I just came off of a cycle two months ago. The cycle was great but the bumps on my chest will not go away. Any helpful imformation will be appreciated.
I just came off of a cycle two months ago. The cycle was great but the bumps on my chest will not go away. Any helpful imformation will be appreciated.
Ok bro you need panthotenic acid (vit B5) you can buy it otc its excellent for getting rid you need to start off with about 5-10g per day then drop down to about 1-2 g when the acne is gone its not cheap but does the trick
What did you take and how long?
Are they solid red boils with no head?
Hey bro's
Im in week 7 of an 8 week sust, deca cycle and have some really annoying acne all over my back. I have two questions is the medicine OJ is talkin bout vitamin B-5 and is it ok to use during a cycle.
If you go to a dermatoligist and get accutane that will do the trick although its expensive and you have to go through a lot to get it it works the best.
Lethal yes it is and yes you can take it while on cycle without worrying its excellent for back acne
Thanks bro,
I m gonna grab some tonight!
Oh and one last thing is this a cream or a pill ?
Sorry just wanna get the right one!
another ? is this something u buy at the pharmacy, or is it just like any other vitamin?
Thanks guys for the imformation. I will try these ideas.
Hey Jason--- You know that's between 50,000 and 100,000 times the recomended dosage. Not trying to knock you bro, just want to know if that's safe.
last summer i did bad on my chest.combination of gear and mad humidity in the city.i used neutrogena clear pore scrub in the shower then while my pores were open after showering i put on Differin gel(perscription).could substitute clear pore lotion(OTC) by neutrogena.my shit cleared up in like a week.oh well, for whatever it's worth.just looking out bro.
hmm sorry i cant find the links to the info guys but yeah im sure its right positive i wouldnt give it out as advice if i wasnt! try it and see I have taken it many times no harm whatsoever just does the trick oh sorry yeah its a capsule not a pill or cream you can order it online i think walmsrt or swansons viatamins not sure of the urls
get some retin-a.
The acne you are talking about is caused by the skin being more oily due to the gear use.
Accutane and all other prescription drugs are overkill unless you have a serious bad ass case of acne and are very expensive.
I used Accutane and my face was so dry that I could not smile or my skin would crack and flake off, not very pleasent looking IMO.
First off, don't let it get to that point to begin with.
1- Clean your face twice a day with a salicyc(spelling) acid soap, I know Neutrogina makes one and it's great. (don't over clean or it will make it worse)
2-. After you cleaned the face, just use any 5-10% Benzil peroxyde cream or gel, chose strenght depending on how sensitive your skin is, start low or your face will be dry and red.
The acne in your body will likely go away by just using a salicic acid body wash soap,again, Neutrogina has one, Jennifer love hewit does a commercial for it on tv.
Benzil Peroxide gel: 10$
Body wash: 8$
Face wash: 8$
That will last a month, sure as hell beats 100$-140$ for the prescription medication.
Save that money for more gear on your next cycle instead.
accutane is great, i took it 2 years ago havent had acne since, its worth it if you can take the extremely dry skin
Originally posted by The original jason
hmm sorry i cant find the links to the info guys but yeah im sure its right positive i wouldnt give it out as advice if i wasnt! try it and see I have taken it many times no harm whatsoever just does the trick oh sorry yeah its a capsule not a pill or cream you can order it online i think walmsrt or swansons viatamins not sure of the urls
I just got back from walmart!
They said they dont carry it?
They had b-1, b-2, b-6 no b-5!!!
Any other ideas where to get it?
will tanning help with the acne from AS
I WOULD HAVE TO SAY NOOriginally posted by Uconish
will tanning help with the acne from AS
One thing I might add. ProActiv is an amazing facial cleanser system. It worked wonders for me (yeah it's that stuff on the infomercial late at night). I was skeptical because it was advertised on TV but it worked wonders for me, and some of my good friends, during puberty. It only costs like 50 bucks or so for a 2 month supply. Order the package deal that comes with 3 different lotions/creams and comes with a free gift of a deep pore cleanser (make sure it comes with that, it works wonders).
Not sure about the phone number to order the stuff but here is the website: www.proactiv.com DONT ORDER FROM THE WEBSITE THOUGH! Otherwise you don't get the free gift of the deep pore cleanser. Also I wouldn't recommend joining their little club where they send you a new batch every month as you don't need that much, and you don't get the free cleanser
For body acne I just use the antibiotic cream, just a dab on the spot and it goes away in no time. No side effects either except make sure you put sunscreen on if you will be in the sun for a while (you should do that anyways) because it makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight. I found that out the hard way by getting some killer sun burns![]()
bump, interesting thread, but i have a question, does panthotenic acid work with regular acne too ? i'm not on a cycle, only 17, but i't disturbs me and all those soaps dont really help...
If your acne is either cystic or persistant (like mine), simple Benzoil Peroxide, bady and face wash wont do much.Originally posted by Adonis
The acne you are talking about is caused by the skin being more oily due to the gear use.
Accutane and all other prescription drugs are overkill unless you have a serious bad ass case of acne and are very expensive.
I used Accutane and my face was so dry that I could not smile or my skin would crack and flake off, not very pleasent looking IMO.
First off, don't let it get to that point to begin with.
1- Clean your face twice a day with a salicyc(spelling) acid soap, I know Neutrogina makes one and it's great. (don't over clean or it will make it worse)
2-. After you cleaned the face, just use any 5-10% Benzil peroxyde cream or gel, chose strenght depending on how sensitive your skin is, start low or your face will be dry and red.
The acne in your body will likely go away by just using a salicic acid body wash soap,again, Neutrogina has one, Jennifer love hewit does a commercial for it on tv.
Benzil Peroxide gel: 10$
Body wash: 8$
Face wash: 8$
That will last a month, sure as hell beats 100$-140$ for the prescription medication.
Save that money for more gear on your next cycle instead.
For anyone who has ever had bad or persistant ance, nothing beats Accutane, regardless of the price! Most accutane and former accutane user will attest to that.
I consider it a true wonder drug, and quite possible the greatest drug ever invented!
Best advise i can give is see a dermitoligist, its so easy, call around for a cheap one and one you can get in fast.
I got in the very next day, it was easy as shit.
I sat down, he said, "what ya seeing me for".
I simply told him to prevent break outs, he asked if I'veb ever been treated for it before, i say no.
He writes out a perscription for a antibiotic "TETRACYCLINE 500MG"
Costed $7 for the perscription, works great.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 03733+$
You answered your own question bro! Acne from a cycle is due to excess oil. Tanning removes some oil by drying it out. enough said
Sorry not trying to dog on u sells men but just use Isopropyl Alcohal 70% it's 85 cents at most stores use it once in the morning and once before bed make sure u wash ur face with hot water first to open pors but it really helped me i had the worst fucking acne and now all i got is a bump or two
For acne go with the recommended dose of B5 (PANTHONETIC ACID) IT IS NOT TOXIC and will not damage you in any way, when your body deems the percentage in your blood too much it just excretes it via your urine and faeces. If things don't get better get hold of some Accutane and with the appearence of International Pharmacies accutane it is a viable alternative now. ** RULES!
I would not recommend tetracycline. Prolonged usage will discolor your teeth VERY severely...
Kicked the shit out of my acne.. only zit I get now are shaving bumps and ingrown hairs!
depending on the severity of the acne, deoxycycline works much better than tetracycline, its by perscription only but it works although its not as strong as Accutane it still works.Accutane is usually for severe cases and it can't be beat, but it is getting almost impossible to get every since that damn kid flew that plane into some building and they said he was depressed and suicidal from accutane. There are some good face washes out there by neutrogena also one of them is in a purple bottle and it is sweet.
or go to bodybuilding.com they have the b5 there really cheep, look under panthotenic acid , also i read a thread where a guys dermatologist told him to put betadine on his face and he claimed that he has never had a problem with acne since?
will accutane supress acne on a cycle? I have used it in the past and acne always gets worse as your body is adjusting its hormone levels, so I assume when someone comes off they get worse acne for like a couple of months - is it safe if yo uare not running orals (liver) to continue the accutane all the way through? how many past accutane users have had to be repeat users because of their cycling?
hey Man...i reccomend anybody get on retin-a micro. Although it is a prescription, it really does the trick. I have been on dynacin, tetrocyclin, accutane and retin-a micro. Retin a seemed to be the best. I hate accutane more than any of the others. You can not keep enough chap stick, it makes you very sore in your lower back(does something with ur kidneys i think), you usually have to get blood tests done every time you have an appointment. Accutane is all around bad. I reccomend Retin-a Micro.
Plus retin a is a creme, which will not affect your cycles. It is also improved from older versions of itself, because it no longer makes your skin peel like accutane does.
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5% benzo cream made my arms and back pretty close to perfect as I could get. I would definately recommend
Ive been on Tetralysal for about 3 months to clear up acne on my face, its not that bad really but i keep picking some spots so it doesnt clear up completely.
I see someone said it can make your teth go yellow with prolonged use, anyone know how long before this happens??
Also will the Tetralysal mess my current cycle up? Im 2 weeks in to a Test/Trenbolone/Winny course.
i have been on tetracycline for a while on and off and if hasn't/hadn't done anything for my acne.. anything stronger but not as strong as accutane?
I was on tetracycline for almost a year and I noticed it when I stopped, so my guess would be about a year. I was on 250mg a day and went up to 500 mg when they started to come back. I stopped using it because the acne went away on it's own when I forgot to pick up some and didn't have a chance to go.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 03733+$
I would have to disagree with this and say tanning does help out dramatically. The sun drys out the extra oil your body produces when taking a/s and has a lasting effect for several days after you tan. You will notice dramatically less oil on the skin. With a combination of retin-a or a cream with benzoyl peroxide 10% and some sun every few days you can expect much more clear skin. You could also try minocycline or a tetracycline which is not as drasctic as the accutane, but im not sure whether or not you could take that while on a/s.
Tanning also helps hides the blemishes and redness. It makes them harder to see.
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