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Thread: Geneza... bunk?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Geneza... bunk?

    So, after getting some excellent suggestions from members here I cut my cycle to a test only run for 12 weeks. I've been pinning 250mg Test Enth every Mon/Thurs. I'm finishing out week 10 now. My diet has been on point, training is probably the best it's ever been as far as intensity and frequency. But, I'm getting little to nothing out of it (compared to natural lifting gains). It's my first cycle, I'd like to think I'm nowhere near my genetic potential. Anyone know if Geneza Pharmaceuticals is legit? I checked my vials through the product authenticity on their site and it says it's legit. I had minimal PIP after use which subsided as the weeks went on.

    Start of cycle -

    221 lbs
    12% BF (7 point caliper test)

    Week 10 of cycle -

    229 lbs
    12% BF

    I have been eating at least 2800-3000 cals a day. Lifting on a 4 day split. Strength was nowhere near impressive to start, average to say the least. It remains about the same with maybe a 10-15 lb weight increase with the exception of legs, my squat has gone up about 60 lbs but, I've been hitting legs a lot harder than I usually do. No bloat, no acne, no hair loss, no headaches... no sides... at all. For about a 2 week period around week 5-6 my skin got a little greasier than normal but has since subsided. Noticed a slight increase in body hair (never had it on my back, very slight now with a few more pronounced hairs) I have not had an increase in sense of well being. Still feel slightly lethargic. Labido is naturally high and has not increased much if at all. Muscle mass has not increased much at all. Slightly more definition/size in shoulders/traps.

    I've heard that GP's stuff tends to be under-dosed but... at 500 mg per week and being my first cycle, I'd think I'd get something out of it? I've bumped my pins to 1.5 cc per injection starting this past Monday and will continue this until the end of cycle to see if I notice any changes. Has anyone heard of GP stuff being this ineffective? I'm lined up to run another 8 week cycle of their Prop with 80mg var for my next cycle but... wondering if it's even worth it at this point.

    Anyone have input or suggestions? Possibly think of something to point towards as the culprit? Will finish the cycle and run full and correct PCT regardless. Just wondering for next time...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Infidel101
    So, after getting some excellent suggestions from members here I cut my cycle to a test only run for 12 weeks. I've been pinning 250mg Test Enth every Mon/Thurs. I'm finishing out week 10 now. My diet has been on point, training is probably the best it's ever been as far as intensity and frequency. But, I'm getting little to nothing out of it (compared to natural lifting gains). It's my first cycle, I'd like to think I'm nowhere near my genetic potential. Anyone know if Geneza Pharmaceuticals is legit? I checked my vials through the product authenticity on their site and it says it's legit. I had minimal PIP after use which subsided as the weeks went on.

    Start of cycle -

    221 lbs
    12% BF (7 point caliper test)

    Week 10 of cycle -

    229 lbs
    12% BF

    I have been eating at least 2800-3000 cals a day. Lifting on a 4 day split. Strength was nowhere near impressive to start, average to say the least. It remains about the same with maybe a 10-15 lb weight increase with the exception of legs, my squat has gone up about 60 lbs but, I've been hitting legs a lot harder than I usually do. No bloat, no acne, no hair loss, no headaches... no sides... at all. For about a 2 week period around week 5-6 my skin got a little greasier than normal but has since subsided. Noticed a slight increase in body hair (never had it on my back, very slight now with a few more pronounced hairs) I have not had an increase in sense of well being. Still feel slightly lethargic. Labido is naturally high and has not increased much if at all. Muscle mass has not increased much at all. Slightly more definition/size in shoulders/traps.

    I've heard that GP's stuff tends to be under-dosed but... at 500 mg per week and being my first cycle, I'd think I'd get something out of it? I've bumped my pins to 1.5 cc per injection starting this past Monday and will continue this until the end of cycle to see if I notice any changes. Has anyone heard of GP stuff being this ineffective? I'm lined up to run another 8 week cycle of their Prop with 80mg var for my next cycle but... wondering if it's even worth it at this point.

    Anyone have input or suggestions? Possibly think of something to point towards as the culprit? Will finish the cycle and run full and correct PCT regardless. Just wondering for next time...
    Get blood work done. It's the only way you'll really know if it is under dosed / bunk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    My experience with geneza test prop and Tren Ace was that I felt as if the tren was underdosed for sure!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I had bloods done before I started and will have them done at the end of cycle and end of PCT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    You have gained 8 lbs on only 3000 calories, for your size I would think to get more gains add calories see what happens

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Genesa is JUNK !!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I hear good things about raps if that is where you got it from?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    I hear good things about raps if that is where you got it from?
    You're close enough. But won't go further due to the rules on source discussion. Needless to say I was sure to do my research and Geneza received many rave reviews. Everyone loved the lack of PIP and made great claims to it being very smooth and working well. There were a few post here and there on the web about them being under-dosed but infinitely more showering them with praise for being the cleanest gear out there. Most of the under-dosed statements mentioned were directed at particular lot numbers and were from more than two years ago. Figured the issue may have been resolved.

    Now, before everyone goes and thinks I'm smashing GP, please understand this is my first cycle so... I honestly don't know wtf I'm talking about outside what I've read. As ppwc1985 pointed out, this very easily could be a fault on my side. Perhaps I'm not eating enough. I'll try bumping up my cals some more and see where that leads me as well. Sadly I only have about two weeks left so, I may not know really for this cycle. Just looking to see if anyone has any additional suggestions before I completely blame the gear. I'll bump cals to 3500 and see where that puts me.

  9. #9
    They under dose. Just finished a 10 week cycle using their test cyp and saw very little gains.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I have had it a few times in the past and had great results.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Definitely underdoesed and will never go wigh that lab again..
    Imho JUNK

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Twin Cities Minnesota
    Plus go to genezas website. You can verify yours if its legitimate or faked by the serial #. Not to say the legitimate isn't underdosed, just actually verify yours was indeed produced by them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie
    Plus go to genezas website. You can verify yours if its legitimate or faked by the serial #. Not to say the legitimate isn't underdosed, just actually verify yours was indeed produced by them.
    Either way its junk lol... mine was legit and way underdosed

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    I used there Test Prop and it was underdosed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Twin Cities Minnesota
    Quote Originally Posted by freddy1418

    Either way its junk lol... mine was legit and way underdosed
    I wonder why they don't correct that. Seems this has always been their issue. That's a dissapointment. Just run at way higher doses I guess. It's a shame you gotta pin more for less effect though.

  16. #16
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    I wonder why they don't correct that. Seems this has always been their issue. That's a dissapointment. Just run at way higher doses I guess. It's a shame you gotta pin more for less effect though.
    Why pin twice the amount when you can just buy better gear?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    An 8lb increase with no water retention and your body fat didn't go up at all would be considered a decent gain in lean muscle mass in my book based on the amount of food you're eating.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Twin Cities Minnesota
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    Why pin twice the amount when you can just buy better gear?
    Well I said its a shame to do that and obviously this is the better choice. Just my suggestion since he already has it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I will be using two of GP"s compounds next month. 1-test cyp and the injectable anavar. I have used GP in the past and had great sucess?? But that was ometime ago. I will update you guys when I start.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just in case anyone is interested I thought I would share my experience with GP's 1 -test cyp and the oil based injectable var. I will be starting this cycle next Friday. I will be running test cyp along side these two compounds. As always, the order and TA process was smooth and fast. I will be getting frequent blood work done to assess the quality of these compounds.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    5 weeks in on geneza 1-test cyp and this stuff is the real deal. Strength is at an all time high and im looking hard as a rock.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ive read a lot of reviews here and other forums and its a mixed thing, for some people it works for some it doesnt. I definitely say your caloric intake is very low for your size, my maintenance is @ 3000 and i weight less than you and i am shorter as well. Check that out but hopefully your gear is good!!! Good luck!

  23. #23
    I purchased geneza dbol inj. 100mg/ml did 50ml ed 1st week 100mls ed next 2 . NOTHING. THREW the the rest. I was impressed with naps t/a tho. LOL

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    United States
    You def need to recalculate your caloric needs..your on way to low calorie of a diet to expect dramatic results. You are lucky you even put on 5lbs imo

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    There is enough info out on how bad Genesa gear is so why buy it?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    There is enough info out on how bad Genesa gear is so why buy it?
    You know how some are... let them waste there money lol

  27. #27
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    There is enough info out on how bad Genesa gear is so why buy it?
    There is equal or greater information about how awesome they are as well. I looked around. My first choice was not GP but, could not source it. Of my other two choices, GP seemed the better so, it won. I will be trying something different after this run. Another one I'm unsure of but, that is the game we play... at least those of us in the beginning trying to find legit stuff.

    I fully admit my calorie intake and diet in general was very lacking. It is already improving and a work in progress. I plan to remedy my past mistakes this time around and hopefully will have better luck. Only time and bloods will truly tell.

  28. #28
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Infidel101 View Post
    There is equal or greater information about how awesome they are as well. I looked around. My first choice was not GP but, could not source it. Of my other two choices, GP seemed the better so, it won. I will be trying something different after this run. Another one I'm unsure of but, that is the game we play... at least those of us in the beginning trying to find legit stuff.

    I fully admit my calorie intake and diet in general was very lacking. It is already improving and a work in progress. I plan to remedy my past mistakes this time around and hopefully will have better luck. Only time and bloods will truly tell.

    You are correct. There are great reviews and then some bad ones. Having been in the game for some years now, I have used many labs and have found that its a rarity to find alot of labs that have zero negative reviews. I have never had any issues with this lab. I haved used it off and on for years. Now, perhaps I am just lucky.. I will tell you that I had some of their gear tested and it was slightly overdosed. I am currently running their 1-test cyp and some test cyp. Its only been a week but I will check in periodically on this thread and post my results..

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm running their prop and var for my next cycle. We will see how it goes. I'll fix the issues on my end and hopefully the issues I thought came from the gear will be diminished. Also going to get more bloods done this time around so I know for sure.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hey, I thought that I would let you know that I am 3.5 weeks into this 1-test cyp, tesy cyp cycle of GP gear and, in a nutshell, I am very happy with the results! The only unpleasantry is oily skin..... I have leaned out considerably, I am vascular as hell and my strength has greatly increased and my libido is still raging. I could not be happier. Still no PIP.

    I did fall down a few times during the holiday with my diet but still managed to shed some body fat.

    I will try to do a better job of keeping this log up to date. I am really looking forward to trying the injectable var......

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    10 days into my Prop/Var cycle. Just finished 6th pin. Running at 150 mg EOD. Haven't started the var. PIP is there but not terrible. Much less than I anticipated. Was hoping to have a more pronounced feeling by now but... honestly nothing. Feeling a little more hungry but have been hitting the gym harder. I'm going to give it till the two week mark and see if I feel anything at all. If not, I'm switching to some different prop I got from another UGL. Really haven't had much luck with GP.

  32. #32
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    Jul 2012
    Still nothing. Switched to different UGL. Was running at 150 mg EOD. 18 days into the cycle and feeling nothing. I mean... nothing. Found a different/better source and will be running the same cycle. Will see if there is a pronounced difference between the two. My last cycle was GP and was disappointing as well. Seems they're hit and miss... but I only miss. Really unimpressed and will likely not be returning. Fingers crossed the Var isn't garbage but, haven't been instilled with a whole lot of faith from Geneza thus far. Congrats to those who have had luck with them. I'm not in that boat.

  33. #33
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    Apr 2005
    I am sorry to hear that man.... If I were you I would contact them. Never hurts to try. Have you had bloodwork??? If your interested??? I am 5 weeks in and am really starting to see some appreciable gains with thier 1-test cyp. I am substantially stronger in all of my lifts and have, what seems like, endless endurance/stamina in the gym.

    So far my favorite thing about this compound is what it does to my body composition. I have lost alot of body fat and am very lean, muscular and vascular. As I have said in the past, I dont compete and my primary goal is to just look good. This stuff is accomplishing that for me. In addition it has from the first 10 days or so sent my libido thru the roof! I mean rock hard moments thru out the day and night.

    Only neg side so far is the oily skin.......

    I will start the injectable var the last 6 or so weeks of my cycle. As lean as I am now and hearing from a couple of folks about what the injectable var did for them I should be very happy at the end of this cycle...

  34. #34
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    Jul 2012
    Glad it worked out for you. I have switched to a different UGL and the difference is definitely noticeable. Enough to make me more than confident that my GP stuff was incredibly underdosed if not completely bunk. My buddy and I are both running the new gear and both have much better results. He's been on for 3 weeks I've been on for one. I'm already noticing a difference. Ready for it to really start rolling. Everyone I've heard say good things about GP has been running their Cyp... at least lately. Everyone with Enth and Prop has claimed it is very under dosed. Hearing good things about their orals though. We shall see. Either way, I will likely not use that lab again.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I bought some of their clen. First dose today if 40mcg. So far, no body temp increase. Ive been taking my temp throughout the day.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    It's watered down Big-time and lab test have confirmed that some of their injectables are contaminated. Use a different brand!

  37. #37
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    I figured it was very low dose... Prop was super weak sauce. I have since moved on to, what I believe to be, a much better UGL. Running their Var still because, hell... I paid a lot of money for it. Never run Var before but, seems to be decent I guess. Nothing amazing but, vascularity is up, lower back pumps are intense.

    I will not be running their oils again. Kudos to those who seem to like them and they work.

  38. #38
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    I know of a guy who swears by them and has used quite a few of their gear with very good results. I think is either a hit or miss with them. I myself got some for a future cycle so we'll see. Really cant comment yet but i hope is of the legit ones!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Nice reviews will stay out

  40. #40
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    Update on the GP Var... unimpressed. Ran it at doses all the way up to 120mg a day. Underdosed... just like everything else I've ever received from them. From what I've read at 120mg I should have had epic pumps and decent strength gains etc. With the exception of one or two cramping moments in the middle of the night, it did nothing but make me a little more vascular... which could have been the prop I was running. Got some mild lower back pumps but nothing crippling. As far as in gym pumps, even at 120 mg a day they weren't any more intense than normal. Literally hundreds of dollars of Var... useless.

    I checked the numbers on their site and they all said they were legit. Source was supposedly legit as well. Either I simply don't respond to AAS at all... or their gear is garbage. I'm gonna go with the second one.

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