Originally posted by beenie
No matter how much I eat, my weight rarealy goes up, probably related to the extensive cardio I do, so thats why I can eat as much as I do. But its not the weight I am concerned with, ist the bf% which simply has not been going down as fast as I would like. A cahnge I made yesterday at lunch time based on what Shedz told me was to reduce my fat intake. I am tryin this to see how long I can go. I am also making a consious effort to eat even when I am not hungry. Soooo, yesterday 1 lb beef patty for lunch,- 2 cans of tuna with mustard rather than mayo (ordinarily id have3 or four cans with mayo), and 6 eggwhites for breakfast this morning (ordinarily if I wanted breakfast b4, i'd have two whole eggs and .5 lb bacon maybe with a slice of swiss cheese).
I actually slept pretty well last night, having had the samller meal. At this point that may be a coinsidence. I think that the sleeping pills that you and Tobey suggest are a good idea. I have never taken them befire, but it might be a good idea, at least to have on hand.