Has anyone tried one of these UGLs from Canada?
Has anyone tried one of these UGLs from Canada?
Yes to Newport. And only heard good things about eclipse.
Your good to go with it.
Edited to reflect currant status of Newport.
Last edited by MickeyKnox; 05-15-2013 at 09:06 AM.
Heard only good things about Newport but its hard to get good stuff like that around here used medistar and would never go back to it
On Eclipse right now. Will update when I'm done my cycle.
Lots of good review on it.
Newport is g2g
Innovagen and Northern are g2g. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me find Innovagen anymore. I'm very curious about this Newport you speak of, haha. You seem to swear by it, MickeyKnox.
just starting my second cycle on northern. all went well the first time around
Innovagen is great lab especially of the 15 ml bottles.
They were solid for a awhile but sadly they have succumbed tot he greed and carelessness that most top UGL's experience at one point or an other.
I don't know why mickeys talkin shit I've been using Newport for the last year and a half
No complaints here great lab, eclipse has a great reputation too
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