Any testimonies on this brand. I am using Test E. Curious if anyone has used this and what their review is on it.
Any testimonies on this brand. I am using Test E. Curious if anyone has used this and what their review is on it.
Used their orals and they worked.
Some here have feedback on their injectables.
GTG from everything I read. Older batches of gear (brown vials) have PIP complaints, new batch (clear vials) are smooth.
Awww that explains it. Mine are brownish/yellowish. Must be the old one's cause the PIP is heavy. Not that I have anything to compare it too. Let's just say if I don't do legs on PIN day, they are not getting done for another 3-4 days.
Glad I could help.
Heard nothing but good and will be trying there deca soon.. good luck and if Swifto says there good orals I would definately believe it (just saying)Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP
I have had there test e, good stuff with no pip.
No PIP?! I can't even imagine how heavenly that would be. I could deal with 3-4 hours, but 3-4 days hobbling around with a gigantic swollen muscle that at slightest movement throbs. Not trying to bitch, I am a man and deal with it no prob. Just sayin, not to have PIP would be amazing.
I've used there Prop and liked it, my brother on the other hand had experienced PIP everywhere except for the glutes.
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