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Thread: Enough Calories

  1. #1
    jonsurf2 is offline New Member
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    Enough Calories

    I weigh 180 pounds and am supposed to take in about 4500 calories per day. I can easily take in enough protein every day, but the total calories is what gets me.

    When cycling, is it necessarily a bad idea to take in a lot of calories in the form of traditionally not-so-healty foods, such as lasagna, pizza, burgers, etc.? It just seems like it takes forever to get in enough calories per day just by eating tuna and drinking skim milk.

    What foods or products would you guys recommend? Thanks.

  2. #2
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    you can take in those kinds of food, your just gonna put on more fat than if you ate healthy

  3. #3
    daman1's Avatar
    daman1 is offline Diet Specialist
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    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by jonsurf2
    I weigh 180 pounds and am supposed to take in about 4500 calories per day. I can easily take in enough protein every day, but the total calories is what gets me.

    When cycling, is it necessarily a bad idea to take in a lot of calories in the form of traditionally not-so-healty foods, such as lasagna, pizza, burgers, etc.? It just seems like it takes forever to get in enough calories per day just by eating tuna and drinking skim milk.

    What foods or products would you guys recommend? Thanks.
    something is a little off there. 4500 calories!? Where did you come up with that number?


  4. #4
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would assume you are bulking and am looking for a calorie really doesnt have to be too hard to take in that many calories...if you can get in the protein then the carbs can come from potatoes, yams, rice, brown rice all very dense in cals and high in good carbs. also eat a lot of beef, and supplement with a good amount of flax oils, use olive oil on your salads...healthy fats and calorie dense....also you may want to look into a weight gainer sup. the only one that i would use is PRO LAB Lean Mass Matrix because the carbs are from whole grains not sugar and they are cheap and tasty.
    400cals, 40protein, 40carbs, 8 fat 29.99 per 20 pack.

  5. #5
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonsurf2
    I weigh 180 pounds and am supposed to take in about 4500 calories per day. I can easily take in enough protein every day, but the total calories is what gets me.

    When cycling, is it necessarily a bad idea to take in a lot of calories in the form of traditionally not-so-healty foods, such as lasagna, pizza, burgers, etc.? It just seems like it takes forever to get in enough calories per day just by eating tuna and drinking skim milk.

    What foods or products would you guys recommend? Thanks.
    Yo Jon, i totally agree with you! i am on a bulking phase myself and am having a very very difficult reaching my daily caloric requiremnt + the extra 500 i need to bulk up. I notice that if i eat clean, i have no problem at all with the protein, i average around 230-300 g a day. the problem is in the total calories. I usually have to up my protein just to reach my goal. I have no problem on workout days since i bump up my calories with the extra carbs. on non workout days it is more difficult.

    Egg whites, chicken breast and tuna, ESPECIALLY TUNA is sickening!!! I mean i literally have to force feed myself to eat every 3 hours. Oh man i cant wait for my cutting phase.


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