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Thread: Is this a controlled delivery?

  1. #1

    Is this a controlled delivery?

    Hello anyone who reads. I hope you are doing well. I'm worried about a possible controlled delivery. I used to order overseas a lot, about ten to fifteen years ago. I ordered around 30 times, maybe more, over a period of five years, from the same source. I only had one package get seized and I received a seizure letter, that's it. I finally stopped and went domestic for the last decade. Recently I've been getting my gear from a good friend who in turn obtains the gear from a reliable "huge" guy who brews his own gear. Problem is, last time I ordered, and it was 10 bottles of test, it was wicked painful. So, this time around, I opted for an overseas source. They advertised what looked like domestic USA shipping. They had one warehouse titled as USA express shipping. I ordered. It didn't take long before I found out it was coming from overseas. I wasn't happy to say the least. During the tracking, I found out the package was not coming via express mail so I was somewhat relieved.

    Anyway, the package cleared NY customs on January 13th. I live only a couple hours from NYC and it's the 16th, and I still don't have it, and tracking hasn't updated any info, still says processed through usps nyc facility. I'm spooked big time. I think it should have been here by now. Order consisted of 8 bottles of test cyp (it was actually 80 amps guys, the equivalent of 8 bottles) 2 months clomid and 250 10mg dbol tabs. Sorry about the lack of detail and specifics big time with the amps vs vials.

    Thank you anyone who reads. Any thoughts? Thank you very much for your time. Much appreciated.

    I've been training a long time. I started gear at age 30. I had a 340 natural bench and a 405 for 6 deep squat. On gear, first cycle bench shot to 315 for 8. First cycle was 8 weeks, 50 mgs dbol added in at week 5. After a few years and cycles, benched 435 and squatted 585. Nowadays, more interested in insulin and hgh, but I needed to order some gear with this order.
    Last edited by lifter4alongtime; 01-16-2020 at 06:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lifter4alongtime View Post
    Hello anyone who reads. I hope you are doing well. I'm worried about a possible controlled delivery. I used to order overseas a lot, about ten to fifteen years ago. I ordered around 30 times, maybe more, over a period of five years, from the same source. I only had one package get seized and I received a seizure letter, that's it. I finally stopped and went domestic for the last decade. Recently I've been getting my gear from a good friend who in turn obtains the gear from a reliable "huge" guy who brews his own gear. Problem is, last time I ordered, and it was 10 bottles of test, it was wicked painful. So, this time around, I opted for an overseas source. They advertised what looked like domestic USA shipping. They had one warehouse titled as USA express shipping. I ordered. It didn't take long before I found out it was coming from overseas. I wasn't happy to say the least. During the tracking, I found out the package was not coming via express mail so I was somewhat relieved.

    Anyway, the package cleared NY customs on January 13th. I live only a couple hours from NYC and it's the 16th, and I still don't have it, and tracking hasn't updated any info, still says processed through usps nyc facility. I'm spooked big time. I think it should have been here by now. Order consisted of 8 bottles of test cyp, 2 months clomid and 250 10mg dbol tabs.

    Thank you anyone who reads. Any thoughts? Thank you very much for your time. Much appreciated.

    I've been training a long time. I started gear at age 30. I had a 340 natural bench and a 405 for 6 deep squat. On gear, first cycle bench shot to 315 for 8. First cycle was 8 weeks, 50 mgs dbol added in at week 5. After a few years and cycles, benched 435 and squatted 585. Nowadays, more interested in insulin and hgh, but I needed to order some gear with this order.
    I think your good

    Sent from my SM-S767VL using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Thanks ChainGang. I appreciate your time and response!

  4. #4
    I've had packages sit for a month after clearing customs thought for sure it was seized yet it still arrived.

  5. #5
    Thanks for your input 99JT. That makes me feel better bro. As of this morning obviously it hasn't arrived yet but I have better news. It's bouncing around customs facilities, tracking was updated. Makes way better sense. When I used to order a decade ago, with all those packs, a lot of them I ordered registered airmail with tracking. It seemed like then, it cleared one customs facilities then boom, a day or two later I had it. It's a bit different this time around. Regardless, I'm happy with the latest tracking update. Thanks for your time guys. Have a good one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    You're going to jail.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    In the nearly 12yrs I’ve been here I don’t remember anyone reporting of it happening to them...then again I’m old and maybe have forgotten lol...

  8. #8
    I hope not! Guess we'll see. Meant that to wavefunction.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    In the nearly 12yrs I’ve been here I don’t remember anyone reporting of it happening to them...then again I’m old and maybe have forgotten lol...
    Thanks for the input ghettoboyd. I know it's rare, but it happens. I used to order overseas all the time, never worried much about it but the orders were a bit smaller. Most of the stories I saw on line about them seemed scary and out of the blue but when I kept reading, with almost all of them the guys had ordered a lot of times and finally got nabbed with a small amount. Some were with large amounts as well.

  10. #10
    Got the pack. Thank you to everyone who offered insight and to anyone concerned. I really appreciated the posts.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    if things hit NY customs they can sit there for a very long time .. then one day they just show up. you can also get a package that they. opened and inspected and by law they have to notify you that they opened your package.
    I ordered some 'medicine' from India one time that got stuck in customs and they opened and inspected it. they simply put a notice in the package, re taped the package with their red customs tape (which also states it was opened and re sealed) and they sent it on their way to me.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if things hit NY customs they can sit there for a very long time .. then one day they just show up. you can also get a package that they. opened and inspected and by law they have to notify you that they opened your package.
    I ordered some 'medicine' from India one time that got stuck in customs and they opened and inspected it. they simply put a notice in the package, re taped the package with their red customs tape (which also states it was opened and re sealed) and they sent it on their way to me.
    Thanks for the input GearHeaded! I apologize for the late reply.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    You should be ok. Let us know how it went. I have never wanted to risk doing overseas cause saving some money sometimes comes at a price so it's better just to stay domestic and pay a little more but being confident it will come out all good

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls

    Is this a controlled delivery?

    I've had things sit in customs forever and never get delivered, I've had them sit a month and get delivered..unless we are talking about a serious amount or your a high profile criminal, they won't do controlled delivery' way to have confidence in accepting it, is to know your postmen and if it's not your postmen and it's coming usps..don't accept it, if it's controlled delivery it would be LE, or postal inspector with LE back..might be a few different postmen so, scope it out or send it to your buddy Bobs, he wants some gear too
    Glad you got the pack, I'll leave this up for future browsers..
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 02-05-2020 at 06:13 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I just got a pack in from an international source in less than 2 weeks...the tracking said it went through customs in the source country but nothing about USA customs like it bypassed the system...any ways the quickest I ever got a pack from overseas...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Ohhh dear, your gone.

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