If you do not believe there is a danger in NARCs watching what you are doing, please read this.
This information came directly from an E-mail:
It has come to our attention at "website" that one of our newer members named JROD is a narc and has done some net narcing on other boards. He was busted localy and is now trying to turn on net sources or who ever he can get to bite.
AS most of you know "website" is an information board only. We do not allow sources to sell gear on our board like many others due,so we have absolutely nothing to worry about. Our board is protected by the The Freedom of Speach. However we do understand certain anabolic agents are used in the sport and we can not control who uses them or who does not,but rather educate you on the pro's and cons that accompany them. So in saying this ,if you fall in to one of these catergories please stay clear of the member JROD,or any other person emailing you that may seem out of the ordinary!
While the government funds grants for methadone clinics,and needle exchange programs,as well as numerouse other programs to help/protect the real reasons for our countries decay,they do not lay down a dime to help inform todays bodybuilders on the uses of anabolic agents used in sports. I know its sad to put a bodybuilder in the same class as a crack head but that is what the government is doing by scheduling there drugs the same as the anabolic agents used to enhance physical performance?
So with all that being said you now know "website" funds its self and still finds time to put out information such as that of JROD THE NARC;.
I truely hope you see that we are trying to bring you one of the best bodybuilding forums on the net
Management @ "website"