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Thread: Asia pharma

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world

    Asia pharma

    When I started looking a whole go this stuff looked so good to me. The price was high but hell, I did care. I was only gonna do one cycle and move on from there. So I start talking with a rep and can bearly speak english. But he goes on and on about they ate the best. So I says to the guy. "How's about you send me a free sample so I know what kinda product you ship. Then the unthinkable happens. He tells me "Yes" the samples should be at your house in 5 day. Sure enough 5 days and 2 envelopes. I get a vial of CYP and a vial of enanthate. Do I guess he is legit and all but I don't know. Anyone here use Asia pharma. ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    One of the bigger UG labs in the last few years. They've had some good reports on the purity of their products...referring to bacteria levels. Have also seen some complaints about possible under-dosing though but don't have any verification.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    if it free Id use it, but prices are a massive pisstake so fvck them based on that alone

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    if it free Id use it, but prices are a massive pisstake so fvck them based on that alone
    I know right. They are like the highest I've seen. I just wondered if any one out there used it or had experience with free samples like this. Plus the site I contacted them through has tons of bad reviews. So based on that I dont wanna order from them. Plus as mentioned before. Cost is high.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    I havnt heard much negative about quality but then again (no offense) I dont know many who stupid enough to pay the prices they look for either, they several times more then pharm grade so go figure?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    My brother is currently using there tes C. He feels that it is a little underdosed and he barely got 8 cc's out of the vial.

  7. #7
    Ive used them for my last cycle, seems underdosed to me. They worked just seemed like around 2/3 the gains I typically expect. I'm regular with my cycles but have tried a few sources out [with same regimen of meds] and they are the most expensive with the least gains I've gotten----needless to say I wont be using them again.

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