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Thread: ******* Cycle Log

  1. #1
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    ******* Cycle Log

    I figured I'd my a log for this round. First I'd like to say ******* has very fast shipping, 3days to my house. They have great communication. Also is kinda cool that every vial type is color coated.This log will be for results of gear and myself. I'm currently on trt. 200mgs a week of test. Hcg is 500mcgs a week. I also take mic/b12. I'm currently 195.8lbs. 5'9.


    500mgs of test a week. 250*2. 1-14wks
    600mgs of mast a week. 300*2 1-14wks
    100mgs of anavar a week. 1-8wks

    Supplements- "all jym supplement science brand"

    Prejym- twice a day
    Omega- 7500mgs a day fish oil
    Vita- twice a day
    Post- once a day
    Liver- tudca

    Training and conditioning-

    Cardio- is 1hour walking at a incline EOD
    Hiit- 20mins EOD
    Lifting is all muscle groups 6days a week
    Legs twice, chest, back, bis/tris, shoulders/traps,

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    First week I've been sick. Go figure I literally am never sick. However I will post my blood work I had done last week soon. Gonna try to update weekly.

  4. #4
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Stubbed toe.

    (Salute to Kel)

  5. #5
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    sorry couch, just not the same effect.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    sorry couch, just not the same effect.
    Attachment 175850

  7. #7
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    What is their (******* Pharmaceutical) site or rep?
    Im done dealing with AEL...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luttrj View Post
    What is their (******* Pharmaceutical) site or rep?
    Im done dealing with AEL...
    AEL from what I heard has been severely Underdosed and certain compounds weren't what they were supposed to be.

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  9. #9
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    That's exactly why im no longer willing to use their products. Ive got a shit load of their 10mg var and got NOTHING from it. I even think their tren is underdosed. I sweat while i sleep while on their tren but that's about the only side or effect period i get from it. In the past ive used pharmacom and have always been pleased with their products and BW and gains proved that they were legit. However their shipping is slow and their prices seem to be pretty high. Id like to find a domestic lab to get supplies from. I have a face to face guy but he's way too high.

  10. #10
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    I have tried notifying all AEL using members.
    Their gear is shit.
    They too a giant shit fast too.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    AEL from what I heard has been severely Underdosed and certain compounds weren't what they were supposed to be.

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    Yeah. I dropped them over a year ago.

  12. #12
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    Last edited by t-dogg; 02-27-2019 at 03:04 PM.

  13. #13
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    Click image for larger version. 

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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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    That's on 500mg test per week?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    That's on 500mg test per week?

    No this was trt 200mgs prior. Just got them in today. I couldn't edit it..

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    No this was trt 200mgs prior. Just got them in today. I couldn't edit it..
    About the same damn level as me on 500mg/week of Victory Pharma... Wish I knew earlier about Victory being shit. Not hi-jacking just alerting others if they see it. Good luck t-dogg!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    About the same damn level as me on 500mg/week of Victory Pharma... Wish I knew earlier about Victory being shit. Not hi-jacking just alerting others if they see it. Good luck t-dogg!!
    Sorry to hear that man. My trt is 100% pharmacy grade and is prescribed. I'll keep you guys updated. I'm almost 1week in.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Fwiw, fuck victory.

    I got lots too, I don't want to use

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Get it tested?

    Not really worth it, but if you have a lot of it...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    Get it tested?

    Not really worth it, but if you have a lot of it...
    It's safe to say we all have alot of vics shit and it's sad ... I think getting it tested when be a waste of time .

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Sorry to hear that man. My trt is 100% pharmacy grade and is prescribed. I'll keep you guys updated. I'm almost 1week in.
    How are you liking it so far ? Been using the test and mast and it’s fire stuff they are my go to source now

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fit4life79 View Post
    How are you liking it so far ? Been using the test and mast and it’s fire stuff they are my go to source now

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So far so good. My weight is now 201.8lbs. Water retention is down. And anavar is already working. I'm actually getting back pumps from it, not sure because of dose or its a better source.

  23. #23
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    So far so good. My weight is now 201.8lbs. Water retention is down. And anavar is already working. I'm actually getting back pumps from it, not sure because of dose or its a better source.
    Better source for sure.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Fwiw, fuck victory.

    I got lots too, I don't want to use
    Same here. Not happy about it at all.

  25. #25
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    1 week in. Water retention is down. I'm looking fuller for sure already. Also I was on the scale yesterday 201.8lbs.

  26. #26
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    Week 3

    Abs popping good. Strength gains have increase all round. I also look much fuller then previous test/anavar cycles, mast I feel is doing this now. Also my grip strength has increased alot.

  27. #27
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Week 3

    Abs popping good. Strength gains have increase all round. I also look much fuller then previous test/anavar cycles, mast I feel is doing this now. Also my grip strength has increased alot.
    When the gear is accurately dosed, it's a world of difference. Not saying your last one wasn't dosed properly, but this gear DEFINITELY IS!

  28. #28
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    Reviewing my blood panels again. Wonder if I should donate blood now? I was at the upper end while at trt dose. I'm sure it's increased now.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Reviewing my blood panels again. Wonder if I should donate blood now? I was at the upper end while at trt dose. I'm sure it's increased now.
    Hard to say but definitely something to look into.
    Rather than bother gettin bw I would just do it.
    Opinions only from me of course

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Yeah donate regardless if blood work dictates a medical need to.

    It can only give you a heads start on CBC and keeping it in check

  31. #31
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    OK going the 27th.

    How often does everyone here donate blood?

  32. #32
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    personally I take a bit different approach to hematocrit and blood donations.. steroids are SUPPOSED to elevate your RBC. thats part of their benefits for not only performance, but hypertrophy as well. when you cycle AAS you should plan on Androgen levels getting elevated, estrogen levels getting elevated, hematocrit levels getting elevated, IGF levels getting elevated. All ABOVE normal range. when we are on cycle, we are far from normal and these normal ranges on blood work do not apply to us. I would not donate blood to bring down hematocrit when on cycle, its defeating the purpose. if you want normal hematocrit then be a normal person and don't run gear
    contest bodybuilders are taking what they can to get their hematocrit and Rbc levels jacked up there. even taking things like EPO. the more blood volume they have the more full and defined they are going to be on stage as well .. blood donation happens in the off season.

    Now having said that.. when your OFF of cycle you want to try and achieve healthy normal blood levels (not supraphysiolgical levels) of all those things I mentioned above. do whatever you need to do to normalize your androgen, estrogen, cholesterol, hematocrit, etc..

    just throwing that out there to bring a bit different perspective. of course plenty of us here are just trying to be normal healthy guys, not pro bodybuilders.
    so do whatever you think is best for your health. and surely a couple blood donations per year is a healthy thing to do.

    its just that there is nothing surprising or 'wrong' if your hematocrit levels are above range while on cycle. thats what is supposed to happen.
    your purposely taking something to upregulate this, just like your taking the same thing to upregulate your androgens. if you don't want these things to elevate then don't take drugs that purposely cause this
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-18-2019 at 04:02 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    personally I take a bit different approach to hematocrit and blood donations.. steroids are SUPPOSED to elevate your RBC. thats part of their benefits for not only performance, but hypertrophy as well. when you cycle AAS you should plan on Androgen levels getting elevated, estrogen levels getting elevated, hematocrit levels getting elevated, IGF levels getting elevated. All ABOVE normal range. when we are on cycle, we are far from normal and these normal ranges on blood work do not apply to us. I would not donate blood to bring down hematocrit when on cycle, its defeating the purpose. if you want normal hematocrit then be a normal person and don't run gear
    contest bodybuilders are taking what they can to get their hematocrit and Rbc levels jacked up there. even taking things like EPO. the more blood volume they have the more full and defined they are going to be on stage as well .. blood donation happens in the off season.

    Now having said that.. when your OFF of cycle you want to try and achieve healthy normal blood levels (not supraphysiolgical levels) of all those things I mentioned above. do whatever you need to do to normalize your androgen, estrogen, cholesterol, hematocrit, etc..

    just throwing that out there to bring a bit different perspective. of course plenty of us here are just trying to be normal healthy guys, not pro bodybuilders.
    so do whatever you think is best for your health. and surely a couple blood donations per year is a healthy thing to do.

    its just that there is nothing surprising or 'wrong' if your hematocrit levels are above range while on cycle. thats what is supposed to happen.
    your purposely taking something to upregulate this, just like your taking the same thing to upregulate your androgens. if you don't want these things to elevate then don't take drugs that purposely cause this
    When on cycle, what is too much in regards to RBC count?

    I like to be at top end of high.

    I let it get over by a few before I donated

    That's usually every 4 months for me.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    When on cycle, what is too much in regards to RBC count?

    I like to be at top end of high.

    I let it get over by a few before I donated

    That's usually every 4 months for me.
    The infamous, how much is too much? Mine once went a couple points beyond max range. I freaked but felt great! Donated. Probably should have just rode it out!

    I've always heard high hematocrit = high viscosity = heart attack risk.... But is it really?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    The infamous, how much is too much? Mine once went a couple points beyond max range. I freaked but felt great! Donated. Probably should have just rode it out!

    I've always heard high hematocrit = high viscosity = heart attack risk.... But is it really?
    I believe it's a myth.

    I was at 56. And I felt fine. A little shortness of breathe but that's because I've gained alot of mass with some fat so it's expected.
    The high hemo. From gear use isn't the dangerous kind.
    The high hemo that comes from a medical condition or illness ( don't know the name of it ) is the one that is called for concern

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  36. #36
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    The infamous, how much is too much? Mine once went a couple points beyond max range. I freaked but felt great! Donated. Probably should have just rode it out!

    I've always heard high hematocrit = high viscosity = heart attack risk.... But is it really?
    OBS says high haematocrit with thick blood and high blood pressure creates a pressure washing affect the arteries.

    To me that sounds very plausible

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    I believe it's a myth.

    I was at 56. And I felt fine. A little shortness of breathe but that's because I've gained alot of mass with some fat so it's expected.
    The high hemo. From gear use isn't the dangerous kind.
    The high hemo that comes from a medical condition or illness ( don't know the name of it ) is the one that is called for concern

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk

    heres an example..

    does having blood pressure of 220/100 and heart rate of 140 bpm sound healthy to you guys ?

    well it depends on the context. In one context its actually healthy and heart protective to have these levels, example, doing 20 reps squats. your blood pressure and heart rate will easily get to those levels doing squats.
    this is not a permanent thing. this is not chronic its a acute.

    the other context is having that 220/100 blood pressure 24/7 and 365 days per year. thats when you got a problem.

    same with hematocrit . same with estrogen or androgen levels as well.. put it in context. having your androgen/test levels at say 5000 ng/dl for 12 weeks because your pinning a gram of exogenous test per week is a temporary self imposed 'acute' condition. not a chronic health condition.
    if you had those levels year round naturally , as a true natty, then that would indicate some underlying medical condition like a pituitary brain tumor or something.
    same with hematocrit and estrogen levels. we run cycles and phases where these things are acutely elevated. now if they get stuck elevated year round chronically when off gear, then we have underlaying health problems.

    just like we purposely get our blood pressure to 220/100 by doing squats. we get benefits out of this acute but "extreme" condition.

    permanent high blood pressure in someone thats not squatting indicates a health problem.. high hematocrit in someone that is not running AAS indicates a health problem.

    but our blood pressure is supposed to get that high when we squat. and our hematocrit is supposed to get high when we blast compounds that are designed to raise it.. theres not an underlaying health condition. its whats supposed to happen

  38. #38
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    That's a good point of view. I wonder what levels look like for heavy users? Someone on epo and such?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    That's a good point of view. I wonder what levels look like for heavy users? Someone on epo and such?
    I got to 190/110 on a heavy cycle and brought it down with bp meds. I was not safe and felt like shit.
    I could raise my bp fast just by getting upset which was pretty standard.

    This was not just a AAS condition. People of my PERSONALITY TYPE are known for hypertension being common. Remember I said this.

    When you take a wound up person that cannot accept things being less than standard and toss them into a high stress enviornment where everything is not as it should be and spplement them with epinephrine stimulating compounds,plus a stimulant habit... They will be off the charts.

    The hypothalamus controls most chemical activity in the body whether direct or indirect. Every chemical affects the others. Thoughts, dispositions, and psyche has almost total control over the hypothalamus.

    For instance vomiting is considered an involuntary reaction. Well... I promise you wont make me puke ever. Want me to settle down? Better find a serious logical explaination and hope my brain is listening. Its very unlikely.

    In the same way danger/evolution (evolution is only word I can use) automatically has trained your body to release epinephine in a fraction of a second, to enact fight or flight response; It has given emotional control over your body. Nearly full control.

    This is much of the reason things are so individually dependant.

    "You cant run 3k mg of tren per week! Your heart will explode!"

    Maybe for some.
    I can't but some can. Its a matter of chemical balance and tolerance in accordance with the users phyche.

    Type A personalities like myself thrive on adrenaline. They are wound up and if they have no reason to be wound up they will usually invent one.
    A type B would say "Happiness hurts this guy".

    A type B is likely to be able to handle things I cannot without hypertension side effects. They are the chill people, the slow drivers, the whatever man types.

    I want to F S up naturally. Give me a stimulating compound that might increase this likelyhood and I will F the F'ing F out of S and my heart will catch the flack. There is no formula. For type A people I recommend a beta blocker. A type B might need a vasodialator or others (not saying they wont need a beta).

    More in a bit business calls

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I got to 190/110 on a heavy cycle and brought it down with bp meds. I was not safe and felt like shit.
    I could raise my bp fast just by getting upset which was pretty standard.

    This was not just a AAS condition. People of my PERSONALITY TYPE are known for hypertension being common. Remember I said this.

    When you take a wound up person that cannot accept things being less than standard and toss them into a high stress enviornment where everything is not as it should be and spplement them with epinephrine stimulating compounds,plus a stimulant habit... They will be off the charts.

    The hypothalamus controls most chemical activity in the body whether direct or indirect. Every chemical affects the others. Thoughts, dispositions, and psyche has almost total control over the hypothalamus.

    For instance vomiting is considered an involuntary reaction. Well... I promise you wont make me puke ever. Want me to settle down? Better find a serious logical explaination and hope my brain is listening. Its very unlikely.

    In the same way danger/evolution (evolution is only word I can use) automatically has trained your body to release epinephine in a fraction of a second, to enact fight or flight response; It has given emotional control over your body. Nearly full control.

    This is much of the reason things are so individually dependant.

    "You cant run 3k mg of tren per week! Your heart will explode!"

    Maybe for some.
    I can't but some can. Its a matter of chemical balance and tolerance in accordance with the users phyche.

    Type A personalities like myself thrive on adrenaline. They are wound up and if they have no reason to be wound up they will usually invent one.
    A type B would say "Happiness hurts this guy".

    A type B is likely to be able to handle things I cannot without hypertension side effects. They are the chill people, the slow drivers, the whatever man types.

    I want to F S up naturally. Give me a stimulating compound that might increase this likelyhood and I will F the F'ing F out of S and my heart will catch the flack. There is no formula. For type A people I recommend a beta blocker. A type B might need a vasodialator or others (not saying they wont need a beta).

    More in a bit business calls
    I am back.
    Point is that the only way to look at a guy running insane doses and say"X will be this and X will be this." on his vitals, would mean you would have to know his mental anphysical biology to the smallest most insignificant degree. It has not nor will it ever be produced by science.

    Not trying to get cheesy but the human body is as complicated as love or a menstral woman.
    I would love to see a census of psyche types vs bloodwork and AAS. My bloods are nearly perfect on 3x normal dosages of multiple compounds. Yet my vitals say I am dying without atenolol.

    You might notice most high level BB's are on crazy dosages. Most are also type A. Never satisfied, extremely competitive, consumed with status, closed off in relationships, their lives suffer exept for their #1 priority.

    Just a life tip...
    If you ever find a type A woman that puts her relationship first, you best marry that crazy bitch or she will kill you.

    If you are laid back and looking for a soulmate better find that one that goes with the flow. You can have many threesomes together.

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