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Thread: Pro hormone question

  1. #1

    Pro hormone question

    Sup guys, not to be a noob or anything but I was recently going to start a cutting cycle of test p tren a and var which I ordered from over seas but when I went to the post office to pick up my package I was nabbed by metro narcotics ( no charges were pressed you can read all the info in my last thread for those of you wondering what happened ) anyway after my little incounter I'm scared shitless to touch AAS so I was thinking of a pro hormone, problem is I've never even thought about a PH or studied them much because I've always just stuck with AAS reason being I know about it and I believe brings much better gains anyway I'm having trouble finding info on a PH that would be the best choice for cutting and be similar to my test p and tren a cycle I was planning. If some one could just point me in the right direction with a name of a good PH for lean DRY gains I would really appreciate it, also a LEGAL pro hormone to scared to touch anything illegial after that

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    PH have more sides than steroids. I would not touch them if someone gave them to me for free. You need to locate a domestic source or someone in person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Nottingham England
    Dude don't touch pros there really bad shyte I took them for 2 weeks
    No sleep
    Back pain
    Kidney pain

    Find a legitamate local source dude don't use pro's

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