Ive just moved to Queensland and need to find a new supplier. I was thinking of going through ausjuice online has anyone ordered through them.
Ive just moved to Queensland and need to find a new supplier. I was thinking of going through ausjuice online has anyone ordered through them.
Last edited by Jean79; 02-23-2021 at 02:52 AM.
This isn’t a source board. Stick around long enough though, and someone may find you. I’d highly recommend making some friends and connections in the meantime to vouch any offers as legit, because I’ve heard a fee stories of scammer bullshit. Far fewer these days, but better to CYA.
Thanks man It's hard to find anyone where I am and will take three weeks to get it from my regular supplier. But was more asking if anyone had purchased through ausjuice.
Your best bet is to find the biggest and most jacked guy at the gym and over the course of months try to befriend him. Then maybe one day if you're lucky, he'll introduce you to where he gets his shit from.
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