Much thanks to the Iron Brother!!
PGF2A Report by Ranger:
PROSTAGLANDIN'S! Prostaglandin F2 Alpha (PGF2A) Lutalyse
Is PGF2A for me?
Is PGF2A for everyone? Clearly not! Will it work? Yes! In this
information, I will try to cover as much as possible about this drug. What I
have put together here is based much upon personal experiences…. I feel
no report can accurately prepare you for everything…. PGF2A is no
exception! Contributing to this report are Big Brother Val, Ranger, Jeff rys,
BigDawg, and E2, from the Elite Fitness Discussion board Mr. Nobody,
and Efigy…. Thank you all for your patience!
PGF2A and anabolism.
Many studies have demonstrated an anabolic effect of PGF2A in skeletal
muscles of both humans and animals. Paradoxically, PGF2A usage is still
reserved to a bodybuilding elite and no one is willing to divulge its
precious secret edge. One of the most remarkable effects of PGF2A is
that it potentates the anabolic effects of insulin. By combining PGF2A,
and insulin athletes can use much less insulin and get a much better
muscle building effect than with insulin alone.
Is PGF2A safe?
The answer is clearly no, but neither is the use of steroids, insulin,
clenbuterol, etc. By the way, PGF2A is invisible at any drug test. What
kind of side effects to expect? The main side effect -- if we exclude
the elevation of temperature - is a strong laxative effect. So make sure
you have unrestricted use of a bathroom. This lasts around 20 minutes.
What you do not want is to inject PGF2A into a vein! Learn to do the
aspiration test. PGF2A is injected intramuscularly with an insulin needle
if you are lean enough. Injecting in a vein will hurt like hell and for
a very long time (up to an hour). You may feel as if you have a cold in
your throat. This is due to the vasoconstriction effect PGF2A has in
the lungs. Vomiting is a reported side effect but I have never heard of
it in men.
PGF2A is not to be confused with steroids.
Although part of the anabolic actions of androgens are from a local
release of PGF2A. PGF2A produces growth in a radically different way from
steroids -- While steroid use is rather comfortable. PGF2A is used in a
radically different way than Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. With AS
You inject or swallow them occasionally and wait for the growth to
occur. This is not the case with PGF2A. PGF2A's main drawback is its
difficult method of administration. Steroids once injected exert their effect
for several days in the body. PGF2A's duration is only several minutes
though its stimulatory action on anabolism lasts several hours. This
means that to be effective, frequent injections are compulsory. An ideal
injection schedule would be five times daily, 30 minutes after meals.
You will also notice immediately after injecting PGF2A into the muscle,
the injection site becomes sore almost immediately. If the muscle was
already sore from training, the pain may become intense. You defini!
tely do not want to repeat injections to the same location, hence the
necessity of rotation. Additionally, you will notice you cannot inject
into a muscle and then train that muscle. PGF2A is algesic (a pain
mediator). Therefore, the timing of injections is key. You should wait for
at least 2 to 3 days after you have trained a muscle before using it for
an injection. Then you will have to wait for 24 hours before training
this muscle. Again If your muscle is sore, I advise not injecting into
it until it is not sore. You will also learn that it is more comfortable
to inject the outer part of the muscle rather than the inner part. For
example, it is less painful to hit the outer head of the triceps than
the inner head that touches the lats. Some bodyparts such as the biceps
and back are especially sensitive to the pain sensation PGF2A will
The personals!!!
This section contains a lot of personal experiences, and side effects
with this new drug…
Big Brother Val!
According to Val pumps are INSANE! In addition, Val, as the rest of us
found; needed the unrestricted use of the bathroom…Does it hurt? In
Val's words, " This shit is awesome…Hurts like fucking hell!" As Val
stayed with the injections, and SLOWLY increased the dosage, we got a report
from him at the 2-week point of the cycle. Injections and dosages
varied, but I will relate this as Val told it, " Hitting the arms 12 times a
day….3 in each Biceps, 3 in each Triceps, for a total of 6cc's a day. I
am being burned out on injecting myself so often, especially in the
Biceps. The pain is reducing now, and I do not feel sick. Still get
shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest each time. There is a visible
difference in growth thus far, and my body fat has dropped
significally." As you can see, and as most of us found, the injections become a
major burden to deal with, the benefit though, is the visible growth all
of us have saw…it is a very hard choice. This was taken off the E!
litefitness Board as one of Big Brother Val's Post's! I was injecting
my arms 4 times a week. It went like this: Sun:..shoot/arms......
lift/rest Mon:..shoot/shoulders..lift/arms, pump/chest
Tues:.shoot/shoulders..lift/back, pump/shouders Wed:..shoot/shoulders..lift/legs
Thurs.shoot/arms.......lift/chest, pump/arms Fri:..shoot/arms.......lift/shoulders,
pump/calves Sat:..shoot/arms.......lift/rest Then repeat. I've switched
it up a bit, and have found a lot better response... in a matter of a
few days, I have new stretch marks starting on my tri's... and my arms
have never felt so full. Now my lifting schedule is the same. However, I
switched up the dosage on PGF2A. I read in the articles by Dharkam that
you should shoot 24 hours before training a muscle... then wait 2 days
after that to shoot it again. Maybe even three days if you train hard
enough. I personally have found that if I shoot the muscle group the
same day I train it... that my lifts go better... my pumps are abso!
lutely incredible... and I keep my pump a lot longer, as well as feel
more pumped the next couple of days. Now I follow this schedule:
Sun:..shoot/arms...... lift/rest Mon:..shoot/ARMS.......lift/arms, pump/chest
Tues:.shoot/shoulders..lift/back, pump/shouders
Wed:..shoot/shoulders..lift/legs Thurs.shoot/arms.......lift/chest, pump/arms
Fri:..shoot/SHOULDERS.......lift/shoulders, pump/calves
Sat:..shoot/arms.......lift/rest Then repeat. Val wrote "It's only a switch of two days... but for my
personal results it's really working great. On arm day, I take six cc's
throughout the day. I will up the dosage coming up next week, and see
how that goes. My side effects are gone... besides the odd feeling in
the chest... and the intense muscle pain. Just thought I would give an
update for those interested in this." I have just come off a Sustanon,
Eq. cycle... and will be doing a cycle of test, Eq, and Dbol after my
PGF2A run. The pain sucks, absolutely. However, I want to focus on my !
arms and deltas, so they can catch up. A lot harder to do on regular
gear. "My poundage's are definitely affected. Not nearly as dramatic as
stated in that article, though. I was curling 65 lb. dumbbells for eight
reps before I started this. Now I'm curling 45 lb. dumbbells and hoping
for eight. The pump is insane." "One of the great things, is that you
can REALLY feel the muscle working. Really, helps to focus on that
muscle group and feel it work throughout the entire range of motion. The
pain factor is intense... and the muscle REALLY burns bad while training
it. More so when you shoot on the same day you train it. That feeling
isn't as intense if you stop shooting that muscle 24 hours before you
train it." "I'm never sore after a workout the following day, but hot damn
am I sore after each shot." "Well.... the muscle pain you experience is
INTENSE!! Right now for example... I hit arms on my lunch break... (got
the most incredible pump I have EVER had, by the way), came bac!
k, and shot in the bathroom. My arms hurt so badly right now, I can't
explain it. Can't bend 'em very well, or straighten them all the way....
I have a tight feeling in the chest... Nevertheless, GODDAMN!!! This is
the biggest my arms have EVER looked!! IT'S FUCKIN' INSANE!! I
literally cannot put on the shirt I was wearing before break... it won't
stretch enough to fit on my arms!!"