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Thread: New Guy here, Lots of Questions, plz read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    New Guy here, Lots of Questions, plz read

    Hello Everyone, I was recommeded to this site to find helpful people and I have been reviewing the post and everyone here seem knowledgeable. I was wondering if anyone can help me out.

    I am 24yrs old 6' 5" 206lbs body fat of 14. I want to loose some fat and build more muscles and have a nice set of abs. I have love handles that I would definately like to get rid off. I dont want to loose weight, i want to weight about 215 or 220. I was wondering what experiences you all have about what work outs to do and what supliments to buy?

    In the past year I have worked out and saw some results, but I stopped working about about 3months ago. I want to get back on track and see results, I know I cant see results immediately, but I will like to speed things up.

    Thanks guy, i know its long

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    What training are you performing right now ,how much cardio,and what is your diet like? How many cals do you consume and protein?

    Give us those answers and we will help!

    Welcome to the board as well,its a great one to be involved with!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Welcome to the board TallGuy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Thanks for the welcome guys. At this time I do not have a specific diet, and I dont work out at all, i stopped working out about 3 months ago. I want to start again and i was thinking if i can see some improvement in about 5 months.

    Please advise on the best supliments to take and where to get them, I usually go to GNC.

    Thanks guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Well, first and foremost, GET IN THE GYM. You can find tons of training routines on this board. Supplements are plentiful though IMO you need the basics, Protein shake, multi-vitamin, zinc. Some people are high on creatine but I'm not a fan. Causes me cramps as do a lot of people some some swear by it. Want to loose the love handles? Lift weights, do cardio, eat right. Your question is a tough one to answer in respect of there are so many scenarios involved. FInd you a workout program and get started. If something isn't working then start a thread and look for other alternatives. By the way, use the "SEARCH" button first. You'll usually find your answers there first. Bro, we are here to help but get in the gym and see what works for you. Diet is important though. Check out obeys threads on caloric intake on the ed threads. VERY HELPFUL.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: diet/tng

    Originally posted by bravo11p
    . Check out obeys threads on caloric intake on the ed threads. VERY HELPFUL.
    Hey bravo11p,
    Who is this obey guy you keep talking about? he,he

    Welcome to the board Tallguy, although this type of reply is in the wrong forum, welcome anyway. Billy aand bravo has given you some good tips. Get in the gym, mentally prepare your self for the upcoming workouts by getting in the habit of just being in the gym first off. The rest will follow. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hey bro,
    To me, your caloric intake posts alnog with several of the other ed threads should be required reading and a test given to new members before they are allowed to post. I think it would save a ton of repetitive threads. JMO. I printed your posts and give it to everyone who asks me about their diet. I think it's a great tool.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that you have found those post useful.

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