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Thread: critique my diet please

  1. #1

    critique my diet please

    I wake up late.
    ml 1: Shake
    ml 2: 1 cup oatmeal, 4 whole eggs, 2 cups milk, 1 cup OJ
    ml 3: 1 can of Tuna, sandwich bread, some fruit
    ml 4: 2-3 chicken breasts, veggies, rice or potatoes
    ml 5: Shake before bed

    I have my totals as kcal: 2600
    pro: 230
    carbs: 285
    fat: 65

    Hi, I'm new, I've looked at the board for a little while now and finally registered. I am 23 years old, I've been lifting light and doing cardio for about 2 months just getting ready to train, this is my current diet. I only start with a shake sometimes, because my stomach doesn't take food too well right when I wake up, so line 1 and 2 alternate. I weigh only 140, 5'10", don't know my BF% but I know that it is very goals right now are to gain as much weight as possible, I would love to be weighing in at 170 or 180 someday. I am very dedicated and ready to go mentally, I just don't want to minimize my gains because of a poor diet. The shakes are Myoplex regular style. I'd appreciate any and all help from everyone here...peace!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    LI, NY... where it seems like everyone is on gear.
    Looks good bro. Maybe another serving or two of veggies. I like the Myo too. Looks like you're off to a good knowledgable start on nutrition. Just keep track and make changes along the way where you feel necessary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    First, welcome. Second, go to ed threads and look at Tobeys posts on caloric intake and calculations. A great tool to use. Third, are you going on gear? Fourth, are you on any supps? (All sport nutrition is a great place to get them) Diet looks pretty good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: diet

    Originally posted by bravo11p
    Third, are you going on gear?
    B11p....I think he said that he has only been lifting lightly for several months so gear is not an option at this stage....however, that is only my opinion. looks like you've done some homework. Diet looks very clean to me. At 5'10" and 140lbs I don't think you really need cardio. My suggestion would be to check out the training forum and get the guys to help you set up a good but "basic" mass building program. You may also want to consider suppliments such as creatine, glutamine, a good mulyi-vitamin and a good whey protein (great for post workout with some dextrose or maltdextrin)

  5. #5
    Right on, thanks for the help!
    I just started with creatine a few days ago, I'll also add those other supps for after my workouts.
    I'm not even considering getting into gear right now, although, just hurrying up and gaining 20-30 lbs does sound great! I just want to see if I can reach my goals naturally. All these years I've just been doing drugs/drinking and tearing my body down instead of building it up, but now I'm clean and I want to be dedicated to this a few years before gear becomes an option.
    I will go to the other forum and ask for some help on a mass building program for my workouts...
    I appreciate the warm welcome, I'll be hangin around for awhile!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    That shake before beds not going to help with weight gain. Your kinda defeating the purpose. Eat a meal. And dont always follow the same diet. Ex. get some steak and salmon in there.
    Last edited by bufchic; 01-21-2002 at 08:12 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Hey bro,
    Welcome to the board. Check out the reciepe section as it can really take the boredom out of a diet weather it is for cutting or for bulking. If you need any help with your diet pm a mod. They can really pin point the specfics that help you out alot. Good luck.

  8. #8


    thanx for the advice, I am not going to drink a shake before bed anymore, only for the period between my last two meals. I also added another meal to this since my appetite has grown in the past few weeks. I do mix it up as far as this diet goes, this is just a general guideline. Steak is my main dinner item when I can afford it , but unfortunately that isn't all the time. I also eat other things like Salmon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just eat good whole foods and youll put on the mass. Dont get too techincal about it. Super that your appetite went up. Thats a good thing. Orange roughy is an excellent choice too, very good tasting. Eye of round cut beef is great, its cheap and lean. Good on the bod and budget.

  10. #10

    my progress

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your help...again.
    Today is the start of my fourth week of working towards my goal of gaining basically as much as I possibly can in 12 weeks. In the first two weeks with this diet I gained 8 pounds! The 3rd week I did not gain any above that however

    Should I keep going the way I am? I am getting really pumped in the gym, I almost puked after my chest workout today. My strength has increased in every lift. any ideas?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I think so... youve only been training a short time. Give yourself some more time to peak with what your doing.
    Always try to learn more... you will need it.

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