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  1. #1
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    i have recently bought "HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE " (injection form) and after doing my research about it.
    I realized that there are manyyy different brands of HGH out there. some i heard are even fake.

    that raised a lot of questions for me, im confused about it now, i have never bought human growth hormone before so i dont know a lot about it.
    the vail itself looks real, sticker is evenly placed, all the safty features are there as well

    BRAND NAME: Nova Pharma
    LABEL SAYS: Somatropin 191AA
    the vail has a green cap on top,
    the sticker starts off light blue on top, and goes dark blue on the bottom,
    it also has expiry date on it, temerature it should be stored at, also other info

    if anyone can help me out i would really appriciate it,
    i would like to know anything i can.
    has anyone seen this type before or used it????
    i will try to post a picture of it
    thanks for all help

  2. #2
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Heres a picture of the vial

    Has anyone seen this brand before. Any info will help

  3. #3
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Bump please.. Can anyone help me out

  4. #4
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Garbage....Generic. Stay away from generics in general. Growth is not like AAS, where you can buy the compound and make yourself. There is much more involved when manufacturing real rHGH 191aa. In short its either Pharmacy grade or garbage.

  5. #5
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Well i bought 8 vials of it.. What should i do now?
    So is it real or fake ?
    What does generic mean?? Isnt it a good thing when its a pharmacy grade?

    Im on my third week, doing 3 iu's a day, no results yet, i do feel better. I sleep better, more energy. I dont get tired as easy.

    So the HGH i have is underground shit ?? Or is it real??
    Does it mean i got ripped off ?
    What brand should i look for when i buy it next time ??

  6. #6
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Hey brother...Generic means that it does not come from a named pharmaceutical company. They did a bunch of studies on multiple forums but PM being one of them showing the results of both the Quality of the GH and the serum levels. The generics were terrible in most cases and your better off putting money into your food and gear. They are there merely to rip people off, quick buck. So to your question it is fake. Underground GH is all shit. You better using peptides. I would either stick with major US manufacturers through a doctor, get ready to shell out some major money. Or find yourself Gen-Sci Jintroping or Anekbio Ansomone from a reputable source. The cost is not nearly as much as a doctor but still not cheap.

  7. #7
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    been some fake ansomone lately as well.

  8. #8
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Well thats like saying there is some fake, Pfizer...Fake stuff everywhere. Just know where your getting your stuff from. I merely stating the products that are actual pharmacy grade products. Ansomone ive been taking for a minute, but I sourced it myself. They just wont ship to the US, have to have another address outside the country ship it there and then have it shipped here. Ansomone fakes are pretty easy to spot, and they are rare....Often the prices are to good to be true and when you pill back your sticker that seals the box, the numbers are printed on another sticker not the box. Serial #'s are generally from old batches. Print is off in some places and the instructions are missing. There is one good source on the boards for genuine product and then there is direct but just requires buddies in other places on the planet.

  9. #9
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    thats what hes saying mate , ankie's ansomone is no good any more . they are selectively scamming

  10. #10
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    So basicly the HGH i got is garbage ?

    Should i stop doing it??

  11. #11
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Has anyone actually seen the brand that i have ?? Or did anyone use it ?

  12. #12
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    ive never seen / heard of it mate . looks like someone has just made up their own label and stuck it on to a generic green top

  13. #13
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Well since i have it now. Im in a middle of the cycle now, in 3 weeks in, im doing this to loose wheight And get rid of the fat in my body..
    Can anyone tell me what to look for when i want to buy

    The reason i want to try the real hgh is so i cAn compare the one i have now. Between the real one.

  14. #14
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    thats what hes saying mate , ankie's ansomone is no good any more . they are selectively scamming
    And where did you guys derive that conclusion? Thats a ridiculous statement? Anhui Anke Biotechnology is selectively scamming people. You guys obviously know nothing about Chinese law, there would be massive repercussions. They are a huge company not dealing in just Recombinant Human Growth Hormone , you think they would waste their time putting out fake products to scam body builders? Use your head...There is obviously people out there who would create counterfeits to take advantage of a quality product and ask more money. I can tell you now, the product I get which is direct from Anekbio, not fake. I did serum level tests maybe 6 months ago, full blood test and my levels were at 27ng/ml and then I had another done 5 weeks later and I was at 38ng/ml, not fake. I was on generic (Kigtroping and Riptroping) 7 months prior to starting pharmacy grade growth and didnt feel anything like I did when taking pharmacy. But a statement that Anekbio is scamming peolple is ridiculous

  15. #15
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Well get ready to shell out some serious money. My understanding is Canada is strict regarding HRT both with Testosterone and GH. As for what to look for, going to be bigger brand names, such as Eli Lilly, Pfizer, again Gen-Sci or Anekbio but make sure you have reference as to where you get your products from. As stated above there are rip offs being made all the time. Any of the guys on here who are currently running real Pharmacy grade Growth will tell you the difference between the pharmacy and generic are night and day. My experience is, for fat loss, the stuff is pretty awesome...For size, not so thrilled. For my overall well being, happiness, sleep etc, really impressed. Nothing compares to AAS regarding instant gratification

  16. #16
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    And where did you guys derive that conclusion? Thats a ridiculous statement? Anhui Anke Biotechnology is selectively scamming people. You guys obviously know nothing about Chinese law, there would be massive repercussions. They are a huge company not dealing in just Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, you think they would waste their time putting out fake products to scam body builders? Use your head...There is obviously people out there who would create counterfeits to take advantage of a quality product and ask more money. I can tell you now, the product I get which is direct from Anekbio, not fake. I did serum level tests maybe 6 months ago, full blood test and my levels were at 27ng/ml and then I had another done 5 weeks later and I was at 38ng/ml, not fake. I was on generic (Kigtroping and Riptroping) 7 months prior to starting pharmacy grade growth and didnt feel anything like I did when taking pharmacy. But a statement that Anekbio is scamming peolple is ridiculous
    well to start with from my own experience . in addition many other vets on here have had similar experience . dont take my word for it

    mate , my feelings were the same as yours ! they cant be , they make cancer treatments as well , they are on the chinese stock exchange etc etc ............. i agree
    however there was something wrong with my g.h . at the same time others here with alot more experience than me were complaining of the same thing and have stopped buying ..........

  17. #17
    swithuk is offline Associate Member
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    believe me i wish it weren't true and its not logical for them to do it . but im prity convinced . read the posts from a few weeks back . its convincing mate

  18. #18
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Well, lot of it going to be where they are getting it from. I know of one large supplier that is on the forums, not sure if it was them. Its like anything it seems like in this world, if there is a buck to be made they will rip it off. If you have people living outside the country, best thing is to contact them yourself and have it shipped to the overseas address and have them forward it to you. Thats really the only thing you can do to assure your getting quality.

  19. #19
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    I was reading some other stuff about hgh on other forums.
    The guys were saying if its fake, theres some things you should notice.
    - the powder in the vail will be loose, not compressed.
    - when you add bacterial static water to mix up the vail, it doesnt disolve properly.
    - when you jag it, it will feel painfull.
    The stuff i have i dont see any of these symptoms.
    Everything looks proper.
    When injecting i dont feel any pain.
    It mixes right away,
    Im not saying the stuff is real.
    But i actually think that its good quality Underground lab.
    I feel that i dont get sore after a hard work out.
    Also my sleeping pattern is better. I feel like a get a better sleep.

    Has anyone else ever used this brand of hgh ?

  20. #20
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    I wish i could get my hands on real pharmacutical grade of hgh, the one that comes from a real pharmacy, just sp i can compare the two, but its really hard in canada

  21. #21
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Bump .. Trying to get more info

  22. #22
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HGH can produce many symptoms but these can be mirrored by supplements or gear including changes in sleep, cardiac output, vascularity, rapid recovery, water retention, skin flushing, etc. A symptom that is more unique to GH is the peripheral sensory neuropathy (PSN) or numbness/tingles you experience in your hands at higher doses.

    I've found that if I don titrate doses and start at doses of 5-6iu or higher, I experience more headaches and PNS. These have correlated with changes in BW as well. Titrating doses prevents this from occurring.

    Unfortunately, finding legitimate sources of GH is harder than finding legitimate gear IME. I've used Pharma-grade GH and black-market (both legit and counterfit).

  23. #23
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    You can get a million and one opinions bro but you just need to go get tested and KNOW if its fake or underdosed or G2G No reason to wonder.... my 2 cents

  24. #24
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Thats a good idea..

    I live in ontario canada. Do you think i should be able to go to any doctor and ask for referral ?
    Or do i have to see a sports doctor??
    The sports doctor that i know , it takes at least for months to get an appointment with him.
    I wish i could stay on that long but my finacial situation is only letting me stay on for max of 4 months and ive been on for a month already.

  25. #25
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    I mean when are people going to wake up?? Does anyone know the process it takes to actually make rHGH 191aa? Do you understand the equipment cost it takes to produce it? The facility size along with the people you would have to contract to make it would never take the risk of destroying their career. You know what the Chinese government would do if they uncovered such a lab? I mean this whole generic GH thing has got to stop. Recombinant Growth Hormone is made by taking DNA that contains GH 191 single chain amino acids (20,000 molecular weight) and incorporating it into a living purified cell culture synthesized from plant matter. Over a period of time, the Growth Hormone pattern develops in the culture medium and the finished product, in the form of a powder, is now an 'exact' duplication of Human Growth Hormone. Bottom line, if you want rHGH 191aa you have a select # of manufacturers, very easy to find all of them on the web. Realize state side your going to be paying a mortgage to get it. Or find it from a number of countries that sell it legally go there and buy it and then ship it home at a discounted price. Stop buying shit because its cheap and putting it in your body! Christ, look at the studies on forums regarding Growth Hormone quality, most of them do not even contain growth hormone and the ones that do are classified as contaminated Growth Hormone. Which means do not put it in your body! This whole industry has turned into what I would call the KIT CAR industry. Everybody wanting to drive Lamborghini's but cant afford it so they go buy a cheap Fiero and stick a ugly Lamborghini body on it. Good product cost money, plane and simple.

  26. #26
    wesh's Avatar
    wesh is offline Junior Member
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    Ive done some investigating on your somotropin. It is quality hgh. One of the best. Same as primotropin which im using now. Just cause someone here says its garbage doesnt mean anything. U just gotta do lots of in depth research

  27. #27
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    And its not an underground lab

  28. #28
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Thanks 'wesh'

    I really appreciate your help.
    I had a really hard time beliving that what i got was fake. Because even thou im new to aas. I have known my source for a very long time, he knows his sh*t
    I tried doing research about it but i couldnt find anything.
    Did you by any chance find out what country it comes from ??

  29. #29
    wesh's Avatar
    wesh is offline Junior Member
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    It is made in china. A great product

  30. #30
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Wesh enlighten us on this wonderful product....Tell you right now its a UGL. 100% UGL, its a re-label. Not even a real pharmaceutical company.

  31. #31
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    I will be recieving a full kit. Later on today.

    It will come in sealed box.

    I'll take a picture of that and post it later

  32. #32
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by danielzak1990
    I will be recieving a full kit. Later on today.

    It will come in sealed box.

    I'll take a picture of that and post it later
    Gi812 knows what he's talking about. Im fully confident you'll get a full kit in a sealed box as well. Kits, packaging, labels don't mean dik. Anyone can make a package look legit. Very few have the means and ability to produce the real deal. I personally have never and will never mess with hgh just because of how much fake is out there. I follow the rule if you had to ask if its fake, theres your answer

  33. #33
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    I never said that he doesnt know what hes talking about. From what he said so far , everything makes sense, and before i even made this thread i knew that hgh isnt easy to make.

    All i wanted to know if anyone else has ever seen this brand before? Or used it.

    Theres only way to find out.. Im gonna get tests done. And will know for sure.

  34. #34
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danielzak1990
    I never said that he doesnt know what hes talking about. From what he said so far , everything makes sense, and before i even made this thread i knew that hgh isnt easy to make.

    All i wanted to know if anyone else has ever seen this brand before? Or used it.

    Theres only way to find out.. Im gonna get tests done. And will know for sure.
    Sounds expensive. Talking lab tests or bloodwork? Goodluck, hopefully you got lucky but don't believe it til you see it.

  35. #35
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    What i had in mind was blood work..

    Im very cool with my family doctor but not cool enough to have his perscribe me gh.. LoL

  36. #36
    Gi812Many's Avatar
    Gi812Many is offline Member
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    Yah man, doctors prescription is robbery. You walk out of the office having felt like you just been rapped. Its trail and error brother....Lots of us have spent stupid money to come to our conclusions. What I have learned in this business, if its to good to be true well its to good to be true. From cheap gear, to buy x amount and receive x amount of bunk gear for free, to Chinese made generics. They are feeding on peoples naivety and the consumers lust for finding good deals. Good gear costs money, good GH costs money. For me, if I cant find it from a source that some how buys direct or myself finding means to acquire it direct (rHGH im talking about) I wont buy it. Your better off putting the money into quality gear, which honestly will make you bigger than rHGH will. Hope im not coming across as an ass, just want to help you out....No disrespect to WESH but, bro where did you derive your conclusion???

  37. #37
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danielzak1990
    What i had in mind was blood work..

    Im very cool with my family doctor but not cool enough to have his perscribe me gh.. LoL
    Most doctors who value their license aren't going to prescribe GH off label. The risks aren't in their favor and presently the only approved indications for GH are GHD and AIDS/HIV.

    Black market sources or connections to pharm grade are the easier options. The problem with black market is product integrity.

  38. #38
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    ^^^^ Agree with MuscleInk...Your regular family practitioner is not where you go to acquire rHGH. You go to a health and wellness clinic or something along those lines. Often compound pharmacies will have a Dr. who will prescribe products as well. They are a dime a dozen in South Florida and California

  39. #39
    danielzak1990 is offline New Member
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    Does anyone know if i can get a refferal for blood work from a 'walk in clinic' ??

  40. #40
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Throw it in the bin, not worth wasting a pin on it .

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