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Thread: White bumps on left arm will it turn into scars??

  1. #1

    White bumps on left arm will it turn into scars??

    Hey guys I recently switched brands. Was doing same brand for awhile with no problems.

    I tried one of my friends test prop that he said was great lol.

    I've done 3 shots 1cc so far and I have noticed little white bumps appear on my left arm.

    Has anyone experienced this?

    Someone I know said similar happened to him and once he went out in sun it broke out worse changed colours and scared him. That was 7 years ago for him and still has the marks today.

    Winding if I should throw it away or if I'm making a big deal outta nothing.

    I uploaded a pic of my left arm . Kinda hard to say if you've had something like that happen if u can't see it.

    I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

    Thank you!

    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	4586 
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ID:	152883

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Looks like a rash from the oil or solvents. I get some similar bumps on my back and neck when there's EO in the mix. Don't know about scaring, but I hope not!

  3. #3
    You posted in the wrong section....

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by flenser View Post
    Looks like a rash from the oil or solvents. I get some similar bumps on my back and neck when there's EO in the mix. Don't know about scaring, but I hope not!
    What is EO?

    It is my last bottle anyway gonna cycle off. I think I wud have to use it for much longer to get bad sides like that.

    Appreciate the feedback will let u know what happens!

    Also I apologize for posting in wrong sections. Still very new to this site not too sure where I was supposed to go with this one. It's UGL so it made sense to post in UGL discussion..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    EO = Ethyl Oleate. It's sometimes used to replace as much as half the regular carrier oils. Lots of reasons for it, but none of them good IMO.

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