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Thread: afew questions i need answerin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    afew questions i need answerin

    sup gents .. i have rencently started training in muay thai kickboxing .. i do it mon-thur from 5-7:30 ish .. i normally warm up stretch . pratice on the bag beforehand .. class starts with skippin for like 15 min then we do some pretty intense focus pad work aswell as shadowboxing work .. followed by sprints and ab work .. normally after class i do some more bag work ... so im doing 2 hours of cardio .. aswell on mon tue thr and friday i go to the gym at like 9 pm ... and im tryin a low carb high pro moderate fat diet .. trying to keep my calories to around 500 under my maintainance .. now .. should i do some cardio in the morning aswell ? like perhaps skip for 30 min .. also .. what should i be eating after my cardio session at nite .. complex cars ? protein ? i wanna lose weight quick .. but wanna try and keep as much muscle as possably .. what should i do .. i really wanna compete .. but need to shred around 35 pounds i would say .. im 214 at 5"10 atm and think at around 180 i would look great or should i prohaps not worry to much about muscle loss and just lose the 35 quick then perhaps hitup a cycle in afew months to gain back what i lost

    any info would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yikes, hard to picture what your schedule is like w/everything jumbled. Perhaps lay out your outline for meals and activity through the week for constructive criticism?

    Also, losing 35 lbs. and not caring if it's fat/muscle, then "gaining the muscle back later" is not a very smart approach. Heck, what's to say you can gain the muscle back? How do you go about doing that w/out gaining the fat back? If you somehow know how to do this (there is no one method) then surely you know how to lose the fat w/out the muscle, right?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    out line us your day and how old are you? i wouldnt recommend a cycle till your early or mid 20's...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    alright .. so im off school atm .. but during school i'll have school during the week .. from 5-7 mon-thur i'll have kickboxin class .. then the gym at 9 on mon/tue/thr/fri(thinking of cutting it to just 3 days aweek) i'll also have work fri/sat/sun i think im going to have to have 2-3 protein shakes a day ~50g pro/10car/14(from udo oil) fat each .. breakfest will consist of eggs / ham/ bacon / oatmeal, lunch will be perhaps some tuna or chicken .. should i carb up after my kickboxin ? before my workouts ? then post workout i'll be having the shake with carbs - the oil .. then an hour later a dinner like meal .. hows doing the cardio at nite affect my eating .. ideally i would like to keep my muscle and just get rid of my fat .. should i also do some morning cardio .. is skipping a good alternative to having to drive to the gym to cycle ?

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