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Thread: Euro********

  1. #1
    alex_schwarzenegger is offline New Member
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    Anyone have any experience with these guys or sciroxx and their testosterone cypionate ? Am sort of freaking out because I just western union'd them 287.00 and the lady kept askomg me questions about what it was for and that a lot of times 'things' like this are scams and fraud. Do you think she knew what it was for? And is euro******** legit? Sorry I did a bunch of research on sciroxx and it looked good but now I'm freaking

  2. #2
    Papiriqui's Avatar
    Papiriqui is offline Productive Member
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    The lady at western union ask because she is a moron, all you need to say is money for a friend and thats it or go to another one. If you got it from a good place it shouldnt be a problem or scam, people here spend much more than that at any given time.

    If you search you would have found that sciroxx if is from legit source is gtg....

  3. #3
    alex_schwarzenegger is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Do you know about euro******** tho? And why would I have to send it to a man in Miami Florida? Could u pm me and help me check it out? I'd like to cancel my order before he gets it of ots a scam..thanks man I appreciate it

  4. #4
    alex_schwarzenegger is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    Papiriqui's Avatar
    Papiriqui is offline Productive Member
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    I have no idea on the euro, i dont know why you would have to send it to someone in Miami which is where i am coincidently LOL but if you are unsure just cancel it and find a local source. Dont rush this, its a lot of money i wouldnt just throw out until i am very sure everything will go good even though is never a 100%

    Just keep researching until you find someone local or online source where you feel comfortable sending your money!!!

  6. #6
    alex_schwarzenegger is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui View Post
    I have no idea on the euro, i dont know why you would have to send it to someone in Miami which is where i am coincidently LOL but if you are unsure just cancel it and find a local source. Dont rush this, its a lot of money i wouldnt just throw out until i am very sure everything will go good even though is never a 100%

    Just keep researching until you find someone local or online source where you feel comfortable sending your money!!!

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