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Thread: ate like a pig during the weekend

  1. #1

    ate like a pig during the weekend

    Ok guys I just gain 3 LB during the weekend.
    I rested, no weights no cardio. Just ate.
    I tell you something I do not feel like that was a good idea
    but I did gain some weight.
    I think I got all the size I need, I just need to start
    having my muscles taking over.
    I need to have more muscle now.
    I will continue to eat for one more week before I start my cutting cycle.
    in the mean time I am still doing
    2cc of Test Prop per week 200mg Week 1-10
    1cc of Deca per week 200mg Week 2-8
    1cc eod of win from week 6-8
    4 caps of 50mg teslac from week 8-10

    14-16% Bf

    at the end of cycle I am looking to be 10-12% bf if not better
    at 215 Lbs.

    Today I am starting week 4 of my cycle.
    How do I look as far as my goals are?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    One day won't hurt, it's all water anyhow at this point.

    When you go to cut, lose the Deca obviously.


  3. #3
    so I take it that I am on track.
    My goal is possible?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I've no idea what your cardio/weight schedule look like, nor your daily dietary outline(s), but you don't have very far to go in 6 weeks, no, so it seems very easily obtainable.


  5. #5
    45 min cardion mon-fri with no food.
    I keep a good eye on process carbs like sugar, starch, white flower, etc..
    250gm - 300gm of protein per day. at list 4 meals per day.
    good 45-60 min hard free weight workout.
    I do not have a workout partner, I do not lift as heavy as I can
    but I keep it as heavy as possible and still able to get at list 6 reps up.
    I work 2 body parts per day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    you aint the only one, i planned on overeating so im not upset about it

  7. #7
    You know it.
    I ate like a pig.
    we had 3 big double time big bbq
    every day from friday to sunday
    pluss wife making desserts.
    not in my daily diet but
    I did not want to think about anything but just eat.
    cause I know comes today monday and it is back into the
    protein suplements, the tasteless chicken brest. you know the normal boring
    good protein crapy food. not the good'ol pizza and ice cream. :-)

  8. #8
    Ohh and for me gets just a bit harder, my wife is Dominican and that bit.. can coock.
    she cooks a dessert called abichuelas con dulce, that dessert is like a killer. full with protein but a massive weight gainer. it is made with Beans, condence milk, cinamon stiks, coconut milk, and coconut cream. I am telling you guys it is some good food.
    But that's ok cause I got to enjoy all the good foods this past weekend so I am ready to get back in my daily diet.
    Last edited by pvinals; 04-12-2004 at 10:21 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by pvinals
    Ohh and for me gets just a bit harder, my wife is Dominican and that bit.. can coock.
    she cooks a dessert called abichuelas con dulce, that dessert is like a killer. full with protein but a massive weight gainer. it is made with Beans, condence milk, cinamon stiks, coconut milk, and coconut cream. I am telling you guys it is some good food.
    But that's ok cause I got to enjoy all the good foods this past weekend so I am ready to get back in my daily diet.
    Can she make a good tres leches?? Those are good!


  10. #10
    Bro she makes a killer Tres leche, now they even make 4 leche with caramel.

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