Here is a list of common steroid profiles. From more information on these and other steroids visit Anabolic Review's Drug Profile Section.
Clomid is a brand name for the drug clomiphene citrate. It is typically prescribed for women to aid in ovulation. In men, the application of Clomid causes an elevation of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. As a result, natural testosterone production is also increased. This effect is obviously beneficial to the athlete, especially at the conclusion of a cycle when endogenous testosterone levels are subnormal. When an athlete discontinues the use of steroids, his testosterone levels will most likely be suppressed. If endogenous testosterone levels are not brought to normal, a dramatic loss in size and strength may occur. Clomid plays a crucial role in preventing this crash in athletic performance. Bodybuilders find that a daily intake of 50-100 mg of clomiphene citrate over a two week period will bring endogenous testosterone production back to an acceptable level.Clomid will gradually raise testosterone levels over its period of intake. Since an immediate boost in testosterone is often desirable, athlete will commonly use HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) for a couple of weeks, and the continue treatment with Clomid. Clomid is also effective as an anti-estrogen. Most athletes will suffer from an elevated estrogen level at the conclusion of a cycle. A high estrogen level combined with a low testosterone level puts an athlete in serious risk of developing gynocomastia. With the intake of Clomid, the athlete gets the dual effect of blocking out some of the effects of estrogen, while also increasing endogenous testosterone production. In relation to toxicity and side effects, Clomid is considered a fairly safe drug. Bodybuilders seldom experience any problems, but possible side effects include hot flashes and temporary blurred vision. Clomiphene citrate is widely available on the black market. Until recently, it was relatively easy to get through foreign mail order. However, since the DEA is playing an active role in pursuing mail-order operations catering to athletes, Clomid is becoming harder to obtain. Current prices are between - per 50 mg tab. Generics such as Clomiphene citrate by Anfarm in Greece are frequently seen on the black market and can be purchased for about $1 a tab.
Deca Durabolin is the Organon brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It's popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects. Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is usually not a problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean bodyweight of patient but also to be beneficial to the immune system. For bodybuilding, Deca can effectively be incorporated in both mass and cutting cycles. One major drawback to Deca is that it can be detected in a drug screen for as long as a year after use. Unfortunately for many competitive athletes, this makes Deca and other nandrolone products off limits. Deca is also a comparatively expensive anabolic. Black market, 200mg of Deca will cost upwards of in most instances. In the U.S., one would commonly find the Mexican veterinary version Norandren 50 from Brovel in Mexico. This is a 50ml vial of what is supposed to be 50mg/ml nandrolone decanoate. Brovel Labs however, has a reputation for underdosing their products and this may be closer to 35mg/ml. Extraboline and Deca-Durabolin from Greece are also commonly found, Extraboline usually being slightly cheaper. Retabolil from Bulgaria ("Russian Deca") is another commonly found product. These ampules come one to a box and in 25mg and 50mg strength, the 50mg being almost exclusively brought to the US. The ampules have no band around the neck and no scoring. The larger box comes with a file, which is required to open this ampule. These ampules have been made with 2 labeling styles, the first being a very easy to rub off red and yellow silk-screen directly on the glass and the other being the simple paper label with gray text. Deca is also widely counterfeited in countless forms so caution should be taken when purchasing this on the black market.
Testosterone enanthate is currently the most popular ester of testosterone available to athletes. Unlike cypionate, enanthate is manufactured by various companies all over the world. Ampules of Testoviron from Schering are probably the most popular although many others exist. Enanthate is a long acting testosterone similar to cypionate. Injections are taken once weekly, with a dosage of 200-600mg being most common for athletes. Testosterone Enanthate has very strong anabolic effects as well as strong androgenic side effects. Gynocomastia and water retention are the most common side effects and should be watched for. Being an injectable testosterone, liver values are generally not elevated much by this product. The only multi-dose vails which still can be trusted are the Brovel version from Mexico. There are fakes, but none of them will have Laboratorios Brovel raised in the bottle stopper. If you see this, you have a legitimate product. Although legitimate, this has a reputation of being underdosed by 20% or so. Vials are also filled unevenly. One will have 10 ccs, the next may have 7.
Nolvadex is a brand name for the drug tamoxifen citrate, a nonsteroidal agent which demonstrates potent antiestrogenic properties. These antiestrogenic effects are due to its ability to compete with estrogen for binding sites in target tissues such as in the breast. Medically, the effects of this drug make it very useful in breast cancer patients. Male bodybuilders however, find this drug very effective in combating gynocomastia (female breast tissue development). Gynocomastia is caused by excess estrogen in the male body. In the steroid user, this happens when anabolic steroids "aromatize" into estrogens. This is not as odd as you may think, structurally these hormones are very similar. So with Nolvadex competing for and occupying estrogen receptors, the buildup of tissue is greatly reduced and often avoided. It should be noted that Nolvadex also seems to slightly reduce to gains made during a steroid cycle. Some believe estrogen plays a role in keeping androgen receptors open. This may explain why Nolvadex would slightly hinder gains. Regardless of this effect Nolvadex is the most popular anti-estrogen used by athletes and many people swear by it. One should remember though that many athletes find no need for Nolvadex while others absolutely need it to avoid a gyno problem. One should be aware of how much they actually need an ancillary drug like this before committing to use it during a cycle. Should it be needed, Nolvadex is quite popular on the black market.
Finaplix is a veterinary cattle implant, which contains the potent androgenic steroid trenbolone acetate. This is the same drug which was once available as an injectable in the U.S, labeled Finaject, although it's production has been discontinued here and worldwide for about a decade. Finaplix was the last remaining pure trenbolone acetate, however it too has now been discontinued and replaced with Revalor, trenbolone acetate with a small amount of estradiol, an estrogen (see Revalor). Trenbolone acetate is a potent androgen, which will not readily convert to estrogen. Since in this case it is in the form of a cattle implant, administration is a bit difficult. Most commonly, these implant pellets are ground up and mixed with a 50/50 water/DMSO mix and applied to the skin daily. This home-brew transdermal mix is very effective, as seen in Finaplix's popularity. Some a little more daring have mixed their own BI-weekly (or more frequent) injections, although I couldn't see this being a very sanitary practice. Both when applied to the skin, or injected, users report great strength and mass gains with no gyno or water retention. Along with being a strong muscle building steroid, it is also noted as being very effective at burning fat. This has made it very appealing for competitive athletes looking to shed fat, while at the same time trying to avoid water retention and keep a the hard physique which a strong androgen helps bring about. It should also be noted that this is not a beginners steroid. Finaplix can be very toxic, especially to the kidneys. Since this is a strong androgen, related side effects such as ance and increased aggression are also very common. To be cautious, users will commonly will limit their use of this drug to 4 or 6 weeks. Old lots of Finaplix are still available through some veterinary suppliers, and being an implant are not being controlled as a steroid. It will not be long though before old lots are exhausted and pure trenbolone acetate will once again disappear.