For a little clarity...
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The Official AnabolicReview Guide to Being Banned.
The goal here is not to maintain some kind of secret fight club. The goal is to have as many constructive members as possible talking about fitness and ergogenics. We don't feel a suspension or banning as some kind of sadistic victory - usually it is quite the opposite of our intent. But you will be kicked out the back door if you prove to be a liability to contructive conversation or the board's success in general.
I. How do I know if I have been banned?
Posting privileges are revoked and a message is delivered when attempting to post threads and/or replies.
II. It's a set up!
You may contact the forum administration at [email protected] and request an appeal if you feel you have been incorrectly targeted for a banning. Your case will be reviewed - but don't expect a response.
III. Is it temporary?
Onced banned - always banned. Attempts to register a new username will eventually be met with another banning. Why be a part of a community that keeps kicking you off? There are plenty of other boards to go to... find them. Trying to upset the constructive online members on AR will only be met with other inside tactics and possible bannings from other communities... there are other forum administrators on AR - don't completely burn out your online presense by being a pest here.
IV. WTF - I am too young?
If you are under 18, we can not be liable for you getting advice regarding steroid use. Is is morally wrong... and we don't want the attention from your mother when she finds out you got your drug info from AR. You may be suspended until you are at least 18 - or banned completely. We welcome you back after you are of 18 years old... as long as you haven't lost your welcome in other ways.
V. Why is it necessary to ban anyway?
To protect the members from destructive contributers. Members can be banned for continously violating the no-flaming policy by routinely escalating conversation into arguements and insults. Contacting members via PM and/or e-mail in an attempt to sollicit an illicit drug source. AR is for information - not illicit sources for performance enhanceing drugs.
VI. How do you get banned?
Read the Rules, Guidelines, Policies, and WARNINGS!!! thread.
VII. I'll just register another unsername and be really, really annoying!
See III. Is it temporary? For some reason it is hard for some people to understand when they are no longer welcome. They feel it necessary to have the last laugh or otherwise continue to try and regain posting ability. It's actually pretty retarded to think that someone can take the time to try this after repeat bannings, "get a life" comes to mind. You leave traces of your online network with us and we can ban your terminal IP address and revoke simply being able to see the board or other undisclosed tactics for handling such issues. Don't be annoying... you won't win. Just go away.
VIII. Will I know if I may be a target for a ban?
Under many circumstances you may be suspended prior to a permanent ban. The length of suspension or a permanent ban is at the discretion of the moderator reviewing the issue. If you find your account suspended, any attempt to reregister and/or cause further disruption on the board will be rolled right over into a banning.
IX. Respect is earned.
Some may confuse this one a bit. Respect is earned by registering here and joinging in on constructive threads in a positive and helpful manner. Not by joining and then being an Internet bad-ass. By joining and being argumentive or threatening to senior members, vets or mods - your stay will deffinitly be a short one. You are joining a FREE forum that reserve's it's rights to cancel any membership if the user proves to be a liability to the board's productivity.
X. Good advice and member heatlh.
Suspensions or bannings may be a result of harmful or dangerous advice - due to the health risks involved in a physical fitness program and/or the use of performance enahancing drugs. If a pattern is reported and observed - we reserve the right to ban/suspend an account for the general safety of our members. Revolutionary ideas are welcome, but please be prepared to back them up with studies or place a disclaimer in your posts.
XI. Don't send PM SPAM!
Private messages are for sending questions or comments that are not meant for public consumption, thus kept "private". If you have a question and want a specific member's response - PM them the link to your thread and they will respond if they have anything further to add. This will also let others benefit from your question. Be sure to use the SEARCH function first - the subject may have been discussed several times recently. Remember, you can only benefit from giving the thousands of members on this site a chance to help you - so think before PMing.
In addition, any PMing used to solicit an underground lab or an otherwise illicit source, lure member's to Web sites for your financial gain without prior moderator approval or causing any other chaos via PM can lead to an instant ban.
To our respected members:
DO report any bad posts by clicking the [IMG]images/buttons/report.gif[/IMG]icon. When you report a post the issue is dispatched to all of the respective moderators and administrators.
DO NOT think prompt attendance doesn't mean the issue is not being investigated.
DO NOT bait a new member into arguments. Try to keep tact and not escalate a situation into an arguement or make an existing one worse. Bannings or suspensions from a misunderstanding or personal attacks can simply lead to problem children returning for that last word and/or the loss of a potentialy beneficial member.
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Comments can go here... (thread subject to being locked)