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Thread: Diet Help

  1. #1
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    Diet Help

    I have been wondering what i should do with my current diet. I have lowered my carb intake to 150 Grams per day with about 150 grams of protein a day (i know i should bump up the protein) and i don't really count fat grams because i'm on a lower carb diet not a no-carb diet. Since i have started i have lost about 5 lbs i feel like i haven't lost any muscle at all (i'm sure i have and don't notice it) i feel good and don't eat all the crap i used to eat and i don't have cravings for bad food. My question is what is a regular amount of carbs for a person like me that weighs 200 lbs with about 13% bf (just a guess) i haver been working out for over 10 years and i have a decent build nothing you would look at twice in a gym but i'm happy. I just want to find out will i be losing too much muscle with this diet or is it a good diet to gain a few lbs of muscle over time. I need to know a good ratio so i can try to follow it because i'm going to be starting a food journal because i think it would be more accurate at finding the exact amount of things i'm eating.
    Thanks In Advance

  2. #2
    phase is offline New Member
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    for a 200lb person there BMR is over 2000 calories this does not include the calorie activity factor. Eating 150 grams of carbs and protein will only give you 1200 calories, unless your eating another 1500 or so calories from fat, your calorie Deficient. If you are more then 500 calories deficient your body goes into his/her primal instinct and starts storing fat and worst for you the body gets rid of the major source that requires energy and that is your muscles. You might want to re-think your diet program.

  3. #3
    daman1's Avatar
    daman1 is offline Diet Specialist
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    beatin it up...
    Use the stickys at the top of the page for help and search for the thread I made on calcualting how many calories you need...

  4. #4
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daman1
    Use the stickys at the top of the page for help and search for the thread I made on calcualting how many calories you need...
    Thanks for the idea i looked up your thread and found it pretty interesting and i also found out that i need about 3100 calories a day for maintainence. As you might expect i still need to totally re-think my diet plan and i know i have to add some more clean food to the mix. Thanx for the answers

  5. #5
    daman1's Avatar
    daman1 is offline Diet Specialist
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    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Tedmax195
    Thanks for the idea i looked up your thread and found it pretty interesting and i also found out that i need about 3100 calories a day for maintainence. As you might expect i still need to totally re-think my diet plan and i know i have to add some more clean food to the mix. Thanx for the answers
    Remember bro, the great thing about bodybuilding and your body is that once you learn what works best for your body, you know it forever. Good luck with things!


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