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Thread: Fake gear

  1. #1

    Fake gear

    Just wondering if anybody had any experience with napsgear??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Haven’t heard anything good on here about them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Did they send you some fake gear?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Not sure if that gear is legit or not, but best way to find out is honestly blood work..

    I'm using something new here and beginning to think it is bunk gear. Blood work coming up asap, sometimes you can just tell the gear is underdosed or you got a bad batch

    Get the blood work, even if its only test/e2 thats good enough

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Blood work only way to tell

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by goalinmind View Post
    Not sure if that gear is legit or not, but best way to find out is honestly blood work..

    I'm using something new here and beginning to think it is bunk gear. Blood work coming up asap, sometimes you can just tell the gear is underdosed or you got a bad batch

    Get the blood work, even if its only test/e2 thats good enough
    Will you consider posting results and lab once results are in?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    OK I noticed everyone is saying get blood work to see if your gear is legit or not. What actually do you have to look for in your results in order to know if its real or not. Probably stupid question but would like to know

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Sims View Post
    OK I noticed everyone is saying get blood work to see if your gear is legit or not. What actually do you have to look for in your results in order to know if its real or not. Probably stupid question but would like to know
    There aren’t really any stupid questions here.

    As stated in a reply above, if nothing else get your testosterone and estrogen levels checked. WORST case you could get a total testosterone and regular estrogen, but ideally sensitive estrogen is best.
    For health aspects when running gear, in addition to the hormone levels you will want:
    CBC (to keep your hemoglobin/hematocrit levels safe - donate blood if hematocrit gets above 50)
    CMP - complete metabolic panel - checks electrolytes, liver and kidneys, gives blood glucose levels
    Lipids - for cholesterol - AAS can decrease your HDL which can increase risk for heart disease, “clogging” of the arteries
    PSA - don’t really want to run test/AAS if your PSA is high

    Good to run labs pre-cycle, mid-cycle and post-cycle so you know if you are good to go on cycle yet, good to continue and what you need to do to recover and if you need to monitor anything more closely.

    Need also to keep an eye on your blood pressure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Bragging to someone
    ^ this is all good and useful information. but unfortunately it does not answer Sims question of what in blood work tells you your gear is good or not.

    if your running Primobolan and you go get blood work done, what in that blood work is going to tell you that your Primo is completely Legit primo?

  11. #11
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brucewayne34 View Post
    Just wondering if anybody had any experience with napsgear??
    Never had issues with napsgear but it all depends on the brand you order. The batches I buy have the lot and isn printed on every label that you can go on the actual pharma site online, enter the number and see that it is legit. I also like naps because you can pay using bitcoin and how litecoin for a 20% and 25% discount which is huge when bulk ordering. Good luck

  12. #12
    Napsgear is all i ever used and i gained up to 70 lbs in 3 years using mostly geneza products, good luck on with what ever you choose !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Glad to hear i just purchased from them and was getting a bit worried after reading through these forums

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Naps is gtg. They have a huge selection and their prices are good as well. They have legit products there.
    Reason why no one speaks of them is because of their reputation in the past weather it being people not getting their products or they got hacked and everyone’s info got put on blast. I’ve ordered from them several times and no issues and all gear was legit.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2018
    And in my opinion if someone doesn’t get their stuff these days, it’s cause us customs saw something they wanted

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    And in my opinion if someone doesn’t get their stuff these days, it’s cause us customs saw something they wanted
    Any brands you recommend? And how do you go about the delivery? Straight to your house or do you recommend opening a P.O. box

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by HotDrops254 View Post
    Any brands you recommend? And how do you go about the delivery? Straight to your house or do you recommend opening a P.O. box
    Stay away from Geneza Pharmaceuticals. I got some severely under-dosed Test Prop 100 and they wouldn't honor the product even with bw to show test was only slightly elevated above normal range (1300 ng/dL). This is just my experience with GP. They have other products on there that are very good quality.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridonkulus View Post
    Stay away from Geneza Pharmaceuticals. I got some severely under-dosed Test Prop 100 and they wouldn't honor the product even with bw to show test was only slightly elevated above normal range (1300 ng/dL). This is just my experience with GP. They have other products on there that are very good quality.
    I’m using their Test Cyp 250 and I can say it’s pretty legit. My question is when did you get your bloods done during your cycle ? How often where you pinning your test prop?
    I’m only on a TRT dose and I’m getting some quite decent gains , mind you I’m eating like a straved baby to lean out. If you say you are getting under dosed gear, have you contacted them ? I know if you can prove their dosage is off they will most likely work With. A lot of factors I’m now interested in... due tell.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    In my very short experience with Gear, the only batch of stuff I have every gotten that I felt was maybe 100% bunk was a bag of DBOL from DragonPharma. I started at 50mg and didnt feel anything (if I used 30 to 50 mg of this other lab, I feel terrific with 15 minutes, genuine dbol def acts as an energy and mood enhancer for me)So I kept upping it until I was at 80mg per day. I THOUGHT I had felt something at that does, but im not sure if it was just my imagination. 80mg of my other preferred lab would have me bouncing off the walls....not saying all of DP is fake, but that batch was complete shyte.
    Last edited by tlaloc; 06-02-2018 at 08:53 AM. Reason: spell wrong

  20. #20
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    Oct 2017
    In my limited on on the boards I have seen every "popular" brand of gear have feedback from one end of the spectrum to the other; Lots of fanboys all the way to "i wouldn't wipe my ass with that stuff." And although i have not run bloods on anything other than script Test; based on my own empirical evidence i believe i have gotten under-dosed gear from reputable sources but I don't get emotional about it since it seems to be par for the course in this industry. Now are reputable ugl's supposed to be testing their raws? Dont know but if they are then obviously there is no excuse for low quality gear but i am not sure testing is practical someone will need to educate me on that.

  21. #21
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by CZU View Post
    In my limited on on the boards I have seen every "popular" brand of gear have feedback from one end of the spectrum to the other; Lots of fanboys all the way to "i wouldn't wipe my ass with that stuff." And although i have not run bloods on anything other than script Test; based on my own empirical evidence i believe i have gotten under-dosed gear from reputable sources but I don't get emotional about it since it seems to be par for the course in this industry. Now are reputable ugl's supposed to be testing their raws? Dont know but if they are then obviously there is no excuse for low quality gear but i am not sure testing is practical someone will need to educate me on that.
    Well first , what brand are you saying you think is underdosed ?
    Second , is this anyway related to naps? Did you order from them ?

    Ugl tend to state they check for purity.
    Usually if one person has a underdosed vial then thousands of people do. It’s why it’s highly unlikely.

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