personally I take a bit different approach to hematocrit and blood donations.. steroids are SUPPOSED to elevate your RBC. thats part of their benefits for not only performance, but hypertrophy as well. when you cycle AAS you should plan on Androgen levels getting elevated, estrogen levels getting elevated, hematocrit levels getting elevated, IGF levels getting elevated. All ABOVE normal range. when we are on cycle, we are far from normal and these normal ranges on blood work do not apply to us. I would not donate blood to bring down hematocrit when on cycle, its defeating the purpose. if you want normal hematocrit then be a normal person and don't run gear

contest bodybuilders are taking what they can to get their hematocrit and Rbc levels jacked up there. even taking things like EPO. the more blood volume they have the more full and defined they are going to be on stage as well .. blood donation happens in the off season.
Now having said that.. when your OFF of cycle you want to try and achieve healthy normal blood levels (not supraphysiolgical levels) of all those things I mentioned above. do whatever you need to do to normalize your androgen, estrogen, cholesterol, hematocrit, etc..
just throwing that out there to bring a bit different perspective. of course plenty of us here are just trying to be normal healthy guys, not pro bodybuilders.
so do whatever you think is best for your health. and surely a couple blood donations per year is a healthy thing to do.
its just that there is nothing surprising or 'wrong' if your hematocrit levels are above range
while on cycle. thats what is supposed to happen.
your purposely taking something to upregulate this, just like your taking the same thing to upregulate your androgens. if you don't want these things to elevate then don't take drugs that purposely cause this