concerned about the ratio of dex to protein in my shake.. why is 2:1 dextrose : protein so important.. if i had 1:1 would that be bad?
concerned about the ratio of dex to protein in my shake.. why is 2:1 dextrose : protein so important.. if i had 1:1 would that be bad?
The goal after a strenuous workout is glycogen replinishment, not really the ingestion of protein. This is done through simple sugars/carbs/aka dextrose. This is why the 2 to 1 ratio is considered ideal, as you can allow the carbs to complete their job w/out being interfered w/too much protein. At all other meals, your protein can be much higher, as the goal at those times is not glycogen replinishment, but a constant flow of aminos and a positive nitrogen balance.
Hey SC---question about creatine and dextrose---on non lifting days should I mix my creatine with dextrose and protein with R-ala? Also how do you feel about taking dextrose mixed in protein and 5g of creatine preworkout as well as post?
1) Why would you consume dextrose on NON workout days?Originally Posted by Veretta21
2) I never advise using a post-workout supplement pre-workout, no. Unless you like your blood sugar to drop during the workout, give you "false" energy, and limit the spike you can now get post-workout when it's actually important.
Where can I get some Dextrose and R-ala?
The reason I ask about taking dextrose with creatine on non lifting days is because I have heard that you should always have something to spike your insulin when taking creatine so it gets absorbed--guess that was way wrong---so should I just mix it with a protein shake then?
I would just use dextrose pwo from weight training. Toggling with your insulin can be very very dangerous.
cant be that dangerous, u would get the same insulin spike from eating any sugar filled snack on a bad diet. and probably more than once per day. regardless, dextrose is only for post workout.
Im not talking about strictly post-workout nourishment. I am toggling with using it as being a large part of a bulking and/or cutting diet coupled with AAS.Originally Posted by HiFi
It's a big fallacy that you need all types of crazy "ultimate delivery" systems for creatine. It was all a hype years ago, use the sh*t in regular water, for real.
The body uses creatine from the red meat you eat, but you'd have to eat tons of it because it contains very little, and you'd exceed your dietary limitations in trying to do so. However, the point is, there is no secret delivery method of the creatine from the meat!
thanks SC--all I really wanted to know
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