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  1. #1
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002

    Fruits and Our dieting

    I am sure many of us all are on the traditional contest prep diet (at least for dropping fat but not bulking) And most of us are on some sort of version of the atkins. Low carbs, medium fats and high protein. I have always been really strict and only eat any sort of carbs on my bad days. My buddy is on the same diet as I am but he eats a pretty big amount of fruits in his diet, probably because of the fiber. Do any of you eat this way and still drop fat for a contest? I can understand that the last couple of weeks of a contest prep are different in that you need to drop last ounces of fat and cant take in any carbs or fat. But for the first couple months do you guys take in fruits and still maintain low blood sugar levels? I have always been scared of taking in fruits because I thought that broke the rules of such atkins type diets. Anyone have any input on this?

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Fruits can be utilized to stimulate t4/t3 conversion in an other-wise carb free environment, without affecting blood sugar. Fructose will go to the liver, so if you have room in the liver for fructose, you can eat it w/out any ill affects of fat storage. The key is to use it sparingly to help keep the conversion alive, but not to store excess as fat or interfere w/your other cutting meals.


  3. #3
    tatertoos's Avatar
    tatertoos is offline Associate Member
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    What are the best fruits for this?

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Apples are a good choice.


  5. #5
    Kim2884 is offline Female Member
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    anything with fiber. I think berries and kiwi are awesome cuz they're actually pretty low carb and high fiber...just stay away from bananas, pineapple and melon.

  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's not so much a low carb issue, as fructose is still a carb. It's the kind of carb it is and where it's stored, and the manner in which it doesn't affect slin.

    I do like kiwi fruit though!


  7. #7
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002
    So bud, what would you say is a good amount for someone like me? I am 6'1" 250's lean. I want to take in more fruits but am contest dieting. During previous contests I have never taken in fruits. If I want to still drop my fat but fill my self up with some fruits (sort of add variety to my bland chicken flank, ect) what amount should i take with each meal and how many meals a day should i eat the fruits if more than one meal is okay? Also, give me three or four fruits and the order of which is best? I take it apples and pears to be good. Kiwi is too small for me, I would swallow them whole. They taste goooood. Thanks for the previous info.

  8. #8
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well i believe the idea of using them sparingly is what would keep you burning fat. so i would think no more than one serving per day. like Kim said any berry and apples all are low GI high fiber....bananas pineapples and melons are Higher GI and more Caloricly dense.

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Preferably only twice per day, about 20 mins before your protein shakes which should come between meals. That is what my former coach had me do, he told me it also helped w/digestion of the protein, but I never understood what he meant by that, lol. But hey, it worked. Remember, this was on a low carb or "timed carb" diet, so if you are including regular carbs in your meals, then this procedure wouldn't apply.


  10. #10
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    I always have an apple before I lift and a banana in my second post workout meal with my oats. Supposedly an apple before you train improves the glucose tolerance of your post workout shake.

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