Hopefully this thread will stimulate/generate some intellectual conversation.Something this board is in dire need of.
I'll start things off with my thoughts/theory/approach.
I'm a advocate of high dose cycles.Many might disagree with that approach.But that's what works best for ME. True,the human body does appear to get a tolerance to anabolics over time(as with any drug for that matter).But,if you don't run your cycles in close succession,there won't be a great need to ramp your doses up to quickly.I've also found that on high dose cycles,your receptors seems to down regulate rather quickly.Also,it's apparent to me SHBG levels elevate quickly on higher doses.Once that happens,gains cease.In my last two cycles I observed this.Particularly on my current cycle.After stopping masteron at week 8 my gains halted.That sends a red flag up saying my SHBG levels rose sharply.(As we know masteron,winny and a few other drugs are known to decrease SHBG levels).So this observation lends credence to what research has shown us.
With that said.My new cycle theory will be that of esterless, or short ester gear.For short 6 week,burst type cycles(for putting on size)I'll take this approach as to reduce the risk of elevated SHBG levels while running high doses.I will also add some sort of DHT derivative(quick acting) drug to the mini cycles as well.This will also aid in reducing SHBG levels.Adding proviron or similar will help in controlling estrogen since we know that estrogen binds to the same SHBG as androgens,and when you lower SHBG levels(with a DHT type drug) you are also elevating bio-available estrogen.