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Thread: PGCL protocol

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    so you are

    injecting im
    empty stomach
    2 hrs post injection to eat

    are the sides getting any less severe as you go along??
    well they were easily tolerable till last night. i ate and then was going to wait 3hrs and inject but i was so tired i like **** IT i'll just inject and goto bed anyways (w/ full stomach)
    for 2hrs i was getting up every 20-30min w/ the runs.. controllable.. but still runs none the less.

    So far what i have concluded is:

    There is NO difference in the sides between IM and SubQ,
    both hit ya w/in 10-20min

    The shits are determined by the contents of what i have ate, how much and when.

    The dose doesn't make the sides WORSE, it just prolongs them.
    i.e. i have done 60mcg and the cramps and shits were same intensity just didnt last as long when compared to a 120mcg administration.

    Drinking diet soda at anytime the pgcl is active or causing smooth muscle tissue contractions is just asking for some krazy gut pain!

    I had to stop drinking ice water and drink room temp water after injections for about an hour otherwise the cramping is intensified greatly.

    It doesnt just seem to be localized, for even though my bi's feel much fuller from the pgcl, it seems to be systemic since all my muscles feel a lil more fuller than usual which is nice since im not able to eat NEAR as much as i would like to while dieting.

    since the kramps and shits are so vicious w/ food in my stomache i basically have to skip a meal to make sure i am able to administer the pgcl 2-3 times a day.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    great log Tai!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    great log Tai!!
    thnx lol though im not trying to make it a log.

    i just got done throwing up bout 3liters of fluid... OUTRAGOUS to say the least shit came outta every opening in my head.

    heres wat happend.

    i been feeling run down and lil dehydrated combo of PGCL + TREN
    so i decided to chug some seroius water, a protein shake in milk and before all this i was drinking diet dr.pepper during my exam... had a pretty loaded stomache w/ fluids
    after i finished shake i waited ~40min so that the whey would hoepfully be absorbed before giving my guts a good wrenching.

    welp 40min after the shot (whole time i felt queezy) i upchuckd and BOY DID IT COME OUT tasted so nasty (diet soda + choclate protein = OMFG)
    if taste wouldnt of been so god awful prolly wouldnt of kept throwing up but BWAH! horrid

    so now its obvious LOTS of fluids in stomache is WORSE than lots of food during the administration of PGCL.

    more screw ups sure to come.

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    It would concern me if the administration of a compound caused me to 1. skip meals 2. shit out or puke the food i did get to eat. I have to wonder if the (if any) anabolic effects of the compound would be outweighed by the catabolic state you surely are in from not getting enough nutrients ect. No wonder people lose fat on it, they can't eat anything!!!
    Great log BTW, what are your thoughts on sides versus positive effects Tai?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hey... sounds good Tai ... scientifically speaking ... it just needs some tweaking before we can put it on the shelves for OTC sales.


  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Two4the$$
    Hey... sounds good Tai ... scientifically speaking ... it just needs some tweaking before we can put it on the shelves for OTC sales.

    lol true
    the puking/missing meals is very detrimental to ones bulking protocol but for cutting missing a meal and respacing everything out is ok w/ me. im still learning and for the most part FLUIDS are the devil! they make me so nausiated if i drink TOO much or TOO fast while the pgcl is going to town on my guts. food is ok.. just cramps and small lil shits so that is feasible.

    i mean come on im seeing GAINS on my arms and eating about 800-1200 cals which is 1/3rd what i shud be consuming to cut (not going htat low intentionally- i just dont count calories that COME BACK UP!)
    so if i can figure out how to maintain a higher caloric intake while utilizng high amounts of PGCL omg..the gains and fatloss would be even more amazing.

    so far i love this stuff.. but the uncomfortable cramps and shit are so long lasting for me its really sad.
    i swear its making me libido SO ****ING high.. like maybe the smooth muscle tissue contractsions are nailing my balls and turning me on.. iono but boners are commin outta no where and i need something to hump soon >< (gf is in cali till this thursday booooo)

    also my right tit w/ the big gyno is SWOLLLLLEN from all the shots and i think there is still like a 100 or so mcg's of pgcl stored in there being slowly released LOL

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Not saying your lieing but how do you gain on 800-1200 calories is beyond me unless your a 100ilb girl is beyond me lol
    this is why i picked dnp to incinerate (sp) myself
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    lol true
    the puking/missing meals is very detrimental to ones bulking protocol but for cutting missing a meal and respacing everything out is ok w/ me. im still learning and for the most part FLUIDS are the devil! they make me so nausiated if i drink TOO much or TOO fast while the pgcl is going to town on my guts. food is ok.. just cramps and small lil shits so that is feasible.

    i mean come on im seeing GAINS on my arms and eating about 800-1200 cals which is 1/3rd what i shud be consuming to cut (not going htat low intentionally- i just dont count calories that COME BACK UP!)
    so if i can figure out how to maintain a higher caloric intake while utilizng high amounts of PGCL omg..the gains and fatloss would be even more amazing.

    so far i love this stuff.. but the uncomfortable cramps and shit are so long lasting for me its really sad.
    i swear its making me libido SO ****ING high.. like maybe the smooth muscle tissue contractsions are nailing my balls and turning me on.. iono but boners are commin outta no where and i need something to hump soon >< (gf is in cali till this thursday booooo)

    also my right tit w/ the big gyno is SWOLLLLLEN from all the shots and i think there is still like a 100 or so mcg's of pgcl stored in there being slowly released LOL

  9. #49
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    In the Gym, if i could
    did you take measurements of your bi/thigh/calf that sort of thing??

    some have reported 1" growth in the bi over 1 month of use..

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  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Tai, thanks for keeping such a good account of your experience with this. It'll be extremely useful for anyone thinking of taking it.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i mean come on im seeing GAINS on my arms and eating about 800-1200 cals which is 1/3rd what i shud be consuming to cut (not going htat low intentionally- i just dont count calories that COME BACK UP!)

    On that kind of diet, supposedly something like DBol for the alleged anticatabolic effects... or tren, for it's binding affinity to the glucocortico steroids... no?

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Two4the$$
    i mean come on im seeing GAINS on my arms and eating about 800-1200 cals which is 1/3rd what i shud be consuming to cut (not going htat low intentionally- i just dont count calories that COME BACK UP!)

    On that kind of diet, supposedly something like DBol for the alleged anticatabolic effects... or tren, for it's binding affinity to the glucocortico steroids... no?
    im also on tren at a moderatly high dose (for me) as well

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    well im injecting more frequently w/ a much lower dose.. bout 60mcg or less per go
    i do it before bed, i do it 2hrs before i wake up
    then 2 more times during hte day and then again in the evening and its working great for LBM growth and HARDNESS
    the hardness im getting is greater than tren+halo ever did for me.
    the problem is staying hydrated its so hard to drink water as its the fluids that cause me to become extremely NAUSIATED after injections and its VERY easy for me to hurl just by moving wrong and its ALL FLUID that i spew.
    i feel i was better hydrated on DNP (at insane doses) than i am on this stuff but the results are amazing to say the least.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    this stuff sounds insane, are u still at a higher than normal dose?what would be considered normal?and this log really makes me laugh...alot!!! why is it so funny reading about someone else's pain?!!anyway u have humungus brass balls in my book, peace brotha.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks for the log mate...Your a diamond for sharing this!!! This gets me so hard it turns me on,10 times more anabolic to muscle than Long-R3 IGF-1 and totally resistant to liver destruction. Oh, and burns fat almost as well as DNP (remember the rash tai!!) few days on it is like being 6 months on hgh at high doses ! ( actual testimony from user ) 50x stronger then PGF2 ! Lose fat like DNP ! Build muscle like steroid ! Pumps muscles like IGF ! Shed bloat like Lasix ! site growth like Synthol ! get shreded like you are on Halo , all in one shot and in RECORD TIME ! transform body before your eyes , shoot it into GYNO and it will melt it away , no need to cycle it and its not controled drug either,tai will get his dream of 300 at 4%.Not fair....
    Last edited by goose; 05-05-2007 at 05:42 PM.

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Thanks for the log mate...Your a diamond for sharing this!!! This gets me so hard it turns me on,10 times more anabolic to muscle than Long-R3 IGF-1 and totally resistant to liver destruction. Oh, and burns fat almost as well as DNP (remember the rash tai!!) few days on it is like being 6 months on hgh at high doses ! ( actual testimony from user ) 50x stronger then PGF2 ! Lose fat like DNP ! Build muscle like steroid ! Pumps muscles like IGF ! Shed bloat like Lasix ! site growth like Synthol ! get shreded like you are on Halo , all in one shot and in RECORD TIME ! transform body before your eyes , shoot it into GYNO and it will melt it away , no need to cycle it and its not controled drug either,tai will get his dream of 300 at 4%.Not fair....
    Well that does it. I'm ordering 10 vials tomorrow. LOL

  17. #57
    fvck that...that shit is uber expensive lol

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    fvck that...that shit is uber expensive lol
    actually no its not LOL

  19. #59
    meh I guess each amp lasts a good while now that you bumped the dose down..

  20. #60
    You have any number as far as weight loss so far?

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyEight
    You have any number as far as weight loss so far?
    dont watch the scale

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New Jersey
    Tai, why dont you try some loperamide 2mg (Immodium) tablets to see if slowing down your bowel movement will help with the shits in any way. i think its worth the try! take 2 tablets about 15 minutes before the injection.

  23. #63
    can you notice a fatloss at all?

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Hey Tai are you using a slin pin and injecting around your nipple or actually into the nips? Are you storing all 500mcg in a syringe or in a sterilized vial? I am planning on doing the same thing but only in the pec area for the slight gyno I have but not exactly sure where I inject. Im assuming just around the pec area.

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    actually no its not LOL
    That's what I told him. If you actually follow the recommended dosing protocal, it lasts for a long ass time. Tai's not a "great" example of using any compound in moderation.

    Any updates brother?

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Tai's not a "great" example of using any compound in moderation.

    Any updates brother?
    He must be on the toilet.. he'll be back..
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  27. #67
    I start my run at it tomorrow. I diluted the amp with 2ml bs water, then had another 1ml in the syringe withdrew all. Put into shot glass, then filled each slinpin with 1/2cc. So roughly 80mcg each pin. Will be going through an amp probably every 2 days.

    I will be using this protocol:

    6AM 80mcg Biceps/Triceps
    1PM 80mcg Sub-Q (Obliques/Love Handles)
    8PM 80mcg Chest/Shoulders

    Going to be running 3-4 weeks. Going to be rotating sub-q shot locations week to week. Really want to see how this stuff works and what it does. Anything I should look for starting day 1?
    Last edited by CrazyEight; 05-06-2007 at 09:22 PM.

  28. #68
    Join Date
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    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    He must be on the toilet.. he'll be back..
    I knew it. He's dead. Crapped his liver right out. 7000mg of tren a week will do that for you. The PGCL just helped.

    Rest in peace Tai. I'm sure you died the way you would of wanted to.... sitting naked on the pot.

  29. #69
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    Are you noticing any kind of fat loss?

    If so, is it localized fat loss when shot sub q, and overall fat loss throughout when shot IM?


  30. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Man, I bet your butt hole is freaking raw!

  31. #71
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    well they were easily tolerable till last night. i ate and then was going to wait 3hrs and inject but i was so tired i like **** IT i'll just inject and goto bed anyways (w/ full stomach)
    for 2hrs i was getting up every 20-30min w/ the runs.. controllable.. but still runs none the less.

    So far what i have concluded is:

    There is NO difference in the sides between IM and SubQ,
    both hit ya w/in 10-20min

    The shits are determined by the contents of what i have ate, how much and when.

    The dose doesn't make the sides WORSE, it just prolongs them.
    i.e. i have done 60mcg and the cramps and shits were same intensity just didnt last as long when compared to a 120mcg administration.

    Drinking diet soda at anytime the pgcl is active or causing smooth muscle tissue contractions is just asking for some krazy gut pain!

    I had to stop drinking ice water and drink room temp water after injections for about an hour otherwise the cramping is intensified greatly.

    It doesnt just seem to be localized, for even though my bi's feel much fuller from the pgcl, it seems to be systemic since all my muscles feel a lil more fuller than usual which is nice since im not able to eat NEAR as much as i would like to while dieting.

    since the kramps and shits are so vicious w/ food in my stomache i basically have to skip a meal to make sure i am able to administer the pgcl 2-3 times a day.
    that is exactly what I was hoping to hear.. expectactions are almost set in stone, i will begin next week with im all in the bi.. i added 3/4" in each bi since christmas, the goal will be to add 3/4" to each by by July 1..

    we'll see..

    so it comes down to, when you do eat, it had better be a very good meal, one where you are getting all of your nutrients, as you said, skipping a meal is what makes the dosing toerable..
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  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I knew it. He's dead. Crapped his liver right out. 7000mg of tren a week will do that for you. The PGCL just helped.

    Rest in peace Tai. I'm sure you died the way you would of wanted to.... sitting naked on the pot.

    dang, i'm thinking you might be right..

    where are you at you bathroom duster..??
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  33. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    tai! how are you able to do these shots during the day? Do you work? Go to school? how are you able to pull this off? seems like the average joe who works all day and lifts after work couldnt pull this off.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    also it sounds lke if you have an intestinal problems at all, DO NOT TAKE THIS STUFF.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Completly usless, yes.

    But I didn't know if I would ever get the oppurtunity to use that emoticon again.

  36. #76
    ive heard good things about this and bad not being worth it. how many days have you been on for 7?

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You still alive tai?

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    6'4" 240 and bulking
    so anyone shot this in the pec area seems like that is one of the last places i hold water

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    That's one of the main areas that he has been shooting it if you read the thread

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    6'4" 240 and bulking
    ya i saw that but he never really said if it was working

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