This ugl has clearly gone scammer. I got ripped off. Spred this news so other people don't suffer the same fate
This ugl has clearly gone scammer. I got ripped off. Spred this news so other people don't suffer the same fate
Did you get ripped off in that they took your money and didn't send product, or was the product fake? How did you know if it was fake? Im asking as I have Scrioxx TestE, Deca, and anavar that was purchased 8 mo ago, I have it and got it from a reliable (in the past & recommended source) and wondering how I know if its good or not w/ out using it and then finding out. Thanks for the info
They sent me the products but all 4 products were bunk. 1 of the products was possibly real but even if it was real it was the cheaper version of what I had ordered. I ordered tbol not shitty ass dbol
Trust me I use to be one of sciroxxs' biggest fan. Me and Karl had a great working relationship. Now Karl or anyone from else at sciroxx will not answer emails. One of the emails was purposely set up to where if you sent them an email it purposely got bounced back to you
I noticed the same thing about the communications and that bounced email issue. Im wondering if my var is real. If I post a pic of packaging and product can anyone tell me?
Might as well try.
Sciroxx is definitely not bunk. That source definitely has shipping problems, counting pill problems and some other stuff. BUT I am on their var now, and my partner is on their cyp and var. Both of us are experienced and both of us are seeing great results. I know there is fake sciroxx out there. As long as you go to the source and Karl you spoke of you are good to go. Good luck
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