I have seen a lot of posts complaining lately about how there 10ml vial is underfilled or "appears" to be underfilled. It has probably been explained before but for some of those out there who dont understand the logic behind it do the following.
Prepare the following:
*A 2cc syringe, (should be capable of 2.5 cc's)
*A 21, 22, or 23 Gauge pin
*A glass half full of water
1. Put the pin on the syringe and remove the cap.
2. Place the pin in the water and pull back on the plunger until the syringe is full and cannot take anymore water.
3. Turn the syringe upside down so that the pin is facing the ceiling / roof.
4. Flick the tiny air bubble at the bottom so that it rises towards the pin.
5. Start pushing on the plunger until the air bubble is out and the water is at the 2 cc point (make sure you shoot it back into the cup).
6. Stop, you are now at the 2cc mark. Now if you pull back on the plunger you and examine the syringe you will discover there is actually 2.2 - 2.3cc's of liquid.
If you use a 5cc syringe then this would be more.
Thus for example, say you were injecting winstrol at 200mgs all in one shot (apply it to oil based steroids as well but the total amount in the syringe will be slightly different) Well back to the winstrol, if the solution was 100mgs/cc and you thought you were injecting 200mgs in the 2cc's you would actually be injecting 230mgs. This does not seem too much in one shot but multiply it by 10 and it works out to 300mgs or 3 cc's wasted that you didnt realize.
If you have 2 10 cc vials of something and wish to run them for 10 weeks at an equal amount always allow for this flaw. Otherwise your cycle will be cut short.
The Iron Game