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Thread: Sustanon 300 alternate - allergic to this one

  1. #1

    Sustanon 300 alternate - allergic to this one

    My first try on Sus 300, week one right buttocks, hurt some, red some, week 2 injected same side (stop laughing plz) massaged it in better thinking that would do the trick. Not. Big red, big pain, 5 days later, Dr. takes a peak at site and butt and says: allergic to one of the carrier oils here is a scrip for prednisone. Stuff worked like a charm in 48 hours. Thanks for listening, my question, what should I try next? Whole different brand and lab? Oh, and I'm on a cycle with durabolin and anabol. My first cycle of using anything on top of test.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by turkelator View Post
    My first try on Sus 300, week one right buttocks, hurt some, red some, week 2 injected same side (stop laughing plz) massaged it in better thinking that would do the trick. Not. Big red, big pain, 5 days later, Dr. takes a peak at site and butt and says: allergic to one of the carrier oils here is a scrip for prednisone. Stuff worked like a charm in 48 hours. Thanks for listening, my question, what should I try next? Whole different brand and lab? Oh, and I'm on a cycle with durabolin and anabol. My first cycle of using anything on top of test.
    What lab was it? I would probably switch to another labels. I have never had a reaction like that but I know some labs are cleaner than others. I can suggest a few for you. My only other suggestion would be to switch to a different kind of testosterone like enanthate or cypionate. Some people react poorly to sustanon

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    It was atlas on one side and pharma on the other. Suggestions are great!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by turkelator View Post
    It was atlas on one side and pharma on the other. Suggestions are great!
    I have always had zero issues with Pharmacom gear, Eubioz and Royal.....made really well. Not a bathtub lab. Pharmacom can be expensive but they are worth it and make stronger than most others

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    If you can Post a picture that would help, but one atlas was selling garbage with floaters. One guy ended up with an infection. If the reps name is grademan stay away.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Imo, any doctor that can look at an injection site that is red and painful and immediately conclude you are allergic to a particular carrier oil is an idiot.

    Do you know how many inflammed painful injection sites I have had? Not allergic to any carrier. Your doctor rushed to judgement as most usually do.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    When you start getting into higher concentrations and particularly sustanon, the concentration can cause allergic like reactions. Painful red injection sites are common. I would stake the farm that you aren't allergic to the carrier oil.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yea, I've had a shit ton of swollen, red injecting sites. I'd bet the farm too

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