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Thread: The Danger of NARCs

  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    The Danger of NARCs

    All of this information was from another website. He was not a member of AR and this was just something that was passed along for us to post.

    If you do not believe there is a danger in NARCs watching what you are doing, please read this.
    This information came directly from an E-mail:

    It has come to our attention at "website" that one of our newer members named JROD is a narc and has done some net narcing on other boards. He was busted localy and is now trying to turn on net sources or who ever he can get to bite.

    AS most of you know "website" is an information board only. We do not allow sources to sell gear on our board like many others due,so we have absolutely nothing to worry about. Our board is protected by the The Freedom of Speach. However we do understand certain anabolic agents are used in the sport and we can not control who uses them or who does not,but rather educate you on the pro's and cons that accompany them. So in saying this ,if you fall in to one of these catergories please stay clear of the member JROD,or any other person emailing you that may seem out of the ordinary!

    While the government funds grants for methadone clinics,and needle exchange programs,as well as numerouse other programs to help/protect the real reasons for our countries decay,they do not lay down a dime to help inform todays bodybuilders on the uses of anabolic agents used in sports. I know its sad to put a bodybuilder in the same class as a crack head but that is what the government is doing by scheduling there drugs the same as the anabolic agents used to enhance physical performance?

    So with all that being said you now know "website" funds its self and still finds time to put out information such as that of JROD THE NARC;.


    I truely hope you see that we are trying to bring you one of the best bodybuilding forums on the net

    Management @ "website"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I was over at BSS for a while and JRod was there for months. He WAS part of the family............. Until he screwed a brother! He had 500 + posts ( I think, he been gone for a while) and everyone trusted him. Just goes to show!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wow, PT i was offended 1/2 way through the post until you spoke of "a shame to put us in the same class as a crack head" but your right we just have to keep our noses clean and our lives on a straight line. Im an attorney in AZ, (or atleast trying to be) I see situations day in & day out that I can just die. I dont think AS should be "looked down on" as they do today. There are people today just killing each other over girls, drugs and stupid I mean stupid arguments. I can understand that they should be illegal or controlled to an extent, but to better yourself in appearance or to enhance your ability to perform in what ever you do in life is got to be the most important accomplishment you can reward yourself. There are people who use AS for the wrong reason and there those who Dont. thats why we cant have a free flowing market today because of "abuse." I watch in court when these police officers come in and try to plead their case and 8 out of 10 times its entrapment. The point of wasting your money in court is to put a flag on you when a situation arises in the future. Then they can do what ever they want to you. Thats when you have a hard time to convince a jury otherwise. Im no Johnny Cockran, Ive been out of Law school for 2 years but it only takes a few times to get the picture. Im just saying to all you that sometimes it's safer to be safe then to get impatient. Try to know your source and any references that they provide. Sometimes you might say you have nothing to lose well thats just STUPID, try loosing your freedom. Dont look for sources on the board it'll come in time, your just setting your self up for an unpleasant experience. Be safe, and play safe it's worth it.

    Last edited by Fast Results; 02-05-2002 at 08:38 AM.

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    Just to clear things up, I didn't write this letter. It was sent to me by another anabolic website.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    I will tell you this ... if AS sole purpose was to make GIRLS TITS BIGGER it would not be illegal ....

    Pencil necks dont like BIG strong guys ..... so it goes without saying ...

    who else believes this true ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by MarkyMark
    I will tell you this ... if AS sole purpose was to make GIRLS TITS BIGGER it would not be illegal ....

    Pencil necks dont like BIG strong guys ..... so it goes without saying ...

    who else believes this true ...
    Putting a non lethal liquid in your system is not dangerous ... changing you blood level, test level, Creating side effects well that a different story ... but I get you point. Maybe if we could have our "cycles monitored " then that might lighten it up, But the true point to a performing athlete is to show it's natural ability! So for now we can just flex in the mirror
    Last edited by Fast Results; 02-05-2002 at 08:40 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    foreget the statement of ( AS ) I just used that for an example ,,,, we all know what it really does .... I was just making a point that I guess few understood the Pun

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    New Jersey
    MarkyMark I totally agree with you on this one

  9. #9
    amen marky mark

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    thanks for the heads up....that is one thing that I love about this place..we all stick up for each other and cover each others asses..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Jason, like Shredz said, thanks for the heads up, even though I am very careful who I deal with, you never can be to sure, that is why it is always best to check out folks. Be smart, and be careful. Again, this board is as Jason said, it, does not promote the sell of AS or illegal drugs. We are just simply speaking words of wisdom and hopefully some of this wisdom will reach another ear and make that person smarter. For that is what this board has done to me, and will continue doing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Wouldn't it be cool to somehow find out who this guy is and where he is located!!!! Probably not possible, but sure would be nice.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I think it is insane that our government waists time and money trying to bust people for something like steroids. I have spent 100's of hours working at soup kitchens, passing out clothes to the homeless, etc, and it absolutely blows my mind that the government cannot find better things to spend it's money on. The difference between a AS user, and other drug users is enourmous. What other drug is used to raise self confidence, improve appearance, etc....none! I get so damn frustrated when I read or hear about people that have to deal with legal reprocusions from juicing.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    there is a homeless shelter that was built here recently and it has 80% administration floor space and 20% shelter space (it's about 8 stories high)

    I am pretty sure the government could sink some time and money into building propper homeless shelters than into trying to roast people for bettering themselves

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    totally agree with ya bro.

    live large!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    thanks ptby

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Excellent post ptby, needs to be bumped periodically.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    great post!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Thanks for the heads-up.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Southern US
    All drugs should be legal. How dare the government play the role of mommy or daddy and regulate what an adult can or cannot put intp their body. They call that freedom? As long as what I do dosen't harm anyone else or infringe upon their rights-stay the F**k out of my life.
    That includes heroin or crack or any other substance.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Under the squat rack
    I think its insane how we treat steriods. You can get drunk and drive and face less punishment. The laws have no basis in realty. As Shakespeare said the law is an ass. Thanks for the heads up.

    Wonder how many of my legal friends gear. From the looks of the courtroom not many . . .
    Last edited by freak of the week; 09-02-2002 at 06:21 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Melrose Park
    Yes, the govmnt has some nerve. It baffles me to think of how they treat AS and other drugs too for that matter. After all, didn't the very same govmnt CREATE such drugs as say....... LSD? Then spend millions on testing it and being the puppet masters of us guinny pigs, and to finally dub it illegal after the damage was done all because of THEM? The power trippin idiots can't stand to hear any $$$ go untaxed and unseen by them, cuz you know they'd want thier share of the dividends too. Ludicrous! This is not the country of freedom, we have to constantly peek around corners and cover our tracks in the USA.
    "The gym is already closing?! Awe, man! I've only been here for 5 hours! Damn!"

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In A Gym Near You
    Thanks for the heads up. Bump

  25. #25
    Join Date
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  26. #26
    Join Date
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  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    I PM him after reading this post. I acted like I was looking for loads of the stuff. hee hee

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Well, good post.. Only one thing wrong... I belive you guys have the wrong person here. Yes, I have told people that I may be able to help them but I would not take anyones money before sending anything.. Hell, I would be nervous about sending ANYTHING through the mail "especially over the net".
    I wrote the mods on this site as I had a good source and offered to "help" the people here out but got rejected and ptbyjason explained to me the consequnces that "could" happen.... I backed way off that.. Can I get stuff? Yea, so can 90% of people on this board... Am I willing to help people out whom cannot find a source? Well I was willing, but not after this shit....
    BTW, I was never on a BSS board with over 500 posts...
    I only chill here and

    Sorry for trying to help, I dont know who may have informed you but apparently there is another j rod that has screwed someone... Not this one..

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    J-ROD, I apologize to you if one is in order but PTYJASON is looking out for us members. Hopefully we will get to the bottom of this thing. If you are a narc then you are a waste of oxygen. Lets see what happens.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Originally posted by tryingtogetbig
    Wouldn't it be cool to somehow find out who this guy is and where he is located!!!! Probably not possible, but sure would be nice.


    It is possible, These forums log a persons I.P. address which can be traced and will give you their location and internet service provider. You can then contact that specific ISP and request that they divulge the users personal information. ISP's are pretty protective of their customer information so you would have to have ample evidence to assert your cause for attaining such information.

    Its possible as I said, but i assume there are still doubts as to Jrod being a narc or not, only he knows for sure.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Wow thats terrible

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Great Halo City,Angel
    Originally posted by MarkyMark
    I will tell you this ... if AS sole purpose was to make GIRLS TITS BIGGER it would not be illegal ....

    Pencil necks dont like BIG strong guys ..... so it goes without saying ...

    who else believes this true ...
    ok Alcohal is sold all around us Stores selling it with homeless people laying in allys behind the stores
    some drinking alcahol some just praying for a better tomarrow,Iremember 1 presadent getting drunk in japan throwing up in a meeting and passing out,Yes and another getting busted for coke,But he was in Church the next sunday !you can get alcahol in stores and bars they let you drink till you get to loud or run out of money run you off so you can drive and kill someone,That is being Sold legally the same 2 pesadents dont support us and some body builders vote for them THINK

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    That's crazy to think that because of the govt and it's narc''s become so difficult to abtain some descend gear.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Yeah. Glad to know my suspicions are excellant. I saw one of his threads and mentioned that I liked something on it, a picture or some sort, I dont know. So then, after that, I got a PM from him asking if I wanted a source. Seemed really odd how after commenting on one little thing he warmed up and started offering me (someone he never even typed to) a source right afterwards.
    I of course gave him my entire address book of sources and people they mail to. Was that bad?
    No but anyway it seemed odd so I just left it alone. Glad I did.
    Thanks for the Heads up

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Pinch
    These forums log a persons I.P. address which can be traced and will give you their location and internet service provider.
    Can the other boards give you the I.P. address(es) that J Rod has used? If so start comparing the addy(s) to his posts on here. We all leave that information trail behind...let's see who's who. Plus to make things a bit confusing...there's a J Rod, J-Rod, and JRob on this board.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Great Halo City,Angel

    Talking yhink about it bro

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Merk227
    That's crazy to think that because of the govt and it's narc''s become so difficult to abtain some descend gear. [/QUOT
    E] If the goverment did not care supplments would be our Gear it would be legal to sale something that actually works,But its not just America when i was getting back on the cruise ship in mexico solders
    jack me up getting on the ship and i almost had a heart attack and that saved me then i stumbeled to the ship and just then 2 cruise line employees started fighting and i slipped my gear around the outside and sent a bag of t shirts thru the metal detector man i was sick for hours,and that was a small personnel stash,man you start to really value the shit when you pay for it and risk your freedom for it,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2003
    If you wanna start talking about ** addresses and traces. Think about how easy we make it for the feds and DEA to track us. These boards bring everyone to one place. I saw a post where it says jrod had 500 posts. Well shit, of course he did. If it is your job to sit on the internet for 8 to 10 hours a day gathering info about one related source ( AAS ) then how easy. Go around to all the sites, make friends, have a fake background, trace their ** addresses to their emails to their personal addresses and compile all the info. I mean its not just a few guys who watch this crap. Its hundreds, and in turn they have hundreds of other people analyzing their work. Sure you can have a disclaimer underneath your posts saying it is purely fictional and just role playing but inturn just subscribing to these boards marks you.
    Just in short: YOU ARE ALL FEDS. You are all out to get me arent you.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Can the other boards give you the I.P. address(es) that J Rod has used? If so start comparing the addy(s) to his posts on here. We all leave that information trail behind...let's see who's who. Plus to make things a bit confusing...there's a J Rod, J-Rod, and JRob on this board.
    Just for the record, all ISP's have records of WHAT account on WHAT day at WHAT time used WHAT **...whether static or dynamically assigned.

    Obviously, that account is tied to a credit card somewhere...

    i have a dial up account with a local ISP providing 56k connections AND DSL...questionable traffic from my box goes to the dial up account, which is in a fake name, I drop payment of 20.00 bucks off every month...they dont care and if someone comes lookin...guess what? hehe

    but...when you surf, your traffic is gonna pass their servers so...for DSL or cable...

    a WEB PROXY can make a big difference...go to and try out there free one, they have a more flexible version for like 20 bucks a year or something. its a service that allows all your tracks to be convoluted through their servers, which are offshore. it makes YOU look like THEM.. very hard for feds to gain access to them too. The configurations on the servers are very "volatile"...that is to say the logs have short TTL's and are purged regularly and often. very difficult to track someone over 24-48 hours past connections...

    not 100 percent foolproof but all of this makes it difficult to pinpoint you...kinda like changing your routine and varying habits...nothing set in stone to put you on the radar...

    just my .02

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    If you are REAL paranoid, and want to protect yourself at the PC level, that is be able to wreck the drives in the event of an impending bust, check out this link...

    the program is a trojan, a "drive killer" ...I keep the thing in a hidden place and in about 3 seconds I can get to it and double click it...BAM...VERY hard (not impossible) to get ANY of the data back EVER! very hard to even use the drive is REAL efficient and I have used it in the classroom...(I am an instructor for network/pc professionals) was a fun little experiment...glad it wasnt my home careful with will toast your box!

    the designer of the program even toasted his own box a couple times with the link..very interesting...

    hope i can help someone out with this one...

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    just a word of warning, most people know email is very unsafe but for those of you who use aol/msn or any big isp for mail, you should be extra careful about what you talk about on there. these big isp's back up your emails on their own servers regardless if you've downloaded it to your local machine (they still have a backup copy). use something like hushmail to protect your communications. also instant messengers are very unsafe as normal IM's bounce thru the server first. direct connecting adds some security but not much because that data still can be hijacked.

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