Hello Everyone, I was recommeded to this site to find helpful people and I have been reviewing the post and everyone here seem knowledgeable. I was wondering if anyone can help me out.
I am 24yrs old 6' 5" 206lbs body fat of 14. I want to loose some fat and build more muscles and have a nice set of abs. I have love handles that I would definately like to get rid off. I dont want to loose weight, i want to weight about 215 or 220. I was wondering what experiences you all have about what work outs to do and what supliments to buy?
In the past year I have worked out and saw some results, but I stopped working about about 3months ago. I want to get back on track and see results, I know I cant see results immediately, but I will like to speed things up.
Thanks guy, i know its long