I been out the game for a while and I'm a newbie when it comes to any gear that isn't from Mexico or Balkan Pharm cause that is pretty much all I had/ Have access 2. I just made 2 orders from a source online and I'm still waiting for it to come in so I made some calls to a buddy and he had some Sustanon 250 10ml bottle by alpha labs and he also had a 10 ml bott of test p made by MLG Pharm! I went ahead and picked it up cause in my town gear is rare and I'm dealing with a source online that I never userd before and I'm sure everyone knows the odds are not I'm my favor when u are trying to find a good source and just getting back in the game! Anyway, If anybody has used or heard of these brands please let me know your imput!
And just to let everyone know, I DO NOt have a reliable source yet and I'm not asking for one right now! I figure by the time I ask all of the questions I have I will have been on here long enough for everyone to see that I am just a man trying to do everything the way I should have done it the first time!
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