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Thread: Bio Tech - Oxavar

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Bio Tech - Oxavar

    Had a buddy of mine give me about 100 (10mg) pills of Oxavar. Bottle says it's made by bio tech. I can attach a pic if needed. Can anyone tell me anything about this stuff? He said he was taking about 20-40mg a day and didn't notice much difference. I think he didn't do enough mg/day, since he weighs about 275. I'm just curious if its worth taking, and if so, how many mg/day? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jtoups1214
    Had a buddy of mine give me about 100 (10mg) pills of Oxavar. Bottle says it's made by bio tech. I can attach a pic if needed. Can anyone tell me anything about this stuff? He said he was taking about 20-40mg a day and didn't notice much difference. I think he didn't do enough mg/day, since he weighs about 275. I'm just curious if its worth taking, and if so, how many mg/day? Thanks!

    Anavar is good to run 6-8wks safely imo. Id start at a dose of 60mgs a day at least.

    For women its a much less dose to use/start.

    And no you dont have enough to take with a cycle. Be pointless.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 08-10-2012 at 09:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you dont have enough to make it worth doing anything
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Appreciate the input. Yea, I guess 60mg a day for 2wks only wouldn't do much. Any strength gains in that short period of time?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jtoups1214
    Appreciate the input. Yea, I guess 60mg a day for 2wks only wouldn't do much. Any strength gains in that short period of time?

    I personally am a fan of anavar. My strength does go up, but i fell in love with its ability to eat fat.

    Ive had such great results with anavar, i dare to say im just one of the people who bond with anavar insanely well.

    Save your money until you can run it for at least 6wks @60mg's. Anything less is pointless.

  6. #6
    Any difference between this Oxavar stuff and Anavar?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jtoups1214 View Post
    Had a buddy of mine give me about 100 (10mg) pills of Oxavar. Bottle says it's made by bio tech. I can attach a pic if needed. Can anyone tell me anything about this stuff? He said he was taking about 20-40mg a day and didn't notice much difference. I think he didn't do enough mg/day, since he weighs about 275. I'm just curious if its worth taking, and if so, how many mg/day? Thanks!
    I'm not sure about the brand but most men need at least 40mg+ daily for 8-10 weeks minimum.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Hard to say without a pic, there are fake bio-tech.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I got the same stuff and I am seeing and feeling amazing results. It is unbelievable!

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