Ok guys, so I'm almost a week into a cycle of 400mg cyp/ 1/2 on Sun 1/2 on Wed weeks 1-12. Dbol 30 mg ed 1st week, 40 mg ed weeks 2-4. then going into pct.
I got this guys info form this site, Won't say his name but he's out of south Florida I guess. So after reading the labels for expiration dates, and they all say 05/2015 I'm thinking their all good. Then I notice that all of the Dbol pills aren't exactly the same size...some are almost twice as thick as others ! The labels are in Spanish...so I Googled a translator and the sh*t's talking about not giving it to pregnant animals !! WTF ? Is it ok to be taking sh*t made for animals or do all these labels say this kind of stuff?
I've been on test cyp TRT prescribed by my doctor for almost 4 months total now. Pinning myself every other weekend with cyp I've been getting from Walgreens Pharmacy. I pin in my right upper glute, Never been the least bit sore or red, no problems at all...
So now I'm on an actually "cycle" and the stuff is from the same guy as the "Dbol". Only this is from Bio_Tech Pharmaclinico in Uraguay... same 05/2015 expiration, was completely sealed with metal tab top...in vacuum sealed plastic.
I pinned the first time with this stuff Sunday evening (today's Wednesday). Just exactly the same way I've been doing it in my Glute, same needle, etc. this time it was pretty sore and last night finally looked at it and was just barely red and a little warm to the touch. Finally today its back to normal....
Do I throw this stuff out, or is this normal? I haven't had any side effects, other than the bit of soreness. I'm ready to pin tonight but don't want to if this stuff's poison?
Thoughts ? Help ?? and thanks. R