Maybe if you take it out of the box and post up more pics you can get a better response......Just my .02 bro...It does look like legit pharm grade though, looks very close to mine. You do know that after you reconstitute it you can use a pregnancy test to verify if its legit right?...You prob already knew that, but i was just throwing that out there just in case you didnt
Last edited by Wes201; 04-03-2013 at 11:55 PM.
Well I just ordered it so don't have it yet. Will do when I get it tho. Did you get same brand?
I don't think there are any counterfeits at all because its just too cheap and easy to produce. Unlike hgh where it's counterfeited alot.
I ordered that exact brand and probably from the same site....it was bogus, and I respectfully told the staff of the website and the guy called me a liar basically. I have used hcg on several occasions and I know what it does to my body, this stuff did nothing! so I went back to my original source and everything is good again.
IMO the guy was rude and a very bad business man, its dealing with assholes like this that turned me into brewing my own stuff, I would say his loss, but their are suckers lined up around the corner, so what does he care....
Okay so do I have to ****ing get a pregnancy test in see for real if its legit or not. I just drop the liquid on the test strip right?
It doesn't look fake to me there was a lot of effort put into the packaging and labeling everything it wouldn't even make business sense it would cost more money for them to make it fake that to just give it the real stuff
I see. Mine was made recently according to the packaging
I don't trust the Chinese with anything finances politics and especially drugs lol
Snow they can fake the heck out of all products. It is cost effective for them since they mass produce counterfeit product and the only Cost is in the initial Label and package design. Then they Sell it to Unknowing suppliers and in some cases straight to the User.
Very informative and interesting. ...crazy mike
Still have a feeling this is legit. Going to order 5000iu pregnyl from organon anyway just for backup
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