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Thread: Clenbuterol handbook

  1. #1
    Anabolism's Avatar
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    Clenbuterol handbook

    Clenbuterol handbook
    by BigAndy69

    What is Clenbuterol?

    Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator
    for the treatment of asthma. Because of it's long half life, clenbuterol is not
    FDA approved for medical use. It is a central nervous system stimulant and acts
    like adrenaline. It shares many of the same side effects as other CNS stimulants
    like ephedrine. Contrary to popular belief, Clenbuterol has a half life of 35
    hours and not 48 hours.

    Dosing and Cycling

    Clenbuterol comes in 20mcg tablets, although it is also available in syrup, pump
    and injectable form. It's also available as a powder in some areas. Doses are
    very dependent on how well the user responds to the side effects, but somewhere
    in the range of 4-8 tablets per day for men and 2-4 tablets a day for women is
    most common. Clenbuterol loses its thermogenic effects after around 8 weeks when
    body temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic /anti-catabolic properties
    fade away at around the 18 day mark. Taking the long half life into
    consideration, the most effective way of cycling clen is 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
    for no more than 12 weeks. Ephedrine or Yohimbine can be used in the off weeks.

    Clenbuterol vs Ephedrine vs DNP

    Ephedrine will raise metabolic levels by about 2-3 percent and 200mg of DNP
    raises metabolic levels by about 30 percent. Clenbuterol raises metabolic levels
    about 10 percent and it can raise body temperature several degrees.

    DNP is by far the most effective fat burner but many people will never use it
    because of the risks associated with it. It also offers no anti-catabolic
    benefit. Although it does have anti-catabolic effect, ephedrine's short
    half-life prevents it from being all that effective.

    As far as side effects, Clenbuterol's are certainly milder than DNP's, and some
    would even say milder than an ECA stack. There is no ECA-style crash on
    Clenbuterol and many users find it easier on the prostate and sex drive. This
    may in part be due to the fact that Clen is generally used for only 2 weeks at a

    Side effects


    The most significant side effects are muscle cramps, nervousness, headaches, and
    increased blood pressure.

    Muscle cramps can be avoided by drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water and consuming
    bananas and oranges or supplementing with potassium tablets at 200-400mg a
    day taken before bed on an empty stomach. Taurine at 3-5grams is a necessity in
    minimizing cramps.

    Headaches can easily be avoided with Tylenol Extra Strength taking at the first
    signs of a headache.

    Common Uses

    Post-Cycle Therapy: Clen is used post cycle to aid in recovery. It allows the
    user to continue eating large amounts of food, without worrying about adding
    body fat. It also helps the user maintain more of his strength as well as his
    intensity in the gym. Diet: Roughly the same as on cycle.

    Fat loss: The most popular use for Clen, it also increases muscle hardness,
    vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant
    fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of
    bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g
    per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen.

    Alternative to Steroids : Clenbuterol has mild steroid -like properties and can be
    used by non-AS using bodybuilder to increase LBM as well as strength and muscle
    hardness. Diet: A moderate carb, high protein, moderate fat diet work well.

    Stimulant/Performance Enhancement: It can be used as a stimulant, but an ECA
    stack may be a better choice because of it's much shorter half-life. Diet: To
    take full advantage of the stimulatory effects of Clen, carbohydrates must be
    included in the diet. Ketogenic diets do not work well in this case.

    Precautions: Is Clen for you?

    The same precautions that apply to Ephedrine must be applied to Clen, although
    some people find ECA stacks are harsher than Clen. It should not be stacked
    with other CNS stimulants such as Ephedrine and Yohimbine. These combinations
    are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Caffeine can be used in moderation
    before a workout for an extra quick. burst of energy.

    A word on Ketotifen

    Ketotifen is safe antihistamine used extensively some European countries to
    treat asthma and allergies. It can up regulate beta-2-receptors that Clen down
    regulates. Basically, it allows users to extend their use of Clen for 6-8 weeks
    at a time. 2-3mg a day is ideal, 10mg as found in "superclen" can make users
    extremely drowsy. It also increases the effectiveness of Clen so doses must be
    adjusted accordingly. The downfall of this drug is its ability to induce
    extreme hunger is some people, which is not a desirable state to be in when

    Cycling Clenbuterol

    Most users that report bad side effects and discontinue use are those who use
    high doses right at the start of the cycle. The worst side effects occur within
    the first 3-4 days of use.

    A first time user should not exceed 40mcg the first day. Increase by one tab
    until the side effects are not tolerable

    Example of a first cycle:

    Day1: 20mcg
    Day2: 40mcg
    Day3: 60mcg
    Day4: 80mcg
    Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
    Day6-Day12: 100mcg
    Day13: 80 mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to
    normal gradually)
    Day14: 60 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    Example of a second cycle:

    Day1: 60mcg
    Day2: 80mcg
    Day3: 80mcg
    Day4: 100mcg
    Day5: 100mcg
    Day6-Day12: 120mcg
    Day13: 100 mcg
    Day14: 80 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    What else do I need to know?

    Taurine MUST be used with Clen at 3-5g daily. Clenbuterol depletes taurine
    levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver.
    Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle
    cramps. It's a must with Clen.

    Clenbuterol should not be taken too close to a workout. It can interfere with
    your breathing and complete ruin your workout. When doing cardio, it's
    advisable to stay at a consistent pace and avoid HIIT style routines.

    Do not take Clen Past 4pm and drink plenty of water; 1.5-2 gallons a day

  2. #2
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    great info, lets keep it going

    thanks bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    bump again,that was good thread,i didn't know that about taurine.

  4. #4
    Football_Bill's Avatar
    Football_Bill is offline Associate Member
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    Bump for new members, instead of all the questions.

  5. #5
    JasonNew-b's Avatar
    JasonNew-b is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up

    Very good post! Taurine....never knew that

  6. #6
    br808 is offline New Member
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    49 helped me out

  7. #7
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    good post...Madmax..

  8. #8
    SwedePumper is offline New Member
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    Exactly what i was looking for. Thank's a bunch!

  9. #9
    br808 is offline New Member
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    Do you take it all at once or spread it out over the day before 4 pm?

  10. #10
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    good read for clen users!


  11. #11
    FmRommel's Avatar
    FmRommel is offline Member
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    BUMP - Great Read....

    Can anyone verify that clen doesnt work on the keto diet?!?!?!!?!

    Should it be used with low fat/high carb/high protein? Better results?

    PeanutbutterDC likes this.

  12. #12
    FmRommel's Avatar
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    Can Someone answer?

  13. #13
    The Natural's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    But I found some rather negative info on Clen ...

    Taken from Steroids .com:

    Description: Is available in 10 - 20 mcg tablets or in the .016 mg/gram Ventapulmin Vet variety. Clenbuterol is known as a sympathomimetic. These hormones are taken to mimic adrenaline and noradrenaline in the human body. Clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 agonist that is used to stimulate the beta-receptors in fat and muscle tissue in the body. Clenbuterol exhibits most of its effects on the stimulation of both type 2 and 3 beta-receptors. Clenbuterol is really one of bodybuilding's most misunderstood performance enhancement drugs. It is true that it is effective in helping to burn bodyfat but it is often been stated that clenbuterol is effective in causing anabolic gains and has in times even been compared to some of the weaker anabolic steroids . Books such as the World Anabolic Review, 1996, by P. Grunding and M. Bachmann state incorrectly that, "its effects, however, can by all means be compared to those of steroids. Similar to a combination of Winstrol Depot and Oxandrolone...." These statements are inaccurate and misleading to say the least. A lot of these claims as to the anabolic effects of clenbuterol are derived from studying the effects of clenbuterol on livestock. Clenbuterol is effective in increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat loss in animals. The problem with the variation in anabolic effects between humans and livestock is that livestock have an abundance of the type 3 beta receptors whereas humans have little if any of the type 3 beta receptors. These beta-3 receptors increases insulin secretion and sensitivity, causing more glucose and amino acids to be transported into skeletal muscle thus causing the anabolic effects that we, humans, just aren't seeing. As Dan Duchaine stated in his Muscle Media article on clenbuterol, "In those animal research studies showing an anabolic effect from clenbuterol, it's my guess the anabolism happens specifically when the beta2 receptor stops working. At that point, the beta3 increases and causes the anabolic effect through insulin mechanisms." Since humans, again, have either very little or no beta-3 receptors, there is no chance of this anabolic effect. Just another of the studies where everyone assumed that what works in animals must work in humans. This is just simply not the case with clenbuterol. Clenbuterol does work effectively as a fat burner though. It does this by slight increases in the body temperature. With each degree that the temperature in your body is raised from the use of clenbuterol, you will burn up approximately an extra 5% of maintenance calories. This makes it effective as a fat burner. Your body will fight this by cutting down on the amount of active thyroid in the body as well as through beta-receptor down regulation, which explains why you only have a limited effective period to take clenbuterol. While I am on the subject of beta-receptor down regulation, I would like to dispose of another myth. This involves the two on/two off cycling theory that I believe was originated by Bill Phillips in the Anabolic Reference Guide and has somehow made it's was into every other steroid book since then including the WAR and Physical Enhancement with an Edge. The two on-two off theory simply will not work because of one main reason: the half life of clenbuterol. This 2-on/2-off idea was a THEORY ONLY, not by a doctor or scientist, and not based on specific knowledge of clenbuterol, but derived by imitation from other drug's with shorter half lives.

    Clenbuterol has been reported as having a half life of about 2 days, but that is not actually correct, since it has biphasic elimination, with the half-life of the rapid phase being about 10 hours, and the slower phase being several days. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the FDA never approved clenbuterol as an anti-asthmatic drug...the FDA frowns on drugs with long half-lives if drugs with more normal half-lives are available. So with a 2-on/2-off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol out of your system for this theory to be reasonable. In actuality, it probably hasn't even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before you are taking the drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization. A more reasonable approach would be either one week on, one week off, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off. The two week cycle has the disadvantage of a "crash" period afterwards. This crash period can be helped with the use of ephedrine to lessen the lethargy that you will experience.

    If you are interested in taking clenbuterol for anything other than fat loss then you might as well stay away from this compound. There is a lot of talk as to how clenbuterol compares to ephedrine as well. Most "experts" feel that clen gives a better bang for the buck than the ECA stack. It should be noted that clenbuterol’s results and effects are much shorter lived. They work through very similar mechanisms. Both products stimulate the beta-receptors but clenbuterol seems to be a more refined version, called a second generation beta-agonist drug, than ephedrine. Clenbuterol targets the proper receptors, being the beta-2 and 3 receptors than ephedrine more specifically which should in theory make clenbuterol more effective of a fat burner. Again, most of the so called "experts" say that clenbuterol is more effective than ephedrine. I, personally, get worse results with clen vs. the good old ECA stack. Clenbuterol also didn't blunt my hunger either and I ate more while taking it as well. I also seem to get much better effects out of cytomel as a fat burner as well. Even better than the ECA stack or clenbuterol. But, again, that is my personal opinion. Effective Dose: 80-140 mcgs. / day in split doses throughout the day. Anything over 140 mcg a day is overkill since the beta receptors can only take so much of a product and then more is just wasteful.

    Street Price: $.50 - 1.00 / tab. Fairly inexpensive in Mexico though. Spiropent is currently going for about $7.50/box, Novegam for $5.25/box, and Oxyflux for about $3.30/box.

    Effective Dose: A few drops under the tongue and not used for but a few weeks at a time.

    Street Price: Not a clue. Too hard to find. Even if I could find it I would not buy it.
    werkinout likes this.

  14. #14
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Get Post.

    Anyone have a similar setup with all the subheadings for T3 - cytomel ? I would like to hear about that.

    Also, anyone that has used cytomel for 5-6 weeks, taken 6-8 weeks off and used again for 5-6 weeks, while cycling clen and eca, what kind of fat lose did you see. I am 6'2 about 217 with 13%,... would a cycle like that of T-3/clen with EQ/cyp along with it for 10 weeks with tren /winny/prop for the last 7 weeks turn me crazy lean and vascular for summer??? thanks alot bros, again, most excellent post!!!

  15. #15
    Shaun's Avatar
    Shaun is offline New Member
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    This is a great post!!!I am looking in to clen now and you have answered every question for me.....Thanks man!

  16. #16
    Jattpac is offline New Member
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    How would you space clen out during the day? For example, people take up to 120 mcg a day and it should be done before 4 pm. So would you take a pill every 2-3 hours? Could you take two pills at once?

  17. #17
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    ok, how would you cycle 40 mcg clen ?

  18. #18
    MAYHEM13 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the great information about clen it really cleared up alot of questions i had. I was just wondering if the clen i have is legit it is called Oxyflux by farmacueticos Rayere

  19. #19
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think OxyFlux is a real product. Search in the pic section for it.


  20. #20
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Originally posted by MAYHEM13
    Thanks for the great information about clen it really cleared up alot of questions i had. I was just wondering if the clen i have is legit it is called Oxyflux by farmacueticos Rayere
    oxyflux is indeed legit, but quite underdosed from what i hear

  21. #21
    Bigmac is offline Banned
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  22. #22
    The Natural's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Jattpac
    How would you space clen out during the day? For example, people take up to 120 mcg a day and it should be done before 4 pm. So would you take a pill every 2-3 hours? Could you take two pills at once?
    Nobody answered.... cmon... help us out!

  23. #23
    OVG's Avatar
    OVG is offline Associate Member
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    Great post...BUMP!

  24. #24
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by The Natural

    Nobody answered.... cmon... help us out!

    I took 2 pills at once - a pair when I got up, about 3 hours later and then again about 3-4 hours later. I was running T3 with clen and inject of tren /prop/eq. I slept just under 4 hours a night. I was vascular as hell - but that was because my blood pressure was up about 40 points the whole time. Clen and Tren - don't go together well for people with high blood pressure - my normal pressure is fine - 105-115 over 80 or something like that - normal. But it was close to 150 over 100 with the clen/tren combo.

    Be careful.

  25. #25
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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  26. #26
    Rastus is offline Associate Member
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    Bump. Great info!

  27. #27
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Can someone make this a sticky or put into the educational section?

  28. #28
    ceps is offline Junior Member
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    Excellent info. I was just composing a new thread in my head, wondering why I'm so lethargic: never knew ketotifen was an antihistamine. That explains it. 25mg of diphenhydramine puts me to sleep for 16 hours.

  29. #29
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Thanks mods.

  30. #30
    lap680 is offline New Member
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    Ok Im sorry, I am sure I seem uneducated about the clen but every one tells me something different. I am a 23 year old female.
    Do you have to taper off the clen? Will taking 60mcg be enough I was told 2 different ways one was to increase by 1 pill each day until i am taking 6 then go down by 1 each day and take 2 weeks off
    the other was 1 week on up til 6 and 1 week off and repeat for 8 weeks
    I am trying to read up, and figure it out but everyone keeps confusing me, I definitly dont want to start taking it until I am sure how. Please guys can you help me?

  31. #31
    custom fit is offline Member
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    not too far from you
    refer to the top post on how to take it, but do not take those dosages, women should not take the same dosage measures as men. Be safe and enjoy.

  32. #32
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    ok just so i can hear someone say it and i can ingest it. for a person like myself with high bp but is so damn eager to lose fat and cut up would do just about anything he could. My best bet would be to continue with my diet and do as much cardio as i can take till i cut down another 30 punds or so then start with the as get me self kinda ripped up then start a cycle to bulk up. hopefully with time left to do a cutting cycle before spring. or something like that?

  33. #33
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    This is a good help bro...

  34. #34
    trimunex's Avatar
    trimunex is offline Senior Member
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    Bump this back to the top .. some good info in this thread.


  35. #35
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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  36. #36
    bubbleboy is offline New Member
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    great post thanx man you are very helpful

  37. #37
    glowgrl is offline Female Member
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    Does anitbiotics interfere w/ clen ????

  38. #38
    Ambulance's Avatar
    Ambulance is offline Member
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    Under your bed.
    Clen completely wiped out my potasium levels and sent me to the emergency room where i was hospitalized for 3-4 days. Make sure to take potasium pills by the handfull (not literally) when your taking clen. Clen can and in my case completely knocked my potasium down from the 4.5 range (healthy) to a flat zero. be safe.

  39. #39
    TheChosen1's Avatar
    TheChosen1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance1984
    Clen completely wiped out my potasium levels and sent me to the emergency room where i was hospitalized for 3-4 days. Make sure to take potasium pills by the handfull (not literally) when your taking clen. Clen can and in my case completely knocked my potasium down from the 4.5 range (healthy) to a flat zero. be safe.
    You should drink more orange juice (or better yet, Pedialyte) or eat a banana with it.

  40. #40
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    to the top... for the newbies

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