I really want to applogize to daman1 for my sh*tty response to him on my diet thread i feal like a complete jerk and everything else u can think of the other night i went and visted 50%natural and he showed me where daman critiqued my diet in the qoute and when he said i am replying in all caps i had no idea i thought he was just replying and saying where is ur training at and cardio soo i thought that thats all he was saying and i didn't know he had critiqued the whole diet in the qoute man i am soo sorry i had no clue what so ever i should of read the whole thing over twice b4 making a response like that, i dunno what else to say and to any 1 else who i offeneded with that thread i am sry also my actions where very very uncalled for once agin bro im sry