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Thread: Even Possible to Overeat on this Training Program?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all

    Even Possible to Overeat on this Training Program?

    Without getting into details, since I can't post an excel spreadsheet and am too retarded to figure out how to make sense of the info otherwise, I'm working out six days a week two times a day. Relax, i've done it in the past and the specific way i've structured it virtually ALWAYS gives me some of my best results.

    At any rate, is it even possible to overeat while working out that hard and frequently? So long as it's "clean eatin" should i give two ****s about the totals so long as it's not junk? Hell, just to keep up maybe i should allow myself a little junk (wendy's or pizza?). I've already taken to carbs all the way up to bedtime, with no real fat gain as a result.

    ANyone interested in the split can pm me and i'll email you the spreadsheet and rationale.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    BG, I can't knock something that works for you, nor do I want to, but if you are interested in cheating a bit, try and isolate it to one day a week. This way assuming you follow proper eating guidelines during the week, you can sock it your metabolism one day a week, and thus further your gains. I would assume you're bulking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Very easy to over-eat as it's even easier to over-train.
    I know "you've done it" and all that before, but that's all the more reason to try something else. Hitting the gym TWO times a day darn near EVERY day of the week is not something I'd be willing to do anyhow, I do have other parts of my life I need to enjoy.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yeah, twice a day is a pain in the ass. I assume you are on cycle, BG? Of about 2,000 grams of test a day? Tehee.

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