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Thread: Flax/olive oil sensitive?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    In the mix

    Flax/olive oil sensitive?

    I've been currently cutting for awhile now, and I'm currently doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, eating my protein/carb meals first thing in the morning and PW shake and PW meal, rest of my meals are protein/fat meals, I'm curious could i be getting fat from the fat meals?

    Could it be possible im sensitive to the fats?
    Because last year when i cut, I lost 2% bodyfat by now and i didnt incorporate as much fats, only a tablespoon before bed with a shake.

    Now it seems like im looking fatter.....less definition as the days go on, weird :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hmm...maybe you should look at your caloric intake. You may be taking in too many calories in general to cut. I don't see how your macronutrients the way they are would hinder fat loss. Have you been measuring all your food accurately and recording your intake? I know you just started using fitday, so what were you doing before to keep track of your diet? if you were estimating, or not using as accurate of a diet log, it's possible that you're consuming more than you think you are. High fat meals especially can easily add a lot of calories you may not be aware of if your measurements are off even a little.
    If you're sure your calories are where they need to be and your intake estimates are accurate, then maybe your body does just respond better to a lower fat diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Also you may need to tweak your numbers in your PWO shake and PWO meal...if you are consuming too many carbs during that meal or even in the AM then you can be storing some fat...also are you lowering your carb intake on non-lifting days??? take off the two PWO meals and you should NOT compensate with more low GI carbs..just more fat and protein. For example when i just do cardio in the AM and dont lift i take in about 50g carbs, whereas when i lift i take in around 130g.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    For all you drunks on a diet...(probably not many, huh???)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    In the mix
    Tateroos what's with the dumb post?

    Kim: I haven't been totalling my calories, I did once before and got a rough idea, I'm only taking in 1 tablespoon of flax with my fat/protein meal.

    bigsd67: I barely eat carbs on non-lifting days, and your saying instead of having my postworkout shake and postworkout meal with carbs have it with fat instead?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    I think that reply got channeled to the wrong thread, somehow? It's a website that gives you nutritional breakdowns of various coctails and other alcoholic beverages.

    No disrespect intended...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Vice
    Tateroos what's with the dumb post?

    Kim: I haven't been totalling my calories, I did once before and got a rough idea, I'm only taking in 1 tablespoon of flax with my fat/protein meal.

    bigsd67: I barely eat carbs on non-lifting days, and your saying instead of having my postworkout shake and postworkout meal with carbs have it with fat instead?
    No No...i would never advise to not have those two meals...what i am saying is that you should see HOW MUCH carbs you are taking in for those two meals...they may need to be tweaked, and also that you may want to consider taking a Pro/Fat meal after your AM cardio as well, while still having two PWO carb meals....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67
    No No...i would never advise to not have those two meals...what i am saying is that you should see HOW MUCH carbs you are taking in for those two meals...they may need to be tweaked, and also that you may want to consider taking a Pro/Fat meal after your AM cardio as well, while still having two PWO carb meals....
    Ditto. Take your pro/fat meal around an hour after workout and take a simple carb/pro p.w. I can also agree with what bigsd67 said about the two PWO carb meals though as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Kim: I haven't been totalling my calories, I did once before and got a rough idea, I'm only taking in 1 tablespoon of flax with my fat/protein meal.


    Maybe you should try to keep track of them on a more regular basis. I'm certainly not one to say that "a calorie is a calorie" but I do think they are the most important aspect of a bulking or cutting diet...even if what you're eating is absolutely perfect, if you're eating too much of those perfect foods, you won't lose fat. And make sure that your "rough idea" of what you're currently eating is the amount you should be eating for cutting...I know there are a few different calculations for determining caloric intake for fat loss, and i'm not sure which is the best, but do some searches and compare what you find to what you're doing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    15 * lean body mass - 500 is a rough estimate that i use from there is also an equation that i forgot the name of that gives you RMR then you just subtract 500 from it...the goal is a 3500 calorie deficit per week to lose 1 lb of fat.

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