Hello Josh. I'm not a big fan of blends. But it looks about as good as any. All I can say is pin it and see. Good luck bro!
Thank you. I didn't really doubt the product because I trust the person I got it from but you never know.
As long as its not a counterfeit it sbluld be good. Biotech pharmalinco(sp) seems to have a good reputation for a ugl. Most of the problems seem to be related to counterfeits. I know a few people that swear by them, but I have never used any.
I stay away from test 400 now, but I do have a few vials from another lab. I try to go with nothing dosed over 300mg/ml. I know compounds can hold at higher concetrations than 300mg/ml, but im not using grams of gear so high concentrations are not necessary. I also seem to have better results with gear labled at 200-300mg/ml.
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