabic and I eat mostly what my grandma makes for us here in the house and it tends to be health. I just tell her to add things/subtract things that I think are bad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Wow 15 i didn't relies you where so young ... you look mature for your age . SwoleCat is right low carbs are the ticket. Also distribute the meals evenly threw out the day
    GOOD LUCK !!!

    oh yhea i know its tuff but when you get a carb craving or want some good snacks drink watter it will help you fight the hunger pains bye bye now

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Good advice from everyone above...

    the only thing i can think to add is to try eating a little more frequently, with smaller portions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    thanks for the tips~ maybe i do need to watch out my carb intake... i dont know yet lol

    but thanks for the advice, sounds great, im going to tkae it into consideration

    also, those pills are freakin crazy.. i get cravings for food like no other.. it's terrible.. lol... yeah water is the best way to calm down cravings, or simply when i have a craving i just go and take a hot shower

    <3 Niki
    Last edited by aristoniki; 11-06-2003 at 10:42 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Shit thats 15.
    they werent that developed back when i was 15.
    Man you hit the weight room and eat correctly and you are going to be a insanely hot

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    LOL enraged... you're funny :-p ahahha

    See I do hit up the weight room, and i'm not intimidated at all by those big, buff horny guys that stare at you like a piece of meat, but the only thing is, i dont really want to gain more muslce, just i mainly stick with cardio and some weights... i'm "thick" and i'm kind of wide.. as u can see below... i guess hips are from my parents.. u cant get rid of them so ive been told.. oo well :-/

    do any other females have pics of their bodies? I'm curious to see everyone elses bodies

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    look in the fem forum at the top of the main page

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by aristoniki

    do any other females have pics of their bodies? I'm curious to see everyone elses bodies

    Wow, we even THINK alike!


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