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Thread: Authentic AAS?

  1. #1

    Authentic AAS?

    Hello guys,
    I have been lifting naturally for around 4 years. After this time it's pretty hard to go over physical and strength plateaus. Currently benching 365lbs, 405 squat, 245lb military, don't deadlift. Been on a PPLPPL for most of my time training. I live in Morocco and it's pretty hard getting AUTHENTIC steroids around here. However, I been on T400 (Test MIX), TrenAcetat 100, and Decabol 200 for 2 weeks now. I'll give you a few reasons why I think these anabolics are authentic AND why they're fake. Please let me know in the comments. PRODUCTS FROM MALAY TIGER.

    Real :
    Face Bloat
    Back itching
    Strength gain
    Minor Libido Increase (May be placebo)
    Verification code is correct on website for all products
    Everything concerning the box to ampoule appears right (Exp. Date, Prod. Date...)
    I live in Morocco
    I don't get those crazy "Tren" pumps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    If they check out codes I'd say they are real.

    by any chance does it tell you how many times the codes were checked?

    If so they should only be checked as many times as you check them

  3. #3
    They are probably OK. Your right after that much time you most likely are at your genetic limit for strength. Great for natural man.

    Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rihanetazi View Post
    Hello guys,
    I have been lifting naturally for around 4 years. After this time it's pretty hard to go over physical and strength plateaus. Currently benching 365lbs, 405 squat, 245lb military, don't deadlift. Been on a PPLPPL for most of my time training. I live in Morocco and it's pretty hard getting AUTHENTIC steroids around here. However, I been on T400 (Test MIX), TrenAcetat 100, and Decabol 200 for 2 weeks now. I'll give you a few reasons why I think these anabolics are authentic AND why they're fake. Please let me know in the comments. PRODUCTS FROM MALAY TIGER.

    Real :
    Face Bloat
    Back itching
    Strength gain
    Minor Libido Increase (May be placebo)
    Verification code is correct on website for all products
    Everything concerning the box to ampoule appears right (Exp. Date, Prod. Date...)
    I live in Morocco
    I don't get those crazy "Tren" pumps.
    Don't try to figure out if your tren is real by comparing your results and side effects with others. I see guys doing that all the time with tren but it's a horrible indicator. I tolerate Tren fine, I've never gotten sweats or anger or any of the other shit you hear about. But some do on very small amounts.

    Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Rihanetazi View Post
    Hello guys,
    I have been lifting naturally for around 4 years. After this time it's pretty hard to go over physical and strength plateaus. Currently benching 365lbs, 405 squat, 245lb military, don't deadlift. Been on a PPLPPL for most of my time training. I live in Morocco and it's pretty hard getting AUTHENTIC steroids around here. However, I been on T400 (Test MIX), TrenAcetat 100, and Decabol 200 for 2 weeks now. I'll give you a few reasons why I think these anabolics are authentic AND why they're fake. Please let me know in the comments. PRODUCTS FROM MALAY TIGER.

    Real :
    Face Bloat
    Back itching
    Strength gain
    Minor Libido Increase (May be placebo)
    Verification code is correct on website for all products
    Everything concerning the box to ampoule appears right (Exp. Date, Prod. Date...)
    I live in Morocco
    I don't get those crazy "Tren" pumps.
    All you have to do is run bloodwork to determine whether or not gear is authentic.

    Lipid panel + E2 test will determine if Tren is real (both will be very high, off the charts ).

    Validating both T400 and Deca require running free T. So you could either drop down to HRT test dose to see if Deca is real or stop using deca for 5-6 weeks to see if T400 is real. Alternative you could run free T without changing Test and Deca then guesstimate based on results.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

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